©2009 Rainforest Alliance Session 5: Keeping shade trees Language: English Version: 2011 Corresponding principle: Principle 2. Ecosystem conservation Corresponding principle: Principle 2. Ecosystem conservation
Agroforestry crops Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Corresponding criterion: 2.8
What happens if no shade? Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Your crop will suffer from: 1.Dehydration and scorching by strong sunshine 2.Soil getting drier and exhausted 3.Soil erosion 4.Loss of productivity after some years
©2009 Rainforest Alliance What happens if no shade? Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Testimony of cocoa farmers in Indonesia and in Ghana
5 Benefits of shade Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Protection from strong sunshine and winds Organic matter for the soil (Some shade trees fix nitrogen in the soil) Keeping moisture in the soil Soil erosion control Habitat for wild animals Fruits and timber for extra income Understory crops
©2009 Rainforest Alliance Benefits of shade Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Testimony of coffee farmers in Costa Rica and in El Salvador
7 Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Corresponding criterion: native species/ ha Some lower trees and some higher trees Important to prevent disease infestation of shade trees Diversification of shade trees
©2009 Rainforest Alliance Diversification of shade trees Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Experience of a coffee farmer in Costa Rica
9 Maintenance of shade trees Pruning Renovation Pruned branches of a shade tree New planting of a shade tree
10 Exceptional cases Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Original ecosystem is not a forest (grassland etc.) Designate 30% of your farm as conservation areas alternatively. Climatic condition (high moisture, high altitude, lack of sunlight etc.)
11 Non-agroforestry crop Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Corresponding criterion: 2.8 Keeping shade trees is not mandatory but is good for your farm.
Step by step No shade tree Planting some shade trees Impressive agroforestry system
The Rainforest Alliance works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior.