3 modules 1.5 kW each redundancy n+1 current sharing interleaved operations Switch In Line Converter - SILC phase shift operation ZVS transitions high efficiency reduced switch voltage stress high frequency capability Turn ratios 10:10:2: 4 units connected in parallel Transient response V out I load 4.71mm 22 layers 10 layers 2 concentric turns in each layer 4 layers Planar transformer Q1Q1 Q2Q2 Q3Q3 Q4Q4 T1T1 CoCo C4C4 L V in V out + - C3C3 C2C2 C1C1 T2T2 T3T3 i T2 iLiL T4T V out = 12V 13 cm 33 cm 7 cm S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 L1L1 CoCo R C1C1 L2L2 U in UoUo + - U C1 + - D<50% U o = U in D/2 Specifications: Input voltage: U g = 12 V Output voltage: U o = 2.5 V Output current: I o = 3A Operating frequency:f s = 1 MHz 350 nH air core inductors Dimensions: L = 6cm, W = 4.2cm Non-Isolated PoL Converter Interleaved Buck with Voltage Divider - IBVD Characteristics: Zero voltage switch turn on High step-down ratio Reduced switch voltage stress (U in /2) Interleaved operation with automatic current sharing and ripple cancellation IBVD Efficiency comparison (B ext = 0) Output current [A] IBVD Single Buck Power Converters for Future LHC Experiments Apollo collaboration, funded by I.N.F.N. Italy M. Alderighi (1,6), M. Citterio (1,*), S. Latorre (1), M. Riva (1,8), M. Bernardoni (3,10), P. Cova (3,10), N. Delmonte (3,10), A. Lanza (3), R. Menozzi (10), A. Costabeber (2,9), A. Paccagnella (2,9), P. Tenti (2,9), F. Sichirollo (2,9), G. Spiazzi (2,9), M. Stellini (2,9), S. Baccaro (4,5), F. Iannuzzo (4,7), A. Sanseverino (4,7), G. Busatto (7), V. De Luca (7) (1) INFN Milano, (2) INFN Padova, (3) INFN Pavia, (4) INFN Roma, (5) ENEA UTTMAT, (6) INAF, (7) University of Cassino, (8) Università degli Studi di Milano, (9) University of Padova, (10) University of Parma, Main converter Efficiency (B ext = 0) Output power [kW] Main converter module thermal design 3D Finite Element Model (FEM) FE modeling of the main heating components: Input power MOSFETs Output diodes Inductor Planar transformer Thermal measurements 1 Thermal characterization on single components, to validate models Thermal design Designed advanced solutions to improve heat exchange: Power MOSFETs mounted on IMS board ISOTOP diode isolated package directly mounted on baseplate Copper thermal layers for transformer core cooling Silicone gap filler for transformer windings cooling Thermal simulation and measurements 2 Preliminary thermal measurements on the air cooled whole converter Final requirements Main converter output power = 3x1 kW Case dimensions: 150 x 402 x 285 mm 3 Max case temperature = 18°C Water cooling system delivery = 1.9 l/min p = 350 mbar T inlet = 18°C T outlet ≤ 25°C Measurement point ΔT SIM [°C] ΔT MIS [°C] ε [%] Transformer core55518 Primariy windings67738 Secondary windings75707 ISOTOP diodes47494 Inductor23244 Proposed Power Supply Distribution System Characteristics: Main isolated converter with N+1 redundancy High DC bus voltage (12V or other) Distributed Non-Isolated Point of Load Converters (niPOL) with high step-down ratio CRATE 280 Vdc Main DC/DC Converter Card #3 POL LDO Converter POL LDO Converter POL LDO Converter IB Converter IB Converter Card #2 POL LDO Converter POL LDO Converter POL LDO Converter Card #1 POL niPOL Converter POL niPOL Converter POL niPOL Converter 48Vdc 10% Regulated DC bus ni Regulated Power Converters Intermediate DC bus 12V 10% 5V 10% CRATE 280 Vdc Main DC/DC Converter Card #3 POL LDO Converter POL LDO Converter POL LDO Converter Card #2 POL LDO Converter POL LDO Converter POL LDO Converter Card #1 POL niPOL Converter POL niPOL Converter POL niPOL Converter Regulated C bus POL Converter with high step-down ratio The increase of the radiation background and the requirements of new front-end electronics will characterize the future LHC luminosity upgrade and are incompatible with the current capability of the distribution systems in use. An isolated dc-dc resonant main converter (MC) and Point of Load (POL) converters deployed at the very heart of the experimental setup have been proposed to face these new requirements. The MC, with redundancy characteristic, supplies an intermediate “medium” voltage bus which distributes the voltage to the electronic front-end and read-out boards, where non-isolated Point of Load converters are implemented for precise voltage adaptation and regulation. In Large Hadrons Collider applications the design of these electronics equipments, which must cope with a highly hostile environment in terms of high radiation and a background magnetic field up to 2 Tesla, opens a severe tolerance issue for the integration technology. ATLAS Liquid Argon (LAr) Calorimeters Test case: ATLAS Liquid Argon (LAr) Calorimeters orange = primary winding voltage blue = secondary winding voltage magenta = primary winding current green = snubber current (proportional to the switching losses). B stat. 789 GaussB stat Gauss Specific activities are addressed to obtain a ferromagnetic nucleus able to produce high magnetic field with limited current stimulations. The base elements consist in a mixture of Fe and Si powders blended in precise ratio (percentage of organic additives, and blending methodology are key points) in order to make a ferromagnetic compound injection moulded in test sample. V DC vcvc DRIVER DUT L V CC + C1C1 i DUT R shunt + EPC GaN MOSFET X-rays for checking the solder quality Turn on V cc = 100V, I DS = 0A R shunt = 85 m U GS [1V/div] U DS [20V/div] -I DS [1A/div] Time [10ns/div] Turn off V cc = 100V, I DS = 5A U GS [1V/div] U DS [20V/div] -I DS [1A/div] -p off (t) Time [10ns/div] Measured DUT voltage and current during switching intervals Output voltage response to a load step change (25 A 37 A) Small signal dynamics Transformer behavior in stationary Magnetic Field 48V 5% 12V 5% Air bubbles (*) Presenter