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Names 1Names 2Formula 1Formula 2Names and formulas Pot luck
This compound has the formula CCl 4 A 100
What is carbon tetrachloride? A 100
This compound has the formula NCl 3 A 200
What is nitrogen trichloride? A 200
A 300 This compound has the formula Mn(CN) 3
What is manganese(III) cyanide? A 300
The formula for the compound nitrogen trisulfide A 400
What is NS 3 ?
The formula for the compound beryllium cyanide A 500
What is Be(CN) 2 ? A 500
The formula for the compound chromium II floride B 100
What is CrF 2 ? B 100
This compound has the formula SiI 2 B 200
What is silicon diiodide? B 200
This compound has the formula N 2 Cl 3 B 300
What is dinitrogen trichloride? B 300
This compound has the formula Ca(HSO 4 ) 2 B 400
What is calcium hydrogen sulfate? B 400
The formula of the compound tetranitrogen monoiodide B 500
What is N 4 I? B 500
The formula for the compound potassium chromate C 100
What is K 2 CrO 4 ? C 100
The formula for the compound cobalt II hydrogen carbonate C 200
What is Co(HCO 3 ) 2 ? C 200
This compound has the formula CF 4 C 300
What is carbon tetrafloride? C 300
This compound has the formula Na 2 S C 400
What is sodium sulfide? C 400
This compound has the formula Fe(ClO 3 ) 3 C 500
What is iron(III) chlorate? C 500
The formula for the compound of calcium phosphate D 100
What is Ca 3 (PO4) 2 ? D 100
The formula for the compound gallium (III) chlorate D 200
What is Ga(ClO 3 ) 3 D 200
This compound has the formula S 3 Br 4 D 300
What is trisulfur tetrabromide? D 300
This compound has the formula NaCl D 400
What is sodium chloride? D 400
This compound has the formula Ir(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 D 500
What is iridium (II) acetate? D 500
The formula for the compound carbon tetrafluride E 100
What is CF 4 ? E 100
The formula for potassium phosphate E 200
What is K 3 (PO 4 )? E 200
The formula for the compound iron III nitrite E 300
What is Fe(NO 3 ) 3 ? E 300
This compound has the formula CO E 400
What is carbon monoxide? E 400
This compound has the formula N 2 Cl 5 E 500
What is dinitrogen pentachloride? E 500
This compound has the formula Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 F 100
What is calcium phosphate? F 100
The formula for the compound nitrogen monoxide F 200
What is NO? F 200
The formula for the compound magnesium sulfide F 300
What are MgS? F 300
The formula for the compound lead II hydroxide F 400
What is Pb(OH) 2 ? F 400
This compound has the formula PO 3 F 500
What is phosphorus trioxide? F 500
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The formula for the compound cadmium peroxide Click on screen to continue
What is CdO 2 ? Click on screen to continue
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