Carl Wieman Assoc. Director for Science White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Measuring Impact in STEM Ed; Are they thinking like experts?
The White House perspective “Maintaining our leadership in research and technology is crucial to America’s success. But if we want to win the future – if we want innovation to produce jobs in America and not overseas – then we also have to win the race to educate our kids.” B. Obama Major Policy questions What is effective teaching, particularly in STEM? Can it be developed? How? How can we achieve better learning? (evidence!)
switching hats to science education researcher What is the broad goal of your project? → how to measure What is the learning that matters to you? (30 s) Bunch of facts & solution techniques? May be useful, but use tiny fraction of what learn in school, and in career need vastly more than learn in school. Want them to understand _____! [DNA, relativity, PH…] What does “understand” mean? How measure if achieved? Think about and use ____ like a scientist/engineer.
“Think like a scientist/engineer.” I. What does that mean? Expert thinking (cog. pysch.) II. Development of expert thinking III. More details on expert thinking IV. Measuring --developing tools
cognitive psychology brain research Science classroom studies Major advances past 1-2 decades Consistent picture Achieving learning → principles of learning help design experiments and make sense of results. Understand both what and why.
or ? Expert competence = factual knowledge Mental organizational framework retrieval and application Expert competence research* Ability to monitor own thinking and learning ("Do I understand this? How can I check?") New ways of thinking-- require MANY hours of intense practice to develop *Cambridge Handbook on Expertise and Expert Performance patterns, relationships, scientific concepts historians, scientists, chess players, doctors,...
Significantly changing the brain, not just adding bits of knowledge. Building proteins, growing neurons enhance neuron connections,... Brief digression on research on development of expertise.
Essential element of developing expertise* “Deliberate practice” (A. Ericcson) task of challenging but achievable level that requires explicit expert-like thinking. Intensely engaged reflection and guidance on result repeat & repeat & repeat,... 10,000 hours later-- very high level expertise Different brain, develops with “exercise.” * accurate, readable summary in “Talent is over-rated”, by Colvin cew interpretation--“formative assessment”, “constructivism”, “self-regulated learning” all contained in “deliberate practice” framework.
“Think like a scientist/engineer.” I. What does that mean? Expert thinking (cog. pysch.) II. Development of expert thinking III. More details on expert thinking IV. Measuring --developing tools
How experts solve a problem— ”Cognitive task analysis” (and how different from non-experts) “How Scientists Think in the Real World: Implications for Science Education”, K. Dunbar, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 21(1): 49– concepts and mental models (analogies) testing these and recognizing when apply or not distinguishing relevant & irrelevant information established criteria for checking suitability of solution method or final answer (“sense- making and self-checking”) features in your discipline? (1 min)
Lots of complex pattern recognition What features and relationships important? Which are not? (“surface features” vs. “underlying structure”) Often hear-- “Novice problem solvers just do pattern matching, experts use more sophisticated concept based strategies.” cew unproven claim (not official WH position)— It is all pattern matching– experts just look for and recognize different patterns.
Non-cognitive elements of thinking like a scientist. Perceptions/attitudes/beliefs (important, but changed more quickly, essential precursor to “deliberate practice”)
Novice Expert Content: isolated pieces of information to be memorized. Handed down by an authority. Unrelated to world. Problem solving: simple matching to memorized recipes. Perceptions about science (& how learned and used) Content: coherent structure of concepts. Describes nature, established by experiment. Prob. Solving: Systematic concept-based strategies. Widely applicable. *adapted from D. Hammer consistent views across scientists in a discipline (physics, chem, bio)
Student Perceptions/Beliefs 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Actual Majors who were originally intended phys majors Actual Majors who were NOT originally intended phys majors Percent of Students CLASS Overall Score (measured at start of 1 st term of college physics) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% All Students (N=2800) Intended Majors (N=180) Actual Majors (N=52) Percent of Students B CLASS Overall Score (measured at start of 1 st term of college physics) Expert Novice Kathy Perkins, M. Gratny
Student Beliefs 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Actual Majors who were originally intended phys majors Actual Majors who were NOT originally intended phys majors Percent of Students CLASS Overall Score (measured at start of 1 st term of college physics) Expert Novice
Course Grade in Phys I or Phys II (beliefs more important factor than grades) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% DFWCBA Grade in 1 st term of college physics Percent of Students All Students (2.7/4) Intended Majors (2.7/4) Actual Majors (3.0/4)
Creating tests to measure expert thinking as different from non-expert (technical details) A. Cognitive Things to look for What mental models? How make decisions? What resources called upon (or not)? Must understand student thinking! No substitute for interviews. Cognitive– think aloud solution to task. Look for consistent features that appear. Code interviews and have independent coding to make objective. (BEWARE CONFIRMATION BIAS!)
