Katherine Harris C:3 Mr. Mixon QUESTION: What are four minerals that affect the how the brain behaves, and what do they do to affect the brain?
Intro about the human brain: In general if there is a lack of minerals for the brain many things can happen. For example lack of magnesium and elevated calcium levels cause biochemical depression. This is when there is great fatigue and people become sluggish. Lack of magnesium and elevated calcium is slow metabolic or oxidation rate. So in other words, lack of minerals in the brain can cause disorders.
Iron: carries oxygen from our lungs through out our bodies. Also helps our muscle store and use oxygen. So Iron mainly benefits on how our circulatory system functions. Iron can be absorbed from mainly meat, poultry, and fish Iron deficiency is the number one leading cause of anemia in the United States. Anemia can affect your organs and the way the function and cause them to act abnormally. A healthy person has the following amounts of iron a day 7-12months 11 milligrams milligrams milligrams milligrams due to body changes milligrams milligrams
Magnesium: helps your brain with Synaptic Plasticity (the ability to signal other cells). One of the more important things magnesium does is it helps energize your brain which helps you tolerate stress, and recover from trauma. Magnesium also does the following · Gives rigidity AND flexibility to your bones (more important than Calcium in many cases) · Increases bioavailability of calcium · Regulates and normalizes blood pressure · Prevents and reverses kidney stone formation · Promotes restful sleep · Helps prevent congestive heart failure · Eases muscle cramps and spasms · Lowers serum cholesterol levels and triglycerides · Decreases insulin resistance · Can prevent atherosclerosis and stroke · End cluster and migraine headaches · Enhances circulation · Relieves fibromyalgia and chronic pain · Treats asthma and emphysema · Helps make proteins · Encourages proper elimination · Prevents osteoporosis · Proper Vitamin D absorption · protection from radiation · To aid weight loss · Lessen or remove ADD or ADHD in children · in proper digestion of carbohydrates A healthy person has the following amounts of magnesium every day Male: 400mg a day Female has 300 mg a day Found in whole grains and nuts. But to a lesser extent it can be found in fruits and vegetables. If you have Magnesium deficiency it can: Sensitivity to noise Headaches Poor coordination Carbohydrate cravings Gut disorders Inability to sleep or insomnia Irritability
Copper: helps to produce red and white blood cells, and triggers the release of iron to form hemoglobin – the substance that carries oxygen around the body is thought to be important for infant growth, brain development, the immune system and strong bones Copper is in almost everything you eat, but is most in abundance with coffee, chocolate, avocado, soy, shellfish, shrimp, and lobster. The average child our age needs about 1.2 mg a day of copper. The following happens if you have Copper deficiency: Tremors, difficulty swallowing, difficulty speaking, drooling, and personality changes.
Zinc: involved with maintaining cell membranes and protecting cells from damage. Found in red meats, liver, eggs, dairy products, and some seafood’s. Kids about our age need: Children 9–13 years 8 mg Zinc deficiency can cause neurological impairment influencing appetite, taste, smell, vision. Lack of zinc can cause apathy, irritability, jitteriness, and fatigue.
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