What soil Order? Parent Materials Etc.Morphology Soil Taxonomy
Parent Material Parent material, climate, organisms, topography and time. Factors of Soil Formation
Parent Material- 200 Mixtures of minerals Rocks
Parent Material Igneous or sedimentary transformed by high heat and/or pressure Metamorphic
Parent Material- 400 Poorly sorted fragments on steep slopes or at foot of slopes, carried by gravity Colluvium
Parent Material Wind-carried silt Loess
Taxonomy The great group Haplaquolls belongs to this soil order. Mollisols!!! And you Better know this one
Taxonomy The great group Hapludoll belongs to this soil order, soil moisture regime, and will support this major crop. Mollisols, udic, corn
Taxonomy When comparing these two soil subgroups, which one is the “wettest?” Typic Haplaquolls Aquic Hapludolls Typic Haplaquolls
Taxonomy- 400 Place the following three soils in correct order from high to low elevation in a soil toposequence. Clarion—Typic Hapludolls Webster—Typic Haplaquolls Nicollet—Aquic Hapludolls Clarion, Nicollet, Webster
Taxonomy Place the following three soils in correct order from high to low elevation in a soil toposequence. Clarion—Typic Hapludolls Markey—Typic Borosaprists Webster—Typic Haplaquolls Nicollet—Aquic Hapludolls Clarion, Nicollet, Webster, Markey
Morphology Five common soil structure descriptors Granular, subangular blocky, angular blocky, massive, columnar, prismatic, single grain
Morphology Brightness or purity of the color. Chroma Amount of grey added. 1 = high grey (low purity) 8 = low grey (high purity) Chroma of 2 or less = gleyed conditions, poor drainage.
Morphology Spectral color of rainbow Hue
Morphology A soil color of 10YR 3/2 refers to what three attributes (must be in correct order) Hue, value, chroma
Morphology These features are attributed to strong soil structure aeration, lower bulk density, porosity, drainage, increased rooting depth, etc.
Etc Unconsolidated mineral and organic material that serves as a natural medium for the growth of plants... Soil
Etc –Nitrogen (NO 3 - ), NH 4 + ) –Phosphorus (H 2 PO 4 -, HPO 4 2 -) –Potassium (K + ) –Calcium (Ca 2+ ) –Magnesium (Mg 2+ ) –Sulfur (SO 4 2- ) Plant nutrients from soil
Etc –C (CO 2 ) –H (H 2 O) –O (O 2, H 2 O) Plant Nutrients from air
Etc Unconsolidated down to the bedrock is referred to as the Regolith A E B C R
Etc The is the part of the soil profile that has weathered from the parent material, generally the A and B horizons Solum A E B C R
What soil order? Mollisols
What Soil Order? Alfisols
What Soil Order? Spodosols
What Soil Order? Ultisols
What Soil Order? Histosols