INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN: THE BASICS MPT 1113: Foundation of Educational Technology INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN: THE BASICS JAMALLUDIN HARUN Department of Educational Multimedia Faculty of Education, UTM
INTRODUCTION Clarifying the terms: Instructional Design (ID) INTRODUCTION Clarifying the terms: Instructional Design (ID) Instructional Systems Design (ISD) Instructional Systems Design & Development (ISDD) Systems Approach to Training (SAT)
INTRODUCTION Design Instructional 1 2 Clarifying the terms INTRODUCTION Design Instructional Design Instructional 1 a set of events that facilitate learning 2 a creative pattern or a rational, logical, sequential process intended to solve problems Clarifying the terms
INTRODUCTION What is Instructional Design? INTRODUCTION What is Instructional Design? Instructional Design is the systematic process of translating general principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and activities.
INTRODUCTION What is Instructional Design? INTRODUCTION What is Instructional Design? Instructional Design is the systematic development of instructional specifications using learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction. It is the entire process of analysis of learning needs and goals and the development of a delivery system to meet those needs. It includes development of instructional materials and activities; and tryout and evaluation of all instruction and learner activities.
INTRODUCTION Role of Instructional Design? INTRODUCTION Role of Instructional Design? Systematic process of instructional design enables you to: Identify a performance problem Determine the goals and objectives Define your learners and their needs Develop strategies to meet needs and goals Assess learning outcomes Evaluate if goals, objectives, and needs are met
INTRODUCTION Why Instructional Design? INTRODUCTION Why Instructional Design? This systematic approach ensures: There is a need for training. The learning events are well-designed. Quality training materials are developed. Learning events are implemented using appropriate strategies or approaches. Learning events are evaluated to ensure that learning has taken place.
INTRODUCTION: REFLECT INTRODUCTION: REFLECT How would you use ID for generating long term strategy for meeting training needs? You want to implement an innovative training & development project that has not been done before. How can you use the ID model to help you? How might it hinder you? Your manager wants you to "develop" a training program. Does this mean you should not do any analysis or design? Answer Guide for Study Questions Open questions such as these can be answered in a number of ways. Listed below are some of the more common type answers. How would you use ISD for generating long term strategy for meeting training needs? - Short term needs are basically met with training employees to perform in the present, while long term needs are met with aggressive development and education programs that will meet the organization's future needs. You want to implement an innovative training & development project that has not been done before. How can you use the ISD model to help you? – By showing in your analysis how it will benefit the organization and then using its design and developemt strengths to carry the project out on time and within budget. How might it hinder you? - By sticking too closely with the steps and not allowing the project to develop its own characteristics. How might a young start-up company's training needs differ from an established manufacturing firm? Due to their rapid growth, young start-ups often need more of a Rapid Prototyping Design (RPD) development program, while established firms have a better picture of what they need in the future. But both of these methods can have their disadvantages; young firms need some of the stability of ISD for planning for the future, while older firms can become bogged down in traditional methods if they become afraid to use different development models. Your manager wants you to "develop" a training program. Does this mean you should not do any analysis or design? People often use the words "develop" or "design" or "implement" when what they really mean is that they want you to use the ISD model to create a viable training program. We often use one of these words to describe a project that we are working on. If you are not sure, then ask.
INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN MODEL What is Instructional Design Model ? Procedural and conceptual models. Based on theory (learning theory, systems theory) or practice (company, military, software development). Give us structure and meaning to a problem. Examples of Instructional Design Model?
EXAMPLES OF ID MODEL There are numerous instructional design models: EXAMPLES OF ID MODEL There are numerous instructional design models: ADDIE Model ASSURE Model Dick & Carey Model Hannafin & Peck Model Waterfall Model Rapid Prototyping Model Hipermedia Design Model Multimedia Design Model So many models! So many settings to use them! How do you know which to use and when? Instructional development is a systematic process for improving instruction Instructional design (ID) models are used by the instructional designer to help guide the systematic process
EXAMPLES OF ID MODEL There are more than 100 different ISD models, but almost all are based on the generic "ADDIE" model, which stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation, as illustrated in the figure below. Each step has an outcome that feeds the subsequent step. The ADDIE model has been criticized by some as being too systematic, that is, too linear, too inflexible, too constraining, and even too time-consuming to implement. As an alternative to the systematic approach, there are a variety of systemic design models that emphasize a more holistic, iterative approach to the development of training. Rather than developing the instruction in phases, the entire development team works together from the start to rapidly build modules, which can be tested with the student audience, and then revised based on their feedback.
EXAMPLES OF ID MODEL A Analyze Learners S State Objectives S Select Methods, Media & Materials U Utilize Media & Materials R Require Learner Participation E Evaluate & Revise Assure Model
EXAMPLES OF ID MODEL Waterfall Model (Traditional) Waterfall Model (Modified)
EXAMPLES OF ID MODEL Hypermedia Design Model
ID MODEL: ESSENTIAL PHASES Can you list all the essestial phases in ID Model ???
ID MODEL: FIVE ESSENTIAL PHASES Five essestial phases in ID Model: Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation
ID MODEL: ANALYSIS PHASE ID MODEL: ANALYSIS PHASE Basis for all other phases in the instructional design process. To identify barriers or constraints: define the problems Identify the audeinces identify the cause of the problems determine possible solutions.
ID MODEL: DESIGN PHASE How will the content be organized? ID MODEL: DESIGN PHASE How will the content be organized? How will it be presented to learners? What delivery format will be used? What types of activities and exercises will be included? How will learners' accomplishments be measured?
ID MODEL: DEVELOPMENT PHASE ID MODEL: DEVELOPMENT PHASE Focus on generating the course documents and materials used by faculty, trainers and participants during the delivery of the course. Outputs of this phase include competency-based learning guides and checklists, pre- and midcourse questionnaires,computer based learning/traning, web page, trainer’s notes, presentation plans, assignment sheets, case studies, etc.
ID MODEL: IMPLEMENTATION PHASE ID MODEL: IMPLEMENTATION PHASE The implementation phase of the instructional design process refers to the actual delivery of the instruction as designed. Competency-based as part of mastery learning Inservice and preservice delivery Group-based, computer-based
ID MODEL: EVALUATION PHASE ID MODEL: EVALUATION PHASE The systematic collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of data to determine whether education or training has met its objectives and to identify aspects of the process that should be strengthened. Types of evaluation include participant reaction, participant learning, on-the-job performance and effect of training. ID MODEL: REFLECT Question: Until now - did you use instructional Design? What is your opinion concerning the use of Instructional Design Models in eLearning?
ID MODEL : ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES ID MODEL : ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES Advantages: Cost effective Saves time and trouble Promotes effective learning Systematic Disadvantages Very linear Constraining, limits creativity Time-consuming to implement
NEXT WEEK ??? What is Active Learning ? Active Learning criteria? Why Active Learning ? Active Learning techniques ? How technology can help ?