Persimmons Chapter 27
Types Two types of persimmons. China produces 70% of the world market. Japanese (soft) American (hard) China produces 70% of the world market. The US produces less than 1% of the world market.
Cold Tolerance Japanese zones 7 to 10. American plums grow well in zones 5 to 9
Growth and bearing habits Japanese persimmons trees grow 25’ to 40’ tall. American persimmon trees grow 35’ to 50’ tall. They start to bear fruit in the 3rd. To 4th. Leaf. They reach full bearing at 10th to 12th leaf. American persimmons need a pollinator for every 5 to 6 trees.
Site selection and preparation
Choosing cultivars
Orchard layout and planting Page 531
Soil management, irrigation, and fertilizers
Diseases – Phytophthora root & Crown rot
Crown gall
Insects – Red-humped caterpillar
Persimmon borer
Persimmon psylla
Citrus mealybug