Social Media in Education Incorporating social media to teaching and learning in the digital age. Instructional Design with the ADDIE model Jora Sacman EDU623-Designing Learning Environments Dr. Linda Kaiser
Trivia Slide 2 Onscreen Content Detailed Script Interactivity / Navigation 59% of students who use social media talk about education topics online 63% increase in the amount of time kinds ages 2-11 spent online between % of schools have an online community for teachers and administrators 49% of National School Boards Association (NSBA) schools participate in online collaboration with other schools Bennet, S. (2013). How is social media used in schools? Statistics, facts, and figures (INFOGRAPHIC). Retrieved from: social-media-stats_b46620 Social Media! What comes into your mind when you see the word social media? Now, let us take a look at the statistics on how social media influences education. It is evidently indicates that social media has invaded the everyday life of the students and has revolutionized the educational programs. The social media image will be presented while the sphere is moving in a circular motion. After the next click, the statistics will appear in a sequential order. Image retrieved from: content/uploads/2013/05/socialmedia1.jpg
Objectives. The facilitator will give the teachers an overview of what to expect from the training program at the end of the session. Then, the facilitator will go back to the objectives once the session ended to ensure that all the topics and skills have been discussed all through out the training. The notepad image will appear and the what to expect words will appear from the bottom. The next button will be clicked to show the next slide. Each objective will appear one click at a time. Slide 3 Onscreen Content Detailed Script Interactivity / Navigation Compare and contrast the important terms used in internet social connection: Social media, web 2.0 technology, and social network. List all the social network sites used in education. Create a social network page for the class or content area. Participate in the community of educators in online virtual community Identify ways on how to incorporate social media in instruction. What to expect Image retrieved from: on.svg
Social Media The facilitator will show the statement regarding the use of social media and Web 2.0 technology. Then, the facilitator will ask the teachers of their insights about the shown statement. They will be encouraged what they know about it, or have they used this in their instruction and what do they feel about this trend an its effect to education as well as the learners. Slide 4 Onscreen Content Detailed Script Interactivity / Navigation The practice of using social media and using Web 2.0 technologies “are at the core of education and training, as they promote the competencies needed for future jobs and enable new tools for educational institutions to transform themselves into place that support the competencies for participation in the 21 st century” (Redecker, Ala Murka, Bacigalupo, Ferrari, & Punie, 2009). Any thoughts or comments? The statement will appear in a swerving motion. Then, the image of the speech balloon and pencil will appear from the left side. Once the image appeared, the text will rise up in a slow motion. Image retrieved from: content/uploads/2012/04/comment.png
Web 2.0 Technology The facilitator will then again show the statement and the teachers will share their thoughts or ideas on this topic. They will be asked share their insights on how this statement can characterize of define the learner, instruction, and education. The facilitator will take note of the teacher’s ideas on the previous and current statement and use these to generate the meaning of social media and web 2.0 technology. The slide for the web 2.0 technology will appear for a couple of minutes in order for the teachers to gather their thoughts and reflect on the idea of the statement. The next click will show the image with the text while it bounces slowly. Slide 5 Onscreen Content Detailed Script Interactivity / Navigation Web technologies can now network individuals to accomplish more than any one person could alone. With a new blog appearing every second and a world that is seemingly filled with wikis and subscription podcasts shows, “we” are now the Web; each of us is the Person of the Year (Bonk, 2009 p. 44) Any thoughts? Image retrieved from: /reflect.JP G
Social network sites The facilitator will explain and show how each social network sites will help the teachers plan his/ her lesson as well as network to fellow educators and obtain some useful teaching resources. Some of the social networking sites provides activities that require collaboration among the students and between teacher/s and students. The social networking sites will appear as a link to the their website one click at a time in order to demonstrate how each networking sites work and for them to evaluate and choose which one is going to be useful on their content area. The image will appear last through the text. Slide #6 Onscreen Content Detailed Script Interactivity / Navigation Twitter Classroom 2.0 Google Plus Educator’s PLN Sophia Learn Central ISTE Community WhoTeaches 21 st century teacher Diipo Everloop K12 Advantage Image retrieved from: _Graphic_v1.jpg
Watch and Learn ?v=UjHjUZWeVNk The text and the link are both in one slide. Slide # 7 Onscreen Content Detailed Script Interactivity / Navigation The link shows ways on how to utilize the Twitter as an instructional tool. Hoffman, J. (n.a.). Integrating social media in the classroom. Retrieved from The video shows how to incorporate social media in classroom instruction. It provides a detailed process of how Twitter is being used to foster collaboration between teacher and students as well as among the students.
Application This is the application process, where students are given some directions on how to apply the skills they have learned from the course. As the tasks are being shown in a float effect, the image will be pulsing continuously. Slide # 8 Onscreen Content Detailed Script Interactivity / Navigation Image retrieved from: character-displays-pile-of-books.jpg Let us begin! Tasks: Choose a social network site and create an account for your class or the content are you are teaching Participate in an online virtual community and obtain some useful teaching resources and share one within your group
Evaluation and Feedback The facilitator will go through the objectives with the teachers and check if each of the objective was able to cover, Then, the facilitator will ask for clarifications, insights, and feedback regarding the content of course training. There will be a platform for sharing teachers’ experiences and how they would incorporate social media in classroom instruction. The slide for the objectives will appear again and the image will do color pulse while the discussion is going on. Slide 9 Onscreen Content Detailed Script Interactivity / Navigation Compare and contrast the important terms used in internet social connection: Social media, web 2.0 technology, and social network. List all the social network sites used in education. Create a social network page for the class or content area. Participate in the community of educators in online virtual community Identify ways on how to incorporate social media in instruction. Image retrieved from: content/uploads/2013/01/ degree-feedback1.jpg
References The facilitator will go over the references. References and the image will have a zoom entrance effect once the next button is click. Slide 10 Onscreen Content Detailed Script Interactivity / Navigation Bonk, C. (2009). The world is open: How web technology is revolutionizing education. Jossey-Bass. Bennet, S. (2013). How is social media used in schools? Statistics, facts, and figures (INFOGRAPHIC). Retrieved from: media-stats_b46620 Chandler, S. (2012). Connecting the digital dots with social media and web 2.0 technologies. Journal Research in Innovative Teaching Vol. 5. Issue 1. pp Redecker, C., Ala-Mutka, K. Bacigalupo, M., Ferrari, A., &Punie, Y. (2009). Learning 2.0: the impact of web 2.0 innovations on education and training in Europe. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports Image retrieved from: content/uploads/References.jpg
Supplemental Documentation -Copy of the PowerPoint presentation Each participant will be provided with a copy of the PowerPoint presentation containing the slides with notes. The notes that are provided in the handouts will be used for them to take down notes during the training. -Comprehensive list of social network sites and other video links on the integration of social media. Aside from the list of social networking sites provided in the presentation, there will be another set of lists of social networking sites together with some information for each site. A description of each site and procedures on how to utilize those sites in instruction. -Guidelines for the application activities The teachers will be provided written guideline which includes the step by step process of the application activities. -Evaluation Form Teachers will be given an evaluation form in order for them to provide feedback regarding the quality and content of the course and the effectiveness of the facilitator