1. Integrating technology in teaching 2. What is Web 2.0? 3. The benefits of web 2.0 in teaching 4, ADDIE design and technology 5. TPACK and technology 6. ISTE (National Educational Technology Standards) Standards 7. Reverse Bloom Taxonomy and technology 8. Evaluation
1. INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING 2. WHAT IS WEB 2.0 ? In 21st century a successful teacher is required to integrate the technology in his or her instruction to increase the rate of student learning. Web 2.0 is a new production of website that it is * Dynamic * People can collaborate * People can share information * Highly interactive
THE BENEFITS OF WEB 2.0 IN TEACHING Benefits of web 2.0 in education : Students can produce creative activities Students can collaborate and communicate very easily Students are able to create videos, audio, or graphics Teaching becomes more effective Student leaning increases Students interact with the subject in a creative and collaborative matter.
ADDIE DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY ADDIE model is an organized and step by step process for designing a high quality and effective curriculum. It is based on five- step instructional design Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate Teachers use different forms of technology in this model to make each step of the process easier and more effective and help students to achieve success in their learning. Some of the web 2.0 can be used IN THIS MODEL are blogging tools,, Wikis, Glogster, and Poll Everywhere
WHAT IS TPACK? TPACK (technological pedagogical and content knowledge) is a model to guide and design an effective and successful curriculum. Teachers use TPACK to integrate the technology more effectively in teaching instruction. ”TPACK presents a dynamic framework for describing teachers’ knowledge required for designing, implementing, and evaluating curriculum and instruction with technology. “ ( Niess,2011,pg 299). Some examples of web 2.0 can be used are: Google Docs, Edmodo, and Animoto,
ISTE The ISTE standards are the principles for implementing appropriate technology in teaching successfully to increase learning. The followings are the summary of the standards: Teachers should use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching, and technology to make it easier for students to advance their learning and creativity Teachers should design, develop, and evaluate student learning and use technology tools to maximize the content of learning. Collaborate with students, other teachers, and parents using technology and resources to support student success.
REVERSE BLOOM TAXONOMY AND TECHNOLOGY The model is used for developing higher level of thinking AND creating. This model consists of several levels: Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating creating Using web 2.0 tools such as: blogging, Google Docs, Edmodo and Glogster facilitate each level of the taxonomy, teaching becomes more effective and increase the student learning.
GOOGLE DOCS: Google docs help you with: the word processing creating the presentation spreadsheet Drawing Publish to the web Students can work collaboratively
BLOGGING Blogging is a new form of technology in education. Blogging changes the traditional classroom to a student- centered learning. Motivate students to learn, to discover, and to receive personal feedback Some students are hesitant to speak in class. With blogging every student has a chance to share his or her ideas.
GLOGSTER Students can create an interactive online poster that includes audio, text, videos images, and graphics It can be used for any age level, different learning styles, and different subjects Students can understand the application of the specific subject in real world.
EDMODO This web 2.0 is designed especially for educators. It makes the collaboration among teachers and students easier.
* THIS TOOL MAKES EASIER FOR TEACHERS TO CREATE LESSON PLANS OR PRESENTATIONS FOR STUDENTS. * Motivate students * More effective teaching and lesson plans
REFERENCES Niess, Margaret L. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 2011, Vol. 44 Issue 3, p p. 5 Diagrams. DOI: /EC.44.3.c.
EVALUATION FOR TEACHERS Do you implement technology in your curriculum ? What type of technology do you use ? Is integration of Web 2.0 tools into your curriculum possible? Please explain why or why not ? Was this power point presentation helpful? What are the barriers for using web 2.0?