$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 atoms Chemical reactions Acids and Bases Rates of Reactions Ionic compounds
Category 1: $100: A The Name of the Centre of an atom
The Nucleus Category 1: $100: Q
Where the electrons “live” In an atom Category 1: $200: A
Orbitals or electron shells Category 1: $200: Q
Category 1: $300: A The charge on an electron
Negative Category 1: $300: Q
The name of the neutral charged subatomic particle Category 1: $400: A
A Neutron Category 1: $400: Q
Category 1: $500: A The name of the subatomic Particle who’s number is actually the atomic number of the element.
Category 1: $500: Q Protons
What the starting chemicals Are called in a chemical reaction Category 2: $100: A
Reactants Category 2: $100: Q
When a combustion reaction Happens, this is always released Category 2: $200: A
Category 2: $200: Q Energy in the form of Heat and light
Give 2 clues that a chemical reaction has taken place Category 2: $300: A
Category 2: $300: Q Temperature change, colour change, bubbles, Light produced etc.
Which one of the following is NOT an example of a chemical reaction? a) Cooking an egg b) a car engine running c) boiling water Category 2: $400: A
Category 2: $400: Q c) Boiling water This NOT a chemical reaction. You can reverse it! (water vapour condenses to liquid water again). **Caution,bubbles DON’T ALWAYS mean a Chemical reaction!
Category 2: $500: A When magnesium metal Is burned in oxygen gas Solid magnesium oxide Is produced. State the Word equation for this.
Magnesium (s) + Oxygen (g) = Magnesium oxide (s) Category 2: $500: Q
What is the pH of a neutral substance? Category 3: $100: A
Category 3: $100: Q pH = 7
Give a possible pH of a base Category 3: $200: A
Any number greater than 7 and up to 14, e.g. pH = 9 Category 3: $200: Q
Give one example of an acid that We have used in class. Category 3: $300: A
Vinegar, lemon juice, Hydrochloric acid Category 3: $300: Q
Category 3: $400: A When an acid and a base are mixed together, what type of reaction is this and name one product that is produced
Category 3: $400: Q Neutralization Reaction Water and a salt are produced
Category 3: $500: A Give one example of a Neutralization reaction That we have done in class
The egg lab (vinegar + egg shell) Making soap (olive oil + sodium hydroxide) Category 3: $500: Q
If you are cooking something On the stove, how could you Make it cook faster? Category 4: $100: A
Increase the temperature Category 4: $100: Q
What is one way people slow Down the rate that food goes bad? Category 4: $200: A
Wrap it up, put it in the fridge, Pickle vegetables (vinegar), make jam out of fruit (sugar), Smoke or salt meat Category 4: $200: Q
When we crushed the alkaseltzer or when you cut up a potato into smaller pieces, what are you doing (what factor are you increasing?) Category 4: $300: A
You are increasing surface area Category 4: $300: Q
When we did the blast off lab, if you decided on one round to use 1 small scoop of powder and then on the next round you used 2 large scoops of powder, what factor are you changing? Category 4: $400: A
Concentration (you are making it “stronger”) Category 4: $400: Q
What are the chemicals inside Your body that make chemical Reactions go faster? Category 4: $500: A
Enzymes Category 4: $500: Q
When an ionic bond happens, what happens to the electrons of the different atoms? Category 5: $100: A
One atom “steals” the electrons away from the other atom Category 5: $100: Q
Where are metals on the periodic table? Category 5: $200: A
On the left side Category 5: $200: Q
Ionic compounds are made up of a metal atom plus this type of atom Category 5: $300: A
A non-metal Category 5: $300: Q
How many electrons do all atoms “want” in their outer shell? Category 5: $400: A
8 This is called a stable octet Category 5: $400: Q
Give the name for the ionic compound formed between Aluminum and Oxygen Category 5: $500: A
Aluminum oxide Category 5: $500: Q