Urban Tree Canopy Assessment for The City of Tukwila, WA Ian Scott Davey Resource Group November 1, 2012
Why Tree Canopy? Measure Quality Public Tree Inventory (i-Tree Streets) Private Tree Inventory (i-Tree Eco) Measure Quantity Tree Canopy Assessment
How Did We Do It?
Quality Control/Quality Assurance Kappa Coefficient (Tukwila = ) i-Tree Canopy (~23%)
Results City Wide The city limits of Tukwila encompass an area of 9.99 square miles (6,396 acres). 25% ‒ Canopy, 1,616 acres 51% ‒ Impervious surfaces, 3,242 acres 18% ‒ Pervious surfaces, 1,132 acres 5% ‒ Open water, 299 acres 2% ‒ Bare soils, 108 acres
% Land Cover By Zone
Results Acres of Land Cover By Zone
Results Land Cover By Zone
Results Canopy in Parks
Neighbor Cities Canopy Context (%)
Neighbor Cities SeattleRentonTukwila
Setting Goals Potential Canopy
Setting Goals Potential Canopy
Communicating Value I Tree VUE – Pollution Benefits by the Numbers Stored Carbon ~ 71,000 Tons $1.4M Sequestered Carbon ~ 2300 Ton/yr $48K Carbon Monoxide (CO) ~ 4.3 Ton/yr $4K Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) ~ 10 Ton/yr $89K Ozone (O3)~ 4.3 Ton/yr $240K Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) ~ 8.5 Ton/yr $18K Particulate Matter ~ 15.7 Ton/yr $94K Yearly Benefit $423K
Communicating Value Google Earth Exploring Potential Planting Change in Time
Communicating Value