“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Write down what that means to you—do you agree? Write down how your thoughts have transformed—or any connections you can make.
Feel powerful Feel powerful Feel in control Feel in control Don’t have any friends Don’t have any friends They were bullied They were bullied Story time…. Story time…. Why Do People Bully?
Say “Stop”. Stand up for yourself; know that you don’t deserve that kind of treatment. Say “Stop”. Stand up for yourself; know that you don’t deserve that kind of treatment. Report bullying. Report bullying. Do nice things for the bully. Kindness changes a cold heart. Do nice things for the bully. Kindness changes a cold heart. Stand up for someone else. Be an active bystander. Stand up for someone else. Be an active bystander. How Can You Solve a Bullying Problem?
o Introduction of characters & Setting o Problem o Climax (high point of story) o Resolution/conclusion Climbing Story
Setting: School Beginning: Introduce bully (name, description, detail) Roger – rough and tough and liked to pick on kids. Problem: Introduce victim (name, description, detail) Grayson small and had short little arms and short fingers. Interaction: Describe bullying taking place Every day at recess, Roger and his friends made fun of Grayson’s short arms How the problem was resolved One day Roger’s rare Yu-Gi-Oh card fell through a crack between the fence and storage box. Grayson was the only kid who had arms small enough to get it out. Ending: Describe how things are different now Roger stopped calling Grayson names and bugging him about his short arms. They started trading Yu-Gi-Oh cards together. Bullying Story Box
o Five paragraphs (minimum) o Triple-Scoop Word o No Robot Writing!! o Add Details o Third-Person Perspective o Watch verb tense (past tense throughout) o Similes o Voice Your Goal is to write about your topic in way that will get someone to think DIFFERENTLY… transformation of thought. Your Bullying Story