Friday, April 1, 2011 April FOOL’S Day Let’s Get It Started!!! #71 Free Write Friday!!! Have homework ready! Your grade will consist of the following assignments: Reader’s Writer’s Notebook * Vocabulary (4-6) * Study Guide Questions (4-6) * Writing Assignment (The Seven Commandments) Prepare for your test: Vocabulary and Comprehension
Your 7 Commandments Write your seven commandments on a piece of construction paper to be displayed on our wall. Please make them neat and legible! What are the commandments that YOU live by?
Collect Homework!!! Turn in your Reader’s Writer’s Notebook. FYI: Do NOT take it home. If you don’t leave it, it will not be graded.
Chapters 1-6 Quiz DO NOT WRITE ON THE QUIZ 1. Take out a sheet of paper 2. Head your paper 3. Take Chapters 1-6 Quiz. By the way: I know you’ve already taken Chapters 1- 3… but TAKE IT AGAIN!
Vocabulary 7-8 emboldened capitulated countenance Lurking Tumult retinue conciliatory impending
Study Guide Questions Why did the hens have to give up their eggs? 2. How has Snowball's role been changed by the end of Chapter 6? 3. Why did Napoleon begin executing animals? 4. Whom did Boxer blame for the executions? What was his solution? 5. Why did the animals sing the "Beasts of England" song slowly and mournfully as they were gathered on the knoll? 6. Why was the singing of "Beasts of England" banned? 7. In what ways has Napoleon set himself apart from the other animals? 8. How did Frederick cheat Napoleon? 9. What moved the animals to attack Frederick and his men at the Battle of the Windmill? 10. Why was Comrade Napoleon "dying"?
Smile! It’s a new day! Quick Write #70 Thursday, March 31, 2011 “The distinguishing mark of man is the hand, the instrument with which he does all his mischief.”
Tuesday, March 29, 2010 Today’s objective: While continuing with Animal Farm, students will participate in Sustained Silent Reading (SSR), define chapters 4-6 vocabulary words and complete study guide question in preparation for Thursday’s quiz. Please note: Comprehension, vocabulary and writing assignment are ALL individual grades that will be collected Thursday. Reading should be done in class. You are not allowed to take the books home. However, if you have internet access, visit
(Tues.)Quick Write # 68 “There should never be a need to ‘take’ life.”
(Wed.)Quick Write # 69 “The leader is always right.”
Define vocabulary words chapters 4-6 (to be written on p. 17) shrewd perpetually irrepressible ignominious impromptu posthumously pretext crucial controversies
Study Guide Questions (answer ONLY on p. 10) Chapters What was the Battle of the Cowshed? 2. What was Snowball's role in the Battle of the Cowshed? 3. Describe the relationship between Napoleon and Snowball. 4. What topic divided the animals? Which pig was for and which was against? 5. How did Napoleon get rid of Snowball and gain full control of the animals? 6. What changes did Napoleon make first? 7. How did Squealer justify Napoleon's take-over to the others? 8. What two maxims did Boxer adopt? 9. Why did Napoleon in fact change his mind and decide to have the animals build the windmill? 10. For what purpose did Napoleon begin trading? 11. Why did the pigs say they had to move into the house? 12. Who did Napoleon blame for the windmill disaster? Why?
Writing Assignment (To be completed on 15) The animals had their seven commandments or ‘rules to live by’. If you were given the opportunity to create your own SEVEN COMMANDMENTS, what would they be? Remember, these are RULES/COMMANDMENTS that you would live by and encourage others to live by.
Quick Write # 66 It’s FRIDAY!!! Free Write Friday!!!
Weekend Homework Due Monday, March 28, 2010 Finish chapters 1-3 Answer Study Guide Questions Chapters 1-3 ANSWERS ONLY (p. 9) Print /cut/paste a picture of George Orwell to the Author’s Information page (p.2) Print/cut/paste a picture of the book Animal Farm to the Background Information page (p. 3) Print/cut/paste a picture of Napoleon (p. 4), Boxer (p. 5), Squealer (p. 6), and Old Major (p. 7).
Animal Farm is online!
Study Guide Questions Chapters 1 – 3 1. Identify Old Major, Boxer, Clover, Benjamin and Mollie. 2. For what purpose did Major call the meeting of the animals? 3. After they vote and decide rats are comrades, Major summarizes his points for the animals to remember. What are they? 4. What is "Beasts of England"? For what does it stand? 5. Why did the pigs get the job of teaching and organizing? 6. Identify Snowball, Napoleon, Squealer and Moses. 7. What actually brought about the rebellion? 8. What were the Seven Commandments? 9. Who gained leadership of the animals? Why? 10. Describe the animals' flag. 11. What happened to the milk and apples? How did Squealer rationalize that?
