Teaching Science using the TOC thinking tools 과학수업 적용 Maya Kallir-Meyrav Dr. Rami Kallir Active Science ISRAEL © All rights reserved to Dr. Rami Kallir Ltd
Remarks on the previous slide One of the TOC axiom is that people are basically good. One of our axiom is that kids love and want to study. I will quote Sir Winston Churchill who said: I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught. This is why we look for the ways that kids like to study. 근본적으로 아동은 공부를 좋아함 When we started to develop our programs we understood that behind the scientific experiments must be “reasons”. The scientific phenomenon should be kind of solution for a problem. 과학의 인과율과 과학현상의 문제 해결 We believed that this way is more challenging encourage creative thinking. 창조적 사고를 고무함 We checked few thinking methods like the Six Thinking Hats of EDWARD DE BONO and Mind Mapping of Buzan. At the end we decided that the TOC thinking tools match our programs in the best way.
If one picture equals a thousand words 만일 한 그림이 천 마디 말과 같다면 Then one experience is worth a thousand pictures. 그러면 한 실험은 천 개의 그림의 가치가 있게 된다 Because experience is engrave in memory more then words 왜냐하면 실험은 말 보다 기억을 각인하기 때문이다 Remarks on the previous slide
A little bit about my self … PhD in organic chemistry from Weitzman Institute of Science A Jonah. Developed science programs during my studies. Many years experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Established “ Active Science ”. Teach in programs for gifted kids. My partner is my daughter, Maya who has a degree in nutrition and in business administration
About Active Science “Active Science” develops and operates unique enrichment programs in science. “ 능동적 과학 ” 은 과학 프로그램의 독창적 발전과 활동을 목표로 한다. We develop, build and field-test each and every kit, lesson or idea. 우리는 현장에서 아동 개개인과 단원 혹은 아이디어를 발전시킨다. Our Goal: To bring Science into everyday life and to bring life into Science! 우리의 목표 : 과학을 생활화하고 생활을 과학화한다.
Obstacles in science teaching Many times, pupils find science lessons as boring. 많은 경우 학생들은 과학을 지루하다고 본다. Many times, pupils recoil from study science because it seems difficult. 많은 경우 학생들은 과학공부에 움추린다. 어려워 보이기 때문이다 Many times, the teacher do not have the means or method to make the lesson more interesting. 많은 경우 교사는 과학을 좀더 재밌있게 하는 방법이나 수단을 갖고 있지 못하다 Sometimes, there is a gap…
The gap between, The way kids imagine studying science. 과학공부의 상상 The way kids actually. study science. 실제적인 과학공부 What can we do to overcome this gap? 이 차이를 어떻게 극복하나 ?
Simplicity! Making simple experiments: 단순한 실험 Do not require complicated equipment 복잡한 도구를 요청하지 마라 Give every kid something to do 모든 아이에게 할 것을 줘라 Make sure it can be replicated at home 집에서도 반복된다고 확신시켜라 Explaining in simple language: 단순한 설명 Do not use formulas & equations 공식과 방정식을 사용하지 말라 Use terms that are relevant to their lives 생활과 밀착된 말을 써라 Use IF-THEN logic 만약 - 그렇다면 논리를 사용하라 Give structure but keep an open-mind 열린 마음으로 대하라
Remarks on the previous slide Do not require complicated equipment: the most known example for this is Newton who saw the falling apple and phrase the classic physics. 뉴우톤의 사과 Give every kid something to do: it is impossible to learn how to swim or ride a bicycle without experiencing. Respectively it is impossible to learn science just from reading or watching the teacher. 수영이나 자전거 타기 Make sure it can be replicated at home: sharing the experience with others, and the need to describe and explain clarify and reinforce the martial. Do not use formulas & equations: the formulas are not always clear for the teachers, and they are frighten for the students.
