Treating Drinking Water Treatment Plant Water Distribution Treating Wastewater Balancing Water Needs
Rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and aquifers
Where is Earth’s liquid fresh water found?
A measurement of the substances in water besides water molecules.
What is water quality?
A measurement of how acidic or basic the water is on a scale of 0 to 14.
What is pH?
The level of calcium and magnesium refers to this.
What is hardness?
What does coliform count measure?
The agency responsible for protecting the quality of water and other natural resources in the United States.
What is the Environmental Protection Agency?
The amount of one substance in a certain volume of another substance.
What is concentration?
The process of passing water through a series of screens that allows the water through, but not larger particles.
What is filtration?
Sticky globs that form when a chemical such as alum is added to water.
What are flocs?
The process when particles in the water stick to flocs.
What is coagulation?
This chemical is added to drinking water to kill disease- causing microorganisms.
What is chlorine?
This process forces air through the water releasing gases and reducing unpleasant odors and tastes.
What is aeration?
After water is treated, it goes here.
What is a central pumping station?
Underground network of steel or concrete pipes.
What are water mains?
Smaller copper or plastic pipes that carry water into these.
What are houses and buildings?
This causes the water to move through a system of pipes.
What is water pressure?
Wastewater and the different kinds of wastes in it.
What is sewage?
A network of pipes that carries sewage away from homes.
What is sanitary sewers?
During primary treatment, deposits of fine solids settle out from the wastewater. It can be treated with heat and chemicals and used as fertilizer.
What is sludge?
This is used to water the grass on golf courses or public parks.
What is gray water?
An underground tank containing bacteria that treats wastewater as it passes through.
What is a septic tank?
The area around the septic tank that the water filters through.
What is a leach field?
A few years of scarce rainfall.
What is a drought?
The process of obtaining fresh water from salt water.
What is desalination?
Using a resource wisely so that it will not be used up.
What is conservation?