Language Arts / Dual Language Framework Two-Way Classrooms Grades 2 & 3 August 18, 2014
Presentation Overview Changes to Yearly Itineraries Language Arts – Dual Language Framework overview Daily time devoted to reading Daily time devoted to writing **Download the following while reviewing this presentation: The Monolingual English and Dual Language Yearly Itineraries The 2 nd /3 rd 2-Way Language Arts / Dual Language Framework The Lesson Plan Cycle Terms
One page per 9-week grading period! Unit & Arcs listed Reading & Writing in same document Writing connected to reading genre or unit theme “Focus” SEs (readiness and tested objectives) “Embedded” SEs (supporting or spiraled objectives) Conventions SEs aligned to writing process Yearly Itineraries
Monolingual English Language Arts Yearly Itinerary Example
DL Language Arts Yearly Itinerary Example
Daily 50/50 Language Arts Block SLA and ELA taught on the same day, each day Different text selections Texts selections in Spanish differ from texts in English Skills learned in one language transfer to the other language Skills that do not transfer will be explicitly taught Past tense “-ed” endings in English language wanted, passed
Monolingual English Language Arts and DL Language Arts Monolingual English and Dual Language will follow the 2-4 week cycle Same genre for Spanish Language Arts (SLA) and English Language Arts (ELA) Generally two weeks per genre (reading) Focus SEs are different to avoid translation Grade level teams will be able to plan together Alignment
Lesson Framework We’ve been looking at the Yearly Itineraries Now, let’s look at what is happening daily within the lesson framework
Activities 1 and 2 The Language Arts lesson plan cycle includes activities 1 and 2. However, both “activities” do not occur every day as they do in other content areas due to the 50/50 block.
For example, teachers may continue with Activity 1 for a few days before moving into Activity 2.
Activity 1 and Activity 2 Are: Reading and writing Graphic organizers to use with reading and writing A way to introduce a concept (Activity 1) A way to go deeper with a concept (Activity 2) Are not: Games Activities that are out of the context of reading and writing Worksheets
Activity 1 Guided Practice Side by Side Instruction Lower Blooms Depth of Knowledge (DOK) level 1 or 2 task Acquiring Knowledge & Skills (Wiggins & McTighe)
Activity 2 Guided Practice Side by Side Instruction Higher Blooms DOK level 3 or 4 task Making Meaning -reading & writing with metacognition (Wiggins & McTighe)
Activity #2 Reading Independent or buddy reading can occur during Activity 2 with students drawing on metacognitive reading strategies.
Writing can occur during Activity #2 and is connected to the reading genre. Activity #2 Writing
Daily Time Devoted to Reading
Independent reading should occur each day while the teacher is conducting small group instruction.
Independent reading and/or paired reading should also occur during Activity 2 as the teaching cycle progresses.
Students might also be reading independently or rereading as they complete their “Writing to Learn” journals.
Opportunities for independent reading should include: Small Group Instruction Other Content Areas Bilingual Learning Centers Activity #2 Language of the Day Bilingual Research Centers
Daily Time Devoted to Writing
Writing in DL Language Arts Two to four week cycles Connected to Reading Daily time devoted to writing process Focuses on one language at a time Writing Process Take notes Respond to reading with text evidence Lesson reflection, metacognition Make connections to learning or world Writing to Learn Journals
Reading and Writing Occur Daily in Both Languages Spanish: Reading/ Writing focus lessons Writing Process English: Reading focus lessons Writing to Learn Journal
Time for writing process: With the exception of day 1, time for the writing process is built into every day in one language. The other language focuses on writing to learn.
Writing to Learn Journals: The other language of instruction continues with a reading focus for the entire lesson cycle with Writing to Learn Journals incorporated. In these journals, students take notes, respond to reading with text evidence, reflect on the lesson (metacognition), or make connections to learning.
Opportunities for writing throughout the day Writer’s Notebook and Writing to Learn Journal Other Content Areas Bilingual Learning Centers Activity #2 Language of the Day Bilingual Research Centers
Reflection “Effective biliteracy educators embrace a holistic, multilingual perspective on teaching, learning, and assessment that sees the two (or more) languages that each student speaks as complimentary parts of that student’s developing linguistic repertoire.” ~ Karen Beeman and Cheryl Urow, Teaching for Biliteracy, 2013
Please look for upcoming professional learning opportunities or for additional information, contact: Claire Hagen Alvarado Language Arts Supervisor Donna Lund Elementary Language Arts Curriculum Specialist Yvette C á rdenas Elementary Language Arts Dual Language Specialist Julia Hern ández Elementary Social Studies Dual Language Specialist