In order to teach science we use: a story The story can be historical, biblical, mythological, a mystery, or anything. 역사 성경, 신화, 미스터리 같은 것 The story contains a conflict or continuous events and requires inventive thinking. 창의적 사고에 요구되는 충돌, 지속적 사건 The story can be presented using a cloud or a branch. 구름이나 가지로 나타냄
In order to teach science we use: Practical experiments The experiments allow kids to Think 생각 Hypothesize 가설 Test 시험 Convince themselves 확신
Remarks on the previous slide The meaning of Practical experiments is that the lessons are taking place in a regular class or even outside. Not in a accessorized laboratory. 일반교실 The tools are many times disposable tool. 도구는 여러 차례 사용된 것 The materials are easy to find for the kids. 재료는 쉽게 찾을 수 있는 것
Huge soap bubbles 큰 비누방울
Transferring water with siphon
Wave Machine
How do we use scientific thinking? Step 1: Present a phenomenon. 현상제시 Step 2: Explain the phenomenon. 현상설명 Step 3: raising assumption about consequences if we change a parameter in the experiment. 매개 바꾸면 나오는 결과 상상 Our assumption is based on what we have seen before 과거 본것 our individual knowledge & experience 개인적 on our own intuition. 우리의 직관
Step 1: Present a phenomenon We put in a cup together: baking soda, citric acid & water We get a lot of bubbles in the cup 컵에 많은 방울을 모은다 The bubbles are coming up 방울이 올라온다 The bubbles are coming out of the cup 비누방울이 나온다 We do: 한다 We see: 본다
Step 2: explain the phenomenon We ask: What are these bubbles? Why do they come out of the cup? We answer: The bubbles are gas - CO 2 Gas has the tendency to expand in a given volume We put in a cup together: baking soda, citric acid & water We get a lot of bubbles in the cup The bubbles are coming up The bubbles are coming out of the cup
Step 3: changing a parameter We put in a cup together: baking soda, citric acid & water We get a lot of foam liquid soap Why? The soap is capturing the gas Gas has the tendency to expand in a given volume
Step 3: changing a parameter balloon We put in a balloon The balloon will swell The balloon has elastic structure What will happen? Why? Gas has the tendency to expand in a given volume
Step 3: changing a parameter tube plug We put it in a tube and close it with a plug The gas creates pressure inside the tube The tube has a stiff structure What will happen? Why? Gas has the tendency to expand in a given volume The plug will jump out
The story Pharaoh gave the command to kill all male babies born to the Israelites by throwing them into the Nile river. Yoheved could not bear to obey the command. She chose to hide her baby at home. After 3 months, he became too hard to hide. The family was in danger!
Yoheved ’ s conflict: Throw the baby to the Nile Hide the baby at home Protect the baby Protect the family members Protect the whole family Assumptions: the baby cannot swim the baby cannot float on the water the baby cannot float on the water
The Injection: Put the baby in a box that can float on the water How to build the box? What materials can float on water? We ask:
Step 1: Present a phenomenon Float or sink: Float or sink: 뜨거나 가라앉음 Take different objects and assume which will float and which will sink. as example, we have here: candle, oil, paper, skewer, Styrofoam ball, Plasticine, plastic pipe.
Step 1: Present a phenomenon Check the assumptions by experiment. The candle, skewer & Styrofoam ball are floating. The plasticine & plastic pipe are sinking. The paper floats, and then sink.
Step 2: explain the phenomenon The object is full with air The object is floating on the water The concept: Density The ratio between weight and volume The density of water is 1 g/ml Why? The object’s density is less then 1
Step 3: changing a parameter How can we make a sinking object float? 어떻게 가라앉는 것을 뜨게하는가 ? How can we make a floating object sink? 어떻게 뜨는 것을 가라앉게 하는가 ?
Step 3: changing a parameter We add weight to the Styrofoam ball The ball will sink The object’s density is more then 1
Step 3: changing a parameter We block the pipe with plasticine The pipe will float The object’s density is less then 1
Step 3: changing a parameter We put oil on the paper The object’s density is less then 1 The paper will float The oil is blocking the strings and prevents the exit of the air.
Back to the Injection: Take the baby and put it in a box made of papyrus The baby will float on the water Coat the box with tar The baby will safely float for long time The object’s density is less then 1 The tar prevents absorption of water
The story Till Eulenspiegel is a folk tale character. In this story he walks on a tightrope over the lake and amuses the audience. The local kids shake the rope and he falls into the lake. What can he do?
The story as a branch: Till Eulenspiegel walks on the tightrope in balance The kids shake the rope Till Eulenspiegel falls into the lake
The story as a branch: Till Eulenspiegel walks on the tightrope in balance The kids shake the rope Till Eulenspiegel falls into the lake ? WHY? Because his center of gravity was above the rope Because he lost his balance ? WHY?
What is this “ center of gravity ” ? Let us make an experiment to demonstrate: Materials: 1 Styrofoam egg 3 wood skewer 2 beads Insulating tape Decoration objects
Follow the instructions: Insert one wood skewer through the Styrofoam egg from up to down, as shown in the picture. Insert two wood skewers into the sides of the Styrofoam egg, as shown in the picture.
Put the beads on the side skewer. Use the Insulating tape to set the beads on the end of the skewer.
Change the position of the central skewer to change the balance of the “ acrobat ”. Find the best balanced point and let it stand.
Back to the Injection: He takes shoes from the kids and hold them below the rope He walks on the rope without falling down The center of gravity is below the rope
How do we operate Self-operate Science kits: We develop kits that are “Ready-Made-Meals” for teachers to use, with little or no preparation. Each kit contains all the required background notes and materials to perform the experiments. Each lesson plan is using the TOC thinking tools.
Our future … Recently we joined to Orda (Creative group), a well known and highly reputable name in the educational games field in Israel and worldwide Orda will produce and market the Active Science kits all over the world, starting this year in Korea.
Thank You!