Rule of Law Get ready to move into the groups on the board.
Group Assignment and Role Selection Each group is going to perform a short skit that focuses on one of the factors of the Rule of Law. Select roles and read through the script as a group.
If your group has finished its reading, please quietly raise your hands. I will bring you a skit reinforcement sheet. Please complete the three or four questions for your skit. After you perform your skit, you will be quizzing the class to make sure they were paying attention.
Rule of Law Skit #1 Order and Security
The victims knew the law enforcement was not effective. 4The police thought the local council was better than the court. Criminals do not face any consequences. The police did not have procedures for dealing with crime Becausethe victims knew the law enforcement was not effective, they did not feel safe on the streets and they worried about being out after dark. D D
Order and Security The victims knew the law enforcement was not effective. 4The police thought the local council was better than the court. Criminals do not face any consequences. The police did not have procedures for dealing with crime Becausethe police did not have procedures for dealing with crime, they could not stop crime or keep order in society. B B
Order and Security The victims knew the law enforcement was not effective. 4The police thought the local council was better than the court. Criminals do not face any consequences. The police did not have procedures for dealing with crime Becausecriminals do not face any consequences, people commit crimes knowing they will get away with it. A A
Order and Security The victims knew the law enforcement was not effective. 4The police thought the local council was better than the court. Criminals do not face any consequences. The police did not have procedures for dealing with crime Becausethe police thought the local council was better than the court, they did not encourage people to use the courts. C C
Rule of Law Skit #2 Legitimacy
The laws in this country were borrowed from another country. People are expected to follow the law even though it was sometimes impossible. Lawmakers only pass laws to help their friends Becausethe laws in this country were borrowed from another country, the laws do not meet the needs of the people in this country, and people do not see them as worthy of following. B B
Legitimacy The laws in this country were borrowed from another country. People are expected to follow the law even though it was sometimes impossible. Lawmakers only pass laws to help their friends Becauselawmakers only pass laws to help their friends, the rest of the people the lawmakers represent have no input in the lawmaking process. A A
Legitimacy The laws in this country were borrowed from another country. People are expected to follow the law even though it was sometimes impossible. Lawmakers only pass laws to help their friends Becausepeople are expected to follow the law even though it was sometimes impossible, citizens do not respect the law because they don’t see it as fair and reasonable. C C
Rule of Law Skit #3 Checks and Balances
The judicial branch is disorganized and doesn’t have enough judges. 4Judges are willing to take favors from lawmakers. The lawmakers do what the President wants them to. Lawmakers are only interested in what they can get from the wealthy Becausethe judicial branch is disorganized and doesn’t have enough judges, it cannot function effectively. A A
Checks and Balances The judicial branch is disorganized and doesn’t have enough judges. 4Judges are willing to take favors from lawmakers. The lawmakers do what the President wants them to. Lawmakers are only interested in what they can get from the wealthy Becauselawmakers are only interested in what they can get from the wealthy, they do not care about the other people they represent. D D
Checks and Balances The judicial branch is disorganized and doesn’t have enough judges. 4Judges are willing to take favors from lawmakers. The lawmakers do what the President wants them to. Lawmakers are only interested in what they can get from the wealthy Becausethe lawmakers do what the President wants them to, power is not really divided between the legislative and executive branches. C C
Checks and Balances The judicial branch is disorganized and doesn’t have enough judges. 4Judges are willing to take favors from lawmakers. The lawmakers do what the President wants them to. Lawmakers are only interested in what they can get from the wealthy Becausejudges are willing to take favors from lawmakers, the judicial system is not independent from the lawmaking branch. B B
Rule of Law Skit #4 Equal Application of the Law
The judge saw the mayor as being too important to punish. The mayor knew he could control the judge. The poor person was not able to influence the judge Becausethe judge saw the mayor as being too important to punish, he let the mayor be above the law. C C
Equal Application of the Law The judge saw the mayor as being too important to punish. The mayor knew he could control the judge. The poor person was not able to influence the judge Becausethe poor person was not able to influence the judge, in court, he was not treated the same as a rich or influential person would have been. B B
Equal Application of the Law The judge saw the mayor as being too important to punish. The mayor knew he could control the judge. The poor person was not able to influence the judge Becausethe mayor knew he could control the judge, he did not think he needed to obey the law. A A
Rule of Law Skit #5 Procedural Fairness
There were no rules for bringing prisoners to court quickly. No law required that prisoners be told why they are being held. The government did not have to follow set procedures Becausethere were no rules for bringing prisoners to court quickly, the prisoners had no idea how long they would be in jail. B B
Procedural Fairness There were no rules for bringing prisoners to court quickly. No law required that prisoners be told why they are being held. The government did not have to follow set procedures Becausethe government did not have to follow set procedures, every case proceeded differently, and the legal system was not fair. C C
Procedural Fairness There were no rules for bringing prisoners to court quickly. No law required that prisoners be told why they are being held. The government did not have to follow set procedures Becauseno law required that prisoners be told why they are being held, one prisoner didn’t know why he was in jail. A A
Rule of Law Skit #6 Access to Justice
Tamara and Angela did not have much education. 4Tamara was not able to file a case. The man who came to court had an easier time than Tamara did. The nearest court was too far away BecauseTamara and Angela did not have much education, they did not have the knowledge to understand the court system. C C
Access to Justice Tamara and Angela did not have much education. 4Tamara was not able to file a case. The man who came to court had an easier time than Tamara did. The nearest court was too far away Becausethe nearest court was too far away, no court was available where Tamara could seek justice. D D
Access to Justice Tamara and Angela did not have much education. 4Tamara was not able to file a case. The man who came to court had an easier time than Tamara did. The nearest court was too far away Becausethe man who came to court had an easier time than Tamara did, men had easier access to justice than women. B B
Access to Justice Tamara and Angela did not have much education. 4Tamara was not able to file a case. The man who came to court had an easier time than Tamara did. The nearest court was too far away BecauseTamara was not able to file a case, she had no way to enforce her rights. A A
Skit Claps and Comments Thank you, all performers. I would like to hear your comments on the skits after we return the desks to their regular locations.
Rule of Law Review Order and Security Legitimacy Checks and Balances Equal Application of the Law Procedural Fairness Access to Justice You can tell how a country’s rule of law measures up by checking these six factors:
Graphic Organizer Please use what you learned from the skit and the skit reinforcement worksheet to complete this graphic organizer. You may work together as long as you do not leave your seats. The back of this worksheet is home prep.