Презентация к проекту «Великая Отечественная война» для учащихся 9-х классов Этап рефлексии Автор методической разработки: учитель английского языка МАОУ «Гимназия №1» г. Сосновоборск Малышева Ирина Викторовна
Sum up what you have learnt. Reflect on your work using six thinking hats
Discuss how you can use what you have learnt. Reflect on your work using six thinking hats
Talk about the good things that happened during the work on project. Why was the project worth doing? Reflect on your work using six thinking hats
Talk about the bad things that happened during your work on the project - this is the time to share any negative criticism. Reflect on your work
Generate more ideas how the project can be improved. Reflect on your work
Say what your feelings and emotions are. Reflect on your work
End-of-Project Self-Assessment 1. The theme of my presentation was… 2. During the work on the project I learned the following: 5-10 new words on the theme: 5-10 facts about the GPW: 3. Write 3-5 things that made the process of work on the project enjoyable. 4. Write 2-3 things that interfered with your work.