Creating tests to measure expert thinking as different from non-expert Example– testing use of expert mental model “troubleshooting” Your laser suddenly put out only half as much light as it had been before. What change may have produced this result? “redesign” What are all the ways you could double the power coming out of your laser? You would like to …(e.g. build a bridge across this river). What information do you need to solve this problem?
Steps in test development 1. Interview faculty-- 2. Interview students-- understand student thinking 3. Open-ended survey questions to probe. 4. Create multiple choice test-- answer choices reflect actual student thinking. 5. Validation interviews on test– experts and sample population 6. Administer to classes-- run statistical tests on results. Often iterate and/or skip steps, refine. “Reasonable” data much better than no data!
Measuring perceptions. Same basic approach. Interview students, capture perceptions in their own words. Survey as to level of agreement. ~40 statements, strongly agree to strongly disagree-- Understanding physics basically means being able to recall something you've read or been shown. I do not expect physics equations to help my understanding of the ideas; they are just for doing calculations.
Conclusion Important educational goal “Thinking like a scientist” Requires careful analysis to make explicit,and distinguish from thinking of nonexperts. Straightforward process to create tests that measure. More sensitive and meaningful than typical exams. Development and validation of instruments to measure learning of expert-like thinking, W. Adams and C. Wieman, Int. J. Sci Ed (in press). Covers last part of talk and technical details.
Tips for developing assessment tools. 1. Interview largest possible range of people. Patterns and expert-novice differences more obvious student classes in large university don’t vary year-to-year. Good way to get test-retest reliability, find out if can measure changes. 3. Best questions: a)measure important aspect of student thinking and learning. b) measure aspect that instructors care about & shocked at poor result. 4. Hard and not so useful to measure expert-like thinking on everything. Sample as proxy.
Key elements of Good Concept Inventory: created by physicists, key concepts where student failure is shocking. created by physicists, key concepts where student failure is shocking. (not probed by standard exams) (not probed by standard exams) easy to administer exam pre & post. Learning from this course easy to administer exam pre & post. Learning from this course set of hard-to-learn topics-- (not everything) set of hard-to-learn topics-- (not everything) proxy for broader learning (mastery & application of concepts) Suitable for use with wide range of institutions and students Suitable for use with wide range of institutions and students
How administer? Attitude surveys-- online, 1 st and last week of class small bonus mark for completion % Concept inventories-- Pre--in class, 1 st week. Paper, scantron. Students not keep test. Post-- In class last week (“guide to in-class review and study for final exam”). No affect on course mark. Occasional question on final. 90+ %
Summary: Data to drive educational improvement Requirements measure value added (pre -post) easy to use (more important than perfection) test “expert-thinking” of obvious value to instructor validated (measure what is claimed) need many such instruments to use across curriculum (collaborate) instruments & research papers
On average learn <30% of concepts did not already know. Lecturer quality, class size, institution,...doesn't matter! Similar data for conceptual learning in other courses. R. Hake, ”…A six-thousand-student survey…” AJP 66, (‘98). Force Concept Inventory- Force Concept Inventory- basic concepts of force and motion 1 st semester university physics. Simple real world applications. Fraction of unknown basic concepts learned Average learned/course 16 traditional Lecture courses Measuring conceptual mastery Ask at start and end of semester-- What % learned? (100’s of courses) improved methods
Nearly all intro classes average shifts to be 5-10% less like scientist. Explicit connection with real life → ~ 0% change +Emphasize process (modeling) → +10% !! new
What every teacher should know Components of effective teaching/learning apply to all levels, all settings 1. Motivation (lots of research) 2. Connect with prior thinking 3. Apply what is known about memory a. short term limitations (relevant to you) b. achieving long term retention retrieval and application-- repeated & spaced in time *4. Explicit authentic practice of expert thinking. Extended & strenuous basic cognitive & emotional psychology, diversity
Measuring student (dis)engagement. Erin Lane Watch random sample group (10-15 students). Check against list of disengagement behaviors each 2 min. time (minutes) example of data from earth science course
Design principles for classroom instruction 1. Move simple information transfer out of class. Save class time for active thinking and feedback. 2. “Cognitive task analysis”-- how does expert think about problems? 3. Class time filled with problems and questions that call for explicit expert thinking, address novice difficulties, challenging but doable, and are motivating. 4. Frequent specific feedback to guide thinking. DP