Abortion Laura Harris Graduation Project
Abortion Definition Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy The cause of abortion can be natural or unnatural Natural: Health problems or injury that result in a miscarriage Unnatural: Intentional removal of the fetus
Terminology An ovum is a female reproductive cell. A spermatozoon is a male reproductive cell. Fertilization, or conception, is when the sperm enters the ovum. A zygote is a single cell that is created from conception and contains a complete genetic code. The zygote travels down the fallopian tube, its cells multiplying as it does so. It lands in the uterus, becoming a blastocyst.
More Terminology The blastocyst is a sphere of cells that contain a hollow, liquid-filled space in its center. At the end of the second week, the blastocyst has implanted itself into the wall of the uterus. By the third week, it becomes an embryo, which has more developed organ systems and features. After brain activity is detectable, it is referred to as a fetus until birth (Van Camp, 2011).
Developmental Stages Quickening Viability Brain Activity When the mother starts to feel the kicking of the fetus. Week 13 – Week 20 Viability The ability of the fetus to survive outside of the womb. Week 24 Brain Activity Week 8 (Van Camp, 2011)
Types of Abortion Vacuum Aspiration This is when the fetus is vacuumed out of the womb. This is used during the first trimester. Mifepristone (RU-486) A medication that stops the action of a hormone that is vital in maintaining a pregnancy. This hormone is progesterone (Van Camp, 2011).
More Types of Abortion Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) This is when surgical instruments are used to remove the fetus. This is used during the second trimester. Intact D&E When the fetus' skull is collapsed with an instrument to help aid removal.
People and Sides
Extreme Conservative They believe that abortion is always wrong, except to save the mother's life, and some of the most extreme say it's wrong even then. Their ideology is the inspiration for the PRO-LIFE movement. Why do they believe this?
Extreme Liberal They believe that abortion is always okay, no matter what. Their ideology is the inspiration for the PRO-CHOICE movement Why do they believe this?
Moderates They don't believe abortion is right all the time, nor do they believe it's wrong all the time. What factors do you think would contribute to moderates thinking it's okay sometimes and wrong other times?
Works Cited Allen, K. (2011). Teen Pregnancy Adversely Affects Each Member of a Family Unit. Retrieved May 14, 2012, from GALE CENGAGE Learning. Andryszewski, T. (1996). Abortion: Rights, Options, and Choices (p. 109). Lee, M., & Sprague, N. (2011). Point: Abortion Is a Women's Health Issue and Should Be a Constitutional Right. Retrieved May 7, 2012, from EBSCO Industries, Inc. Medical and Ethical Questions Concerning Abortion. (2008). Retrieved August 16, 2012, from GALE CENGAGE Learning. Meier, K. J., Haider-Markel, D. P., Stanislawski, A. J., & Mcfarlane, D. R. (1996). The impact of state-level restrictions on abortion (Vol. 33). doi:10.2307/2061763. National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. Teen Pregnancy is a Significant Problem. (n.d.). Retrieved May 15, 2012, from GALE CENGAGE Learning. Pazol, K., Zane, S. B., Parker, W. Y., Hall, L. R., Berg, C., & Cook, D. A. (2011, November 25). Abortion Surveillance--United States, 2008. . Retrieved August 14, 2012, from EBSCOhost. Roe v. Wade. (1973, January 22). Retrieved August 13, 2012, from University of Missouri-Kansas City Law School website: http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/conlaw/roe.html. Smith, C. (2010, October 20). Generation Homeless: Older teens cycle out of foster care…and onto the streets. Retrieved May 7, 2012, from Seattle Post Globe. Van Camp, J. C. (2011). Applying Ethics: A Text with Readings (Tenth ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Vibeke, R. (2011, July). Unsafe abortion and postabortion care - an overview. Retrieved August 15, 2012, from ESBSCOhost.
Images Used http://media2.arabia.msn.com/medialib/2007/04/04/pregnant-woman.jpg http://bravuramagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/baby.jpg http://www.ahpanet.org/images/usa%20map%20golden%20plain.gif http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-sWCj2Mo5MmY/TzhohmXrubI/AAAAAAAAC_c/3rg7UbbZN50/s400/1969+moratorium+protest.jpg http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2013/01/roe-v-wade-norma-mccorvey-transformation/_jcr_content/par/cn_contentwell/par-main/cn_slideshow/item1.rendition.slideshowWideHorizontal.norma- mccorvey-transformation-ss02.jpg http://www.prolifeblogs.com/articles/archives/cartoon1.jpg http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24382_01/web.1112/e16181/img/dvt_graph_bar_uc.png http://www.happygirlmusing.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Cost-of-Laser-Hair-Removal-on-the-Face.jpg http://www.womansday.com/cm/womansday/images/wL/1-woman-in-her-40s-lgn.jpg http://www.neillneill.com/uploads/Image/middle-aged%20woman.jpg http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/jgroup/jgroup1005/jgroup100501793/7057056-a-sperm-swimming-toward-the-egg-at-a-microscopic-zoom-over-black.jpg http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/articles/health_tools/fetal_development_slideshow/PRinc_photo_of_fetus_at_16_weeks.jpg http://www.esquire.com/cm/esquire/images/tZ/boulder-abortion-clinic-new-0909-lg.jpg http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/120630084923-howell-ms-abortion-clinic-00023314-story-top.jpg http://eagleionline.com/files/2011/01/abortion-clinic.jpg http://bound4life.com/blog-files/system/files/162/original/baby_foot.jpg http://prolife.mostlycatholic.com/images/Pro-Life/pro-life.jpg http://www.rifuture.org/wp-content/uploads/Pro-Choice.jpg http://web-images.chacha.com/images/Gallery/4830/what-are-some-lesser-known-causes-of-weight-gain-1323313835-oct-3-2012-1-600x400.jpg