A Model for Designing Constructivist Learning Environments: Jonassen’s Model IT 6110 Winter 2005 Dr. Diroff ■ Charles Chill ■ Dan Davenport ■ Susan Genden ■ Kenneth Gutman
Introduction The four of us agreed to study Jonassen’s model, for our own individual reasons… For Chuck – who is in ISD: it seemed interesting once we started discussing it. For Dan – as a media specialist: he builds on what a learner already knows and connects them to the tools that can help them learn more. Constructivism makes sense to him. For Ken – an educational administrator: he says he has always believed in Constructivism. For Susan – an artist and educator with a humanistic psychology background: a focus on experiential/student centered approaches to learning makes sense. Jonassen’s Model
Introduction Susan developed the Powerpoint, and will introduce and wrap up this presentation. Dan will be speaking to you about a comparison with the ADDIE Model and how it is cognitive. Ken will discuss the Jonassen Model in terms of what it is and isn’t, what are some applications of this model, and what makes it unique. Chuck will discuss what the field says about this model, what are its strengths and weaknesses. Then we will have questions and finish up the following assignment together. Jonassen’s Model
Assignment: Put Your Feedback into A Poem One definition of a poem is: A composition in verse rather than in prose. In Constructivist style: your assignment TONIGHT is to create a group poem about this model, and each person here will write one line for it. After the slides, you will write down your line on an index card to add to the poem which we create together. Your line should include some comment about the presentation or model. We’ll return to this later. Jonassen’s Model
A Model for Designing Constructivist Learning Environments (Jonassen) Jonassen’s Model
A Systems Approach? Is a set of interrelated parts Is purposeful – (components working toward one common goal) Is organized Is hierarchical Jonassen’s Model
A Systems Approach? – continued Is governed by processes Is cyclical (the system can be seen as a cycle of events) Is self regulating (using feedback the system adjusts/regulates itself) Yes, Jonassen’s Model reflects a systems approach Jonassen’s Model
What is the Correlation with ADDIE? "...in constructivism the point is not to precisely transfer knowledge from the instructor to a group of learners but to facilitate the individual learner's ability to build on and extend existing knowledge within a given domain..." - Bill Brandon Jonassen’s Model
Correlation with ADDIE? Jonassen Model Steps 1-3 Analysis – define WHAT is to be learned Design – Specify HOW it is to be learned Jonassen’s Model
Correlation with ADDIE? Jonassen Model Development – Process of authoring & producing materials Implementation – Process of installing the project Steps 4-6 and A, B, C Jonassen’s Model
Correlation with ADDIE? Jonassen Model Evaluation – Process of determining the impact of instruction Meaningful learning Jonassen’s Model
Constructivism Is and Isn’t… Constructivism isn't an approach to learning that can be outlined in a flowchart and applied the same way to all learning, over and over; Constructivism is about how individuals create meaning and knowledge, by extending and modifying current personal knowledge and skills; and Constructivism is not a specific approach to design — it's a way of thinking about design. - Bill Brandon Jonassen’s Model
Type of Model: Constructivist Great emphasis on learning environment Knowledge is constructed New information is interpreted in the context of the learner’s own experiences Meaning can be different for every learner The emphasis is on the learner’s role in knowledge construction Jonassen’s Model
Assessment of Learner Characteristics 1.1 Problem context—the essential part of the problem 6 Social/Contextual Support– accommodate environmental and contextual factors affecting successful implementation Assessment of learner characteristics is INTEGRAL to this model owing to its constructivist roots Jonassen’s Model
Real World Applications In school Authentic instruction Authentic assessment Cooperative learning Problem based learning Jonassen’s Model
Real World Applications Simulations (NASA?) Socratic dialogue Microworld (simulated version of real-world task environment) Jonassen’s Model
What Makes this Model Unique? Constructivist models are inherently different There is a lack of rigidity/adherence to specific learning principles Jonassen’s Model
What Makes this Model Unique? Modeling, coaching, and scaffolding support the learner Modeling exists in two forms: behavioral modeling of the overt performance and cognitive modeling of the covert cognitive processes Jonassen’s Model
What Makes this Model Unique? Coaching is a process of motivating learners, analyzing their performance, and providing feedback on the performance. It helps regulate the learner's development of key skills [motivate, provoke, perturb]. Scaffolding is a systematic approach to support the learner [ZPD, restructure task, provide alternative assessment]. Jonassen’s Model
What Makes this Model Unique? The focus is on the learner above all else Jonassen’s Model
What Does the Field Say? Important to provide students with authentic experiences Students should be engaged in cognitive processes that reflect the real world counterpart Activity is not inherently authentic, but authentic in relation to some other activity Jonassen’s Model
Why Choose Jonassen’s Model? Mutual interest in Constructivism Respected model Interesting layout Jonassen’s Model
Strengths of Jonassen’s Model Provides a framework for supporting learners as they work on their own design problems Emphasizes hands-on problem solving Promotes using curricula customized to the students' prior knowledge Jonassen’s Model
Weaknesses of Jonassen’s Model Need access to: Information Tools Related Cases Software Support Jonassen’s Model
Weaknesses of Jonassen’s Model Smith and Ragan say a danger with Constructivism would be in eliminating statements of goals and objectives This could result in “activity for activity's sake” where only trivial learning takes place and not enough consideration is given to the goal
Questions Are there any other questions? WAIT! We’re not quite done yet! Jonassen’s Model
Finish the Poem with Feedback Take a minute to finish your line of poetry, write it on your index card. Each card is numbered with the order in which it will be read. For example…. Susan’s line might read: “ I will give this poem a start, …” Each person is to read their part of the poem OR, collect index cards and read later in class (depending on time) Also, how is this exercise an example of Jonassen’s Constructivist Model? Jonassen’s Model
Thank you! We thank you for participating