Heal the World!!! Thursday, March 24, 2011 the sayner recreation center opened last week in the old christian bible church building which the milfold city council purchased for the project In my literature class my snyder stated john ciardi writes some poems about his family for example to judith asleep is about his wife Objective: While reading Orwell’s Animal Farm, students will identify and analyze the effect of persuasive techniques.
the sayner recreation center opened last week in the old christian bible church building which the milfold city council purchased for the project In my literature class my snyder stated john ciardi writes some poems about his family for example to judith asleep is about his wife
Thursday, March 24, 2011 Objective: While reading Orwell’s Animal Farm, students will identify and analyze the effect of persuasive techniques. Quick Write # 65 “All men are enemies...”
Allegorical Lesson Allegory- a narrative or description having a second meaning beneath the surface one. It can imply a moral, religious, political or social meaning.
Author’s Information, p. 2 George Orwell was born in 1903 Birth name was Eric Blair Birth place was in Bengal, India Orwell became a socialist and spoke out against the Spanish Civil War Animal Farm and 1984 are his two greatest anti-totalitarian novels Orwell died in 1950
Background Information, p. 3 Written in 1945 Advocates freedom and an opponent of communist oppression “fairy story” in the style of Aesop’s fables, it uses animals on an English farm to convey the historical background of the Soviet Communism The animals mirror prominent Communist leaders
Vocabulary, p. 17 Vocabulary (1-3) Apathy Cynical Falter Indefatigable Obstinate Pre-eminent Tyranny Vivacious
Persuasive Advertisement Determine your product Using the definition and information provided on your advertisement, create a 30 second to 1 minute commercial. You have 15 minutes. Everyone MUST participate. Logos Ethos Pathos
Happy Feelings!!! Wednesday, March 23, 2011 new words are added to english in three ways coining words to name new things to borrow words from other languages and the adoption of slang terms looking exhausted she closed the door sat her briefcase next to the desk and says breathlessly what a day Objective: While reading Orwell’s Animal Farm, students will identify and analyze the effect of persuasive techniques.
new words are added to english in three ways coining words to name new things to borrow words from other languages and the adoption of slang terms looking exhausted she closed the door sat her briefcase next to the desk and says breathlessly what a day
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Objective: While reading Orwell’s Animal Farm, students will identify and analyze the effect of persuasive techniques. Quick Write # 64 “Intelligence is the primary discriminating factor.”
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 it says in the book you borrowed me that the french quarter in new orleans was developed by creoles who built there houses around courtyards after jogging through central park me and lennie stopped at the bridge cafe and at the cafe we see rev stig carlson Objective: While reading Orwell’s Animal Farm, students will identify and analyze the effect of persuasive techniques.
it says in the book you borrowed me that the french quarter in new orleans was developed by creoles who built there houses around courtyards after jogging through central park me and lennie stopped at the bridge cafe and at the cafe we see rev stig carlson
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 Objective: While reading Orwell’s Animal Farm, students will identify and analyze the effect of persuasive techniques. Quick Write # 63 “Man serves the interests of no creature except himself.”
Homework Assignment Ten sheets of copy paper (Color/white) Due today, 3/22/11 Magazine/Newspaper Advertisement Examples: – 1 example of Ethos advertisement – 1 example of Pathos advertisement – 1 example of Logos advertisement Due TOMORROW Wednesday, 3/23/11
Front Cover Title: Animal Farm Author: George Orwell Your Name
Numbering Your Reader’s Writer’s Notebook Begin numbering your RWN on the first inside page.
Table of Contents ContentsPage Author’s Information2 Background Information3 Characters4-7 Literary Elements8 Study Guide Questions9-12 Direct Quotes13 & 14 Writing Assignment15 & 16 Vocabulary17 & 18 My Favorite Character19
Monday, March 21, You will need your composition notebook. (revising and editing and Quick Write) Objective: While reading Orwell’s Animal Farm, students will identify and analyze the effect of persuasive techniques.
Monday, March 21, 2011 fern baker asked our class did you know that the is the most common word and e and t the most common letters in english who did mom tell about her two brothers in laws prank at the party on dads 40 th birthday Objective: While reading Orwell’s Animal Farm, students will identify and analyze the effect of persuasive techniques.
fern baker asked our class did you know that the is the most common word and e and t the most common letters in english who did mom tell about her two brothers in laws prank at the party on dads 40 th birthday
Monday, March 21, 2011 Objective: While reading Orwell’s Animal Farm, students will identify and analyze the effect of persuasive techniques. Quick Write # 62 “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing.”
Homework Assignment Ten sheets of copy paper (Color/white) Due Tuesday, 3/22/11 Magazine/Newspaper Advertisement Examples: – 1 example of Ethos advertisement – 1 example of Pathos advertisement – 1 example of Logos advertisement Due Wednesday, 3/23/11
Monday, March 21, 2011 Objective: While reading Orwell’s Animal Farm, students will identify and analyze the effect of persuasive techniques. Based on the two videos, what is the purpose of the protesting movements? In 2 paragraphs answer the question using direct points from your notes taken during each video. Egyptian Revolution Complete 2011 Revolt Fever: Libya joins protest