AIM In this study we analyse the actual situation on the Romanian market in terms of diabetes mellitus taking account of pharmaeconomical aspects The funds allotted in Romania for diabetes mellitus prevention and control goes on increasing, from 32,000 thousand lei, in 2000 to 823, thousand lei in The increasing evolution off the expenses required for the treatment of diabetic patients is justified by the alarming growth of the number of patients, including children under 15 years old. If at the end of year 2001, in Romania, 358,657 patients were recorded, at about 31,000 more patients came in, i.e. 390,024, and in the last year of the present research, the figures almost doubled (630,541). In spite of the fact that for the period the funds for prevention, treatment and control in diabetes mellitus increased twelve times, the number of patients also increased with 75%. This gap shows that the services supplied improved qualitatively due to the following: higher numbers of self-monitored patients, larger number of specialists monitoring the evolution of the diabetic patients (diabetologists and general practitioners), the access of more patients to HbA1c tests and self-monitoring tests, the access of the patients to the most recent medication, of increased price and quality. (e.g. insulin analogues and combinations, tiazolidindiones and fixed combinations, glinides, alfa-glucozidase inhibitors etc.), as well as to modern pharmaceutical forms (prefilled insulin pens, modified or prolonged release, gastro-intestinal therapy) whose cost is higher than for conventional treatment etc. The hypotheses the authors started at the beginning of the research is that it is much cheaper to find out and prevent than to treat a disease. Consequently, the present paper makes a retrospective analysis to demonstrate that funds to be allocated should be more consistent for the patients with complications than for patients with a highly controlled disease. The study identifies and analyses the concerns of the Romanian authorities (Government, Ministry of Public Health, The National Health Insurance House etc.) for the care in this pathology and warns upon the importance to be paid to diabetes mellitus incidence in Romania. A PHARMACOECONOMICAL STUDY OF THE DIABET MELLITUS C. Morgovan (1), Smaranda Cosma (2), Ioana Cuc Hepcal (1), Neli Kinga Olah (1), D. Cosma (3), Steliana Ghibu (3) (1) Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad, Romania (2) Faculty of Business, Babeş – Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, (3) “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania MATERIALS AND METHOD RESULTS CONCLUSIONS Refereces: 1.CNAS 2004 – 2010, Rapoarte privind activitatea Casei Naţionale de Asigurări de Sănătate pentru anii Cefalu W. T., Diabeter Care to Date: “The hits just keep on coing!”, Diabetes Care, 2013, 36, Year Material expenses for diabetes program (thousand lei) Diabetes Funds vs. NUFSHI Funds (%) Real growth (%) Drugs values growth (%) , , , , , , , , , , , , , Indicator No. of patients treated 457,530530,482564,896610,682617,066630,541 Total cost/year/patient No of tests (HbA1c)41,37789,14353,51648,01536,84938,071 Average HbA1c cost/patient/year (RON) No. of patients receiving self-monitoring tests 40,15062,551132,827152,395161,973173,140 Average self-monitoring tests cost/patient/year (RON) *