Chapter 11 The Human Side of Management
11- 2 Management 1e Management 1e Management 1e - 2 Management 1e Learning Objectives Describe how managers make a significant difference by attracting, selecting, and retaining the best available talent within legal requirements Explain how managers assess human resource needs and select talent to meet demand Discuss different approaches to increasing organizational performance through the education of employees Describe how managers retain employees and adjust to turnover Design a performance development process based on organizational needs
11- 3 Management 1e Management 1e Human Resources Management (p. 276) Organizational function that deals with people-related issues (e.g., recruitment, performance management, benefits, and training) while ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws Collective bargaining Process of negotiation between employers and trade unions with respect to the conditions of work Labor relations Relationship between management and the workforce
11- 4 Management 1e Management 1e Human Resources Management (cont.) Equal employment opportunity (p. 277) Principle that every employee has an equal right to advance in a company regardless of age, sex, race, disability, or color Increasingly important as workforce becomes more diverse
11- 5 Management 1e Management 1e Human Resources Management (cont.) Making the human side of management strategic Talent management – strategic deliberate approach to attracting new highly skilled workers and developing the abilities of existing employees to meet current and future organizational objectives (p. 277) Human capital – employee skills and experience gained by education and training that increase the economic value for employers
11- 6 Management 1e Management 1e Identifying Talent (p. 279) Defining and planning human resource needs HR managers analyze the needs of each department Determine the type of employee that has the skills appropriate for work in the department Employment at will (p. 280) Concept that employees can quit their jobs at any time without any reason, and employers can terminate employees at any time and for any reason Knowledge workers Self-motivated employees that use a variety of skills to enhance their overall understanding of a particular subject or area Independent contractors Self-employed individuals or independent business that provide services to another entity
11- 7 Management 1e Management 1e Identifying Talent (cont.) Recruiting (p. 282) Process of identifying the best applicants Internal recruiting – creating a pool of existing employees who may have the qualifications to fill required job vacancies in an organization External recruiting – creating a pool of qualified applicants from outside of the organization
11- 8 Management 1e Management 1e Identifying Talent (cont.) Selection (p. 282) Process that assesses the level of skills and abilities possessed by an individual to perform a specific role Psychometric tools – questionnaires or tools that measure an individual’s personality, intelligence, and aptitude Job description – written account of specific tasks, duties, and responsibilities required within a particular role
11- 9 Management 1e Management 1e Identifying Talent (cont.) Interviewing potential candidates (p. 285) Interview - meeting or conversation arranged to assess the qualifications of an individual and evaluate whether that person has the skills and abilities to a job Not all questions are appropriate for the interview Selecting candidates (p. 287) Predictive validity – extent to which a selection test predicts future job performance Grievance – complaint made by an employee claiming unfair treatment
Management 1e Management 1e Training Talent (p. 287) Onboarding programs Onboarding – new employee orientation where workers acquire the skills, knowledge, and behaviors to aid transition into an organization Integrates the new employee into the organization successfully
Management 1e Management 1e Training Talent (cont.) Types of training strategies (p. 288) Training – teaching new or existing employees the skills necessary to carry out their roles and improve current job performance Development – managers help employees learn the skills necessary to carry out their present or future roles Cross-training – team members freely share knowledge and provide peer-to-peer mentorship
Management 1e Training Talent (cont.) ADDIE model (p. 289) Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation
Management 1e Retaining Qualified Talent (p. 289) Affirmative action (p. 290) Purposeful effort taken by an organization to create equal employment opportunities for minority groups and women Glass ceiling Invisible barrier that keeps women and minorities from moving up the corporate ladder, regardless of qualifications and achievements Performance development Managing employee performance and assessing opportunities for growth and development
Management 1e Retaining Qualified Talent (cont.) Planned and unplanned turnover (p. 290) Planned turnover – anticipated retirements Unplanned turnover – resignations Pay and benefits Compensation – remuneration in salary or wages to reward employees for their work Benefits – non-monetary compensation in the form of health insurance, pensions, paid vacation, etc. Varies from industry to industry
Management 1e Retaining Qualified Talent (cont.) Employee engagement (p. 290) Engaged employees are enthusiastic about work and fully committed to contributing to the organization’s success Career surveys – questionnaires that employers use to assess employee satisfaction and career aspirations, in order to tailor development programs and project opportunities that support growth toward these goals (p. 291)
Management 1e Performance Development (p. 291) Appraisal Process of measuring and assessing an employee’s performance objectively and providing feedback to that employee Designing appraisals (p. 292) 360-degree review – confidential feedback obtained from the performance appraisal about an individual provided by peers, subordinates, and supervisors that is intended to assess training and development needs Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) – method that rates employee performance based on specific behaviors relating to a particular role
Management 1e Management 1e Management 1e - 17 Management 1e Copyright Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in Section 117 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without express permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his/her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages, caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information herein.