Zina Adil Chaqmaqchee New Headway 1
Past, present, future and Questions Topic 1: Students will become more familiar with grammar rules and they will be able to have knowledge about the tenses. Students will think about a statement from the real- life time. (Examples).Furthermore, students will ask each other question about their daily life problems. (Thinking critically about the time and how students exchange them individually or with their peers) 2
Reading and speaking (A blind date)/ Vocabulary (social expression) Topic 2: Students will become more familiar with the topic and to foster student's ability in English. Learners will recognize the information in the reading and compare it with their daily life and they will be able to answer the questions. Students will be enable to define the words and write down the synonyms for the given vocabulary. 3
Present simple/continuous, have/have got/ prefixes Topic 3: Students will take active role in their learning about the tenses. Students will take the personal model in enhancing their self awareness and self esteem. This will foster students learning in English. Also they get knowledge's about prefixes, its meaning and their uses. 4
Collocation / Tales of two cities/ vocabulary Topic 4: Students will be familiar with the reading topic and this enables them to collocate words and put it them together. Moreover, students will be able to ask and answer the questions with their peers easily. 5
Past tense/ past continuous/ discussion Topic 5: Developing and expanding an understanding of the English language as it is spoken and used well enough to analyze and discuss sentences intelligently. Students will be able to discuss the topics in two groups.(each group discuss on the topic which is given to them and they give their opinion ) 6
Past forms/ The man with the golden gun Topic 6: Students will write accurate simple and compound sentences using the grammatical structures and they will apply the structures to their own writing. Learner will recognize the information in the reading, discussing it and constructing personal models (individually). 7
Quantity and Articles/ speaking Topic 7: To identify weaknesses in grammar and to help eliminate those weaknesses. Learners will be familiar with the use of articles and quantity terms in different examples including their reality. 8
Food/ Markets around the world/ writing a paragraph Topic 8: Recognizing the information in the reading and discussing reading questions. Students will be able to compare their life with the reading topic (food, market).They gives their opinion which answers will vary. Learners will have the capacity to define and match words with its meaning. Learners learn to gain writing rules then applying their opinion and critical thinking skills into their manuscript. 9
Verb patterns/ future intention Topic 9: Reviewing fundamentals of grammar and usage. Students will be able to create their ideas by giving examples (reality); this will foster learner ability to develop their thinking skills in English and taking the personal model. 10
- ed/ing adjectives/ Brat Camp/ speaking Topic 10: Students will receive information about the use of adjectives and they will apply their skills of adjectives to the real-life objects, this will help them to differentiate between adjectives and verbs and they can discuss their ideas with their peers to gain different skills. 11
What…like/ comparative and superlative/ writing a paragraph Topic 11: Students will focus on the use of grammar, by asking questions and writing a sentence to have additional skills about them. Learners are able to apply individually their thinking skills and jot down with their peers. 12
Talking about towns/ London the world in one city Topic 12: To examine learner's knowledge in the reading and to discuss, promote an understanding of the subject. Students will share their answer with the class; they will recognize the information in their subjects. 13
Synonyms and antonyms in conversation/ Topic 13: Students will be able to discuss the topic and use of grammar through their active learning which foster their ability to learn English language fluently and being able to recognize and evaluate them in the class. 14
Present perfect and past simple Topic 14: Students will learn to talk about the tenses, by applying them through their real life situations and giving sentences, discussing with the class and constructing their personal models. 15
Davina Moody, Drama Queen Topic 15: Recognizing the information in the reading and discussing questions. Learner will recognize the information about the topic and compare it with their life. Students in two groups will be able to discuss a matter and giving their opinion to prove their active in a better way. 16
word endings/ writing a paragraph Topic 16: Students will be familiar more with word endings and creating their skills to apply it. Learners will be able to write a paragraph through the topics they are covered and familiar with them, writing their paragraph by their own thinking skills. (critical writing skills) 17
Modals/ have to/ should/ must Topic 17: Students will recognize the types of models and how apply them into a sentence. They will vary different aspects to create a sentence and match them with the time; learners will activate their skills to construct a sentence. 18
Jobs for the boys…and girls'/ discussion Topic 18: Students will be able to discuss the topics with their peers and the groups by giving their opinion, correcting each other's errors. They will focus on their thinking skills and how to 19
Time clauses/ first conditional Topic 19: Students will construct their ideas about the time clauses and how applying them into their daily life, by giving statements about their peers and themselves. Also creating new thinking skills about what they get from the time tenses. 20
Travel addicts' –an article/ Hot verbs- make,do, take, get Topic 20: Students will discover how, when to apply the articles and using the verbs in an appropriate place correctly. Students will write down the synonym for the given words and responding the questions given below the topic given. 21
Passive/verbs and nouns that go together/ A discovery and invention that changed the world Topic 21: Students will recognize the grammatical usage about the passive tense and applying them to create their own sentences by using the tense. Students will discover, discuss about the tenses and how they make a different between them. Learners will construct their ideas by the information given in the topic and answering the question in a comprehension way. 22
Second conditional-If/ literal phrasal verbs Topic 22: Learners will construct their ideas by connecting the topic (second conditional if) with the previous if (first conditional), they will focus on the presented unit by jointing down two sentences with if clauses and creating their own sentences. Students will learn about the phrasal verbs and discovering new ideas. 23
Discussion- giving advice/ speaking Topic 23: Students will discuss about the topic, either with their peers or two groups are against each other, by giving information from the topics covered and their thinking skills to demonstrate strong points. 24
Present perfect continuous/ present prefect simple versus continuous Topic 24: Students will demonstrate the tense given in the book, by applying and constructing statements and asking questions which enhance their thinking skills. 25
Seminar Topic 25: Students will prepare themselves to present a presentation for ten minutes. 26