Tour de Scanvaegt
Marel Food Systems Marel Food Systems is listed on the Icelandic stock exchange Marel Food Systems employs over 2000 people in 23 countries. As a single source supplier, Marel Food Systems is able serve its customers and offer complete solutions to all stages of food processing Marel Food Systems annually invests 6-7% of its income in research and product development.
Sigsteinn GrétarssonThorkild ChristensenÁsgeir Ásgeirsson
Vision We are innovative in everything we do and we provide outstanding new solutions and services to the food processing industry in order to create greater value for all our stakeholders. Tag line Return on innovation
Scanvaegt values Innovation We build our future on innovation Perfection We seek perfection in everything we do Dedication We are dedicated to the food processing industry
66 Serving the food industry since 1932 Scanvaegt was founded in 1932 by Knud Grundtvig who sold scales for weighing in shops.
History Supplier of weighing equipment since Manufacturer of electronic weighing equipment supplied in Scandinavia 1980 Weighing, process control and data collecting equipment for the wet food industry in Europe 1990 Weighing and data systems for the global food industry 1997 From individual products to processing lines for the food industry Part of Marel Food Systems - Solution supplier.
Scanvaegt was founded in 1932 by Knud Grundtvig who sold scales for weighing in shops. The company was wholly owned until 2006 by the Grundtvig family. August 2006: Scanvaegt and Marel join forces
Number of employees 2,100 employees worldwide 950 in Denmark, 350 in Iceland and 360 in the UK A B O U T M A R E L F O D S Y S T E M S
Subsidiaries and agents world wide Marel Food Systems has - subsidiaries in 23 countries - network of 60 agents and distributors in about 40 countries - Production in Denmark, Iceland, Slovakia, UK
Other Convenience foods Cheese Cooked meats and bacon Three main industries: Meat Beef Pork Lamb TURNOVER IS DIVIDED EQUALLY BETWEEN THE FIRST THREE SECTORS Poultry Chicken Turkey Duck Fish Wild fish Farmed fish
Udviklingsmetode Tried XP Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF 4.0) Seminars with Karen Henderson Agile, Scrum, Continuous Integration… Roles and responsibilities rather that titles Focus on mindset Tools to come (Visual Studio Team System 2008)