Legislative Basics
Our agenda is simple: we provide credible, timely information about education policy and the law-making process so parents can speak for themselves. Parents United We are an organization of parents, for parents
“If you are not at the table you are on the menu”
Major Functions and Services of State Government K-12 Education Higher Education Family Assistance Corrections Transportation Agriculture Natural Resources Pollution Control Public Facilities Authority
Education is a constitutional mandate Minnesota Constitution, Article 13, Section 1 …it is the duty of the legislature to establish a general and uniform system of public schools. The legislature shall make such provisions by taxation or otherwise as will secure a thorough and efficient system of public schools throughout the state.
Minnesota Government Structure Executive BranchLegislative BranchJudicial Branch Upholds lawsMakes lawsInterprets laws Governor Lt. Governor Secretary of State Auditor Attorney General Senate House of Representatives Supreme Court Judicial System
Quick Facts Two houses make up the Legislature –Senate and House Senate has 67 members (4 year term) House has 134 members (2 year term) Each legislative district has one Senator and two Representatives. Representatives and Senators must be: –qualified voters of the state –at least 21 years of age –must have resided for at least one year in the state.
House of Representatives Senate Speaker of the House Majority Leader Assistant Majority Leaders Minority Leader Assistant Minority Leaders Minority Whips Speaker Tempore Committee chairs 134 House Members Majority Leader Assistant Majority Leaders Majority Whips Minority Leader Assistant Minority Leaders President of the Senate President Pro temp Committee chairs 67 Senators
Being in the majority matters
Timing is key January Committees, chairs selected February Budget forecast, Governor’s budget then minority budget March Bills and Budget Targets April Bills heard day and night May Conference committees and legislature adjourns
How a Bill Becomes Law 1. The idea for a new law is drafted as a bill and introduced by sponsors in both the House and the Senate 2. The House holds committee hearings on the bill to discuss it and make changes, if necessary
Floor sessions 3. After the committees finish their work, the full House of Representatives votes on the bill.
Senate Action 4. The Senate also holds committee hearings on its version of the bill. These can go on before, during or after the House hearings. 5. Just as the House does, the full Senate must vote on the bill.
6. If the House and Senate pass the same version of a bill, it is sent to the governor for action.
Conference Committees 7. If the language of the bills differ, then the differences have to be worked out by a conference committee.
Then on to the governor To sign Or veto
A Governor’s role
It can get confusing!
So there is help!
Finding out what is happening at any given time is critical
Keeping track….
Legislators LOVE talking with parents. They see them and refer to them as “REAL PEOPLE” Use that advantage!
If you want to talk with a Senator or Representative about a bill, and need a little help call or us!
It matters! Knowledge + Action = Change
Highlights of 2013 E-12 Omnibus bill $550 million new investment $15.7 billion over the biennium (current state education expenditure $15.5 billion) Optional All Day K Early childhood scholarships $50 million for scholarships for families with 3- and 4-year-olds who have income less than 185% of the federal poverty level to attend public or private preschools. 2% on the per pupil formula each of the next two years $104 on the per pupil formula in 2014 an additional $109 on the formula in New integration program: Achievement and Integration in Minnesota (AIM) Equalization aid Funding to expand Minnesota Department of Education Regional Centers of Excellence around the state Requires the education commissioner to identify and report measures demonstrating success in increasing 4 year graduation rates Provides for a Career and Technical Education advisory task force Allows for a local decision to begin school before Labor Day, with the proviso that school not be held the Thursday and Friday prior Provides for a School Climate Center and Climate Council to deal with bullying, harassment prevention Expands Reading Corps and provides for a Math Corps in MN Provides for a Teacher licensure task force to make recommendations for teacher candidates to demonstrate mastery of basic skills (looking at the MTLE test) Increases state aid for school lunches by $.01 per lunch English language learners funding expanded from 5 years to 7 years Increase and expanded use of safe schools levy Provides funding to replaces GRAD test with a suite of assessments more relevant for students to explore and plan for college/career Requires at least 165 days of school Requires school districts to provide mental health instruction for students in grades Requires teachers renewing their teacher license to acquire more in-depth understanding of topics related to mental illness in children and adolescents Standard high school diploma for adults. Special education case load task force Requires the commissioner to appoint an Indian education director to serve as a liaison Early childhood scholarships Optional All Day Kindergarten $$ on the per pupil formula New suite of assessments for students to explore and plan for career and /or college A career and technical education advisory task force Increases $$ for school lunches Special education case load task force
2013 Center on Budget Policy and Priorities
Current avenue for advocacy! WBWF legislation Intent: To engage the community in the work of educating Minnesota students.
For Minnesota to build the worlds best workforce, we need All students ready for K All third graders reading at grade-level Close all academic achievement gaps Graduate all students from high school Have all high school graduates career and college ready
Parents United Legislative Kick-Off December 6, :00-11:00AM TIES Conference Center 1640 Larpenteur Ave West St Paul, MN 55108
“Information is the currency of democracy” Thomas Jefferson