Perineal tear (4th degree) Complications: Urinary & fecal incontinence
1. Missed 2. Complete
McRobert’s maneuver In shoulder dystocia
Twin-twin transfusion syndrome
Trichomonas vaginalis Treatment: metronidazole
Deep Vein Thrombosis Risk factors: Immobility, combined oral contraceptive pills
Uterine fibroid Submucosal, intramural, subserosal, intraligamentous, parasitic, cervical
1. Complete breech 2. Footling breech Footling breech is a candidate for CS
Turner syndrome Webbed neck, wide carrying angle of the arms Karyotype is 45 XO
Controlled cord traction For active management of third stage of labor
Ventouse delivery Indications: Delay in the 2nd stage of labor Poor maternal effort Fetal distress
Siamese (conjoined) twins After 12th day
Herpes simplex Treat with acyclovir
Mauriceau–Smellie–Veit maneuver
IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)?
1. Didelphys uterus 2. Septate uterus
Cord prolapse Risk factors: 1. Fetal: malpresentation, prematurity, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy 2. Maternal: contracted pelvis, pelvic tumor
External Cephalic Version Contraindications: Multiple pregnancy Previous antepartum hemorrhage Ruptured membranes Oligohydramnios
Cervical cancer?
Condyloma accuminata?
Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS) Treat by laparoscopic ovarian drilling
Hydrops fetalis Causes: Immune: Rh incompatibility Non-immune: viral (Toxoplasma, CMV)
Proccidentia (complete uterine prolapse) Operation: vaginal hysterectomy
Mention the name of this clinical examination, how many weeks she is pregnant? Symphysiofundal height. 36 weeks(?)
What is the cause of antepartum haemorrhage in this case What is the cause of antepartum haemorrhage in this case? Placenta previa. Mention the mode of delivery. Cesarean section.
What is the name of this diagnostic procedure What is the name of this diagnostic procedure? Pap smear (and the wooden tool is Ayres spatula if they ask for it).
Mention the hormones that are secreted during the following process from the ovary. Estrogen and progesterone.
Mention the ant –post & transverse diameters of the female pelvic outlet. AP = 13.5 cm, transverse = 11 cm.
What is your diagnosis in this 65 years old pat. ? Vulval CA.
What is the name of this syndrome? Turner syndrome.
Mention a single test that is important to this newborn Mention a single test that is important to this newborn. Serum electrolytes (↑K+, ↓Na+ and Cl-).
What is the name of this procedure. Amniocentesis What is the name of this procedure? Amniocentesis. Mention two of its indications. Detection of chromosomal abnormalities (alpha-fetoprotein), determination of fetal lung maturity (lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio).
What is your diagnosis. Ectopic pregnancy What is your diagnosis? Ectopic pregnancy. Mention two predisposing factors. PID, tubal sterilization.
What is this type of abortion. Threatened What is this type of abortion? Threatened. Mention two predisposing factors. Infection (Chlamydia), maternal smoking.
What is the name of this procedure. Forceps delivery( What is the name of this procedure? Forceps delivery(?) Mention one of its indications. Poor maternal effort.
30 yr old with primary infertility 3 yr , What is your most likely diagnosis according to this picture ? PID. Mention three causative microorganisms? Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhea, genital Mycoplasma species.
Following illegal termination of pregnancy ,the patient develops sudden abdominal pain. !- What is your most likely diagnosis ? Perforation of uterus (but without the picture below septic miscarriage would also be reasonable) 2- mention 2 other complications of D&C? Asherman syndrome, infection leading to infertility and future ectopic pregnancy.
What is the name of this clinical examination. Bimanual examination What is the name of this clinical examination. Bimanual examination. Mention 2 indications? Suspected ovarian masses, endometriosis.
What is this specimen ? Uterus and Fallopian tubes (TAH + BS) Mention 2 differential diagnosis. Fibroid, endometrial CA.
16 yr patient presented with primary amenorrhea , 1-what is your most likely diagnosis ? Imperforate hymen. 2-what is the required operation ? Cruciate incision.
32 yr old , married, presented with swelling in her Lt labia Ba,what is your most likely diagnosis ? Bartholin cyst/abscess. What is the name of the required operation? Marsupialization.
What is the name of this procedure. External cephalic version What is the name of this procedure? External cephalic version. mention 3 possible complications. Placental abruption, cord compression and asphyxia, PROM.
These are two types of congenital anomalies of the uterus These are two types of congenital anomalies of the uterus. What are they? Bicornuate unicollis, septate. What is the name of the required operation ? Metroplasty (hysteroscopic, Jones, Tompkins)
What is your most likely diagnosis. Fibroid. Enumerate its types What is your most likely diagnosis? Fibroid. Enumerate its types. Submucosal, intramural, subserosal, pedunculated (submucosal and subserosal), cervical, intraligamentous (not shown here).
-What is the name of this surgical operation -What is the name of this surgical operation? Fetoscopy - Mention two of its indications in gynecology. Detect subtle structural abnormalities, fetal blood and tissue sampling
These are 3 types of vaginal prolepses. - What are they These are 3 types of vaginal prolepses . - What are they ? Cystocele, rectocele, enterocele. - Mention two predisposing factors. Childbirth, chronic cough.
1-What is the name of this procedure. Episiotomy 1-What is the name of this procedure ? Episiotomy. 2-Mention 2 complications. Infection, dyspareunia.
1-What is the name of this presentation. Breech presentation 1-What is the name of this presentation. Breech presentation. 2-Mention its types. Complete (flexed), frank (extended), footling, incomplete.
What is the name of this procedure. Forceps delivery What is the name of this procedure ? Forceps delivery. Mention 2 possible complications. Facial nerve plasy (baby), cervical laceration (mother).
What is the lie of this fetus. Transverse What is the lie of this fetus ? Transverse. Mention 2 possible predisposing factors. Placenta previa, polyhydramnios. Mention the mode of delivery. Elective cesarean section (or stabilizing induction if there is no placenta previa).
-What is this procedure -What is this procedure. Vaginal delivery of breech presentation (showing Lovset maneuver). - Mention two possible complications. Nerve injury (in the baby), genital lacerations (mother)
Describe this picture ? Twin pregnancy (vertex/nonvertex), antepartum hemorrhage (+ placenta previa?) Mention two possible complications. Cord prolapse, postpartum hemorrhage.
What is the name of this procedure. Controlled cord traction What is the name of this procedure? Controlled cord traction. What are the possible complications during this stage of labor? Postpartum hemorrhage (uterine atony, retained placenta) and urine retention(?).
What gestations are compatible with each of the marking illustrated
What is this specimen. Uterus and Fallopian tubes (+ ovaries What is this specimen ? Uterus and Fallopian tubes (+ ovaries?) What is the name of the operation ? TAH + BSO. Enumerate 2 indications for this operation ? Ovarian CA, dysfunctional uterine bleeding (above 40 years).
12 weeks pregnant patient ,her ultrasonic exam reveals negative fetal heart pulsation . 1-What is your diagnosis? Missed miscarriage(?) 2-Mention 3 important investigations. B-hCG(?) CBC(?) High vaginal swab(?)
60 yr old female presented with abdominal distension originating from the pelvis , 1- what is your most likely diagnosis ? Ovarian cancer. 2-Mension 2 helpful investigations. Ultrasound and CA125.
After difficult labor ,the patient had a cystic bulging in her anterior vaginal wall with stress incontinence , 1-what is your diagnosis ? Cystourethrocele. 2-Mention the name of the required operation. Anterior colporrhaphy.
Ultrasound showing IUCD.