Volunteer Development
Instructional Design & Delivery
Cascading and Aligning National Strategic Plan – Pillar IV, Objective IV Adult volunteers and youth leaders in every unit, district, and council are sufficiently trained and actively engaged in providing an outstanding Scouting program. Specific Goal #4 We have validated and redesigned current training where appropriate for key registered adult leader positions, so that training for every position is easy for leaders to access, helps them gain real insight into the key elements of their Scouting position, and provides them with the tools and support to make Scouting fun and relevant to youth.
Cascading and Aligning Volunteer Development Committee Implement an Instruction System of Design (ISD) over all training using the ADDIE model. Establish a system & metrics for measuring the impact of training Review and catalogue current training and its overall place in new methodology Determine gaps by performing analysis of cause and effect of significant training deliveries Set priorities on future course development and revisions
A Task Force is Born Instructional Design and Delivery Task Force Volunteer Chairperson, Charles “Chuck” Haseman National Council Staff Advisor, Sara P. Lacobee Overview: This group will design and develop an umbrella over all training to volunteers and members that will encompass all stages of the ADDIE model of instructional design.
Objectives to Achieve Success Over the course of its’ lifetime, this group will: Assess all current training and may require updates to any course not currently including assessments, evaluation and metrics for use in understanding the effectiveness of current training. Update and deliver via online and instructor-led methods the Trainers’ Edge, (train the trainer) course. Design and develop templates to use as guidelines to build new training. Oversee the development of a course library.
Philmont Training Center
Philmont Training Center 2010 Ten weeks of programs this summer June 6 through August conferences on a myriad of Scouting topics Over 1440 hours of instruction Plus … National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) – offered for 8 weeks Plus … Family Programs too!
Fall Conference: September 19-25, 2010 Philmont Leadership Challenge Project COPE and Climbing Program Manager Climbing and Rappelling Connecting Children and Nature Implementing Leave No Trace in the Council Project COPE Director training
The Properties Course Trek Leader Planning and Advanced Outdoor Skills Wilderness First Aid Conservation USA National Youth Leader Training 2010 Cub Scouts in 2010 Fall Conference: September 19-25, 2010
Philmont Training Center 2011 Start planning today! Your Scouting family and friends can attend a conference in “Scouting’s Paradise” next summer. There is not a better place in the world to learn and grow in virtually every aspect of Scouting than at Philmont Training Center.
Required Training
A Leader is Considered Fully Trained and Entitled to Wear the Trained Leader Emblem when the following Training Courses are completed: Cub Scouting – completed Fast Start (for their position), Youth Protection training (on-line or instructor-led); Cub Scout Leader Position-Specific Training (for their position – instructor-led) and This Is Scouting (on-line or Instructor-led DVD).
A Leader is Considered Fully Trained and Entitled to Wear the Trained Leader Emblem when the following Training Courses are completed: Boy/Varsity Scouting – completed Fast Start; Youth Protection training (on-line or instructor-led); This Is Scouting (on-line or Instructor-led DVD); Leader Specific Training; and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.
A Leader is Considered Fully Trained and Entitled to Wear the Trained Leader Emblem when the following Training Courses are completed: Venturing – completed Fast Start; Venturing Youth Protection training (on-line or instructor- led); This Is Scouting (on-line or Instructor-led DVD); and Leader Specific Training; and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (Outdoor Venture Crews only).
National Required Training Pilot Councils’ Checklist Establish the “Culture” of Training Consider reorganizing the Council & District Training Teams to better serve the council. Council Executive Board Resolution Resolution approved for the “Training Requirements for Unit Leaders” which include Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Varsity Team Coaches, Venturing Crew Advisors, and Sea Scout Skippers.
Inventory All Council Top Leader Training Council / District Training Volunteers need to focus on updating all training records to bring them to current status. If the Council’s resources allow; bring in a Volunteer or Paid Employee to enter training records and follow up with volunteers for Training Validation. Begin the unit inventory/Training in October versus the traditional December unit inventory. National Required Training Pilot Councils’ Checklist
Training Calendar Development Increase the number of Council / District Training Opportunities being offered and made available at convenient times for the Unit Leaders. Keep Training Costs at a Minimum Costs should be very low or free. National Required Training Pilot Councils’ Checklist
Expand Training Teams Recruit Additional / Qualified Trainers within all Districts. Create Training Teams to conduct “Mini” courses for individual or cluster of units at meeting locations. Look to non-traditional staffs for new trainers: NYLT, OA and Venturing youth trainers. We should be using the young people who are the products of the program to show what young trainers can become. National Required Training Pilot Councils’ Checklist
Trainer Development Conference All Trainers should sharpen their skills by taking this conference or the Trainer's Edge course. Council Kick-Off All Unit Leaders, Unit Training Coordinators, and Chartered Organization Representatives receive letters informing them of the new training standards and request validation of their current training status. Attach a training calendar to each letter informing leaders of Training Opportunities. National Required Training Pilot Councils’ Checklist
Training Attendance Reports Develop a process on how to record training completed in the field On-Line Training is populated automatically into an individual’s training record. National Required Training Pilot Councils’ Checklist
Report Generators System needs to be developed and closely monitored by Council Staff / District Volunteers on a monthly basis to ensure leaders are completing the training in the one year time frame from initial registration or official launch of the Required Training Initiative in the Council. National Required Training Pilot Councils’ Checklist
Create a Base Line of Current Conditions Training can improve numerous program elements that directly impact the program a youth member receives. Councils must create a baseline for all units for: advancement; resident/family/day camp participation; and retention (youth and adult). National Required Training Pilot Councils’ Checklist
Charter Renewal System of Direct Correspondence needs to be in place to update Unit Leaders and Chartering Organizations if Training Requirements are not being updated. Within 90 days of charter renewal, the district commissioner’s staff must alert the unit, the Top Leaders that the training requirements HAVE NOT BEEN MET and they are in danger of not having their charter renewed. National Required Training Pilot Councils’ Checklist
Because Every Scout Deserves a TRAINED Leader!