Developing Multimedia Learning Objects A process for the virtual world Michael Cottam – Director Instructional Design & Technology Jarred Truschke – Media Designer
Overview Multimedia project ideas Virtual Microscope How do you get there? (Process) Tools & Resources More Multimedia Stories Your Project Ideas Q&A
Virtual Microscope
ADDIE Process
Analyze Learners Prior knowledge Prior knowledge Desired outcomes Desired outcomes Knowledge & Skills gap Knowledge & Skills gap Context or Environment College support & standards College support & standards Technology and delivery system Technology and delivery system Resources available Technology Technology Personnel & Skill sets Personnel & Skill sets
Learner Questions What prior knowledge and experience do students have with the topic? What are the pre-defined learning goals and objectives, if any? How do learners usually reach the goals or objectives in an in-person setting? Can that learning strategy inform multimedia development?
Accessibility & Inclusiveness What disabilities will you need to consider? What are students’ language skills? Are students fluent in English? Students are diverse. What demographics do you need to be sure to include?
Context Questions What college standards apply to this project? Where are learners located? What type of technology do they have?
Context: Time & Reuse How much time has been allotted to this project? What is the project timeline? Can the learning object be repurposed for different learners, topics or contexts?
Task Analysis Questions What skills and information do students need to reach the goal? What related information should be taught simultaneously? Break the learner task down into sub-tasks or smaller steps
Development Resources What is available to your team? Technology Technology Computers & softwareComputers & software Audio/visual equipmentAudio/visual equipment Equipment specific to activity (microscope, specialized camera)Equipment specific to activity (microscope, specialized camera) Personnel Personnel Project managementProject management Skill setsSkill sets Time availableTime available When do you outsource?
Design Questions What teaching or learning strategies would be most effective? Presentation Presentation Drill & Practice Drill & Practice Quiz Games Quiz Games Labs Labs Simulations Simulations
Design: Delivery Method What is the most efficient delivery medium? Online Online Print Print Audio Audio Video Video Mobile devices Mobile devices Etc. Etc.
Multimedia examples Virtual Microscope Virtual Solubility Lab EDU video projects Food Race Language Town Machinima weather & directions
Your Projects?
Contact Us Michael Cottam Jarred Truschke