Diabetes: What Everyone Needs to Know! Terri Brinston RN, MA, CLNC
What is Diabetes? A condition in which the body cannot make or cannot use insulin properly. (Video)
Types of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (insulin-dependent) Cause, Prevention, Treatment Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) Gestational DM Other
Fasting BS Random BS Under Under 140 Diabetes Pre - Diabetes No Diabetes 140 – and above Over 200 With Symptoms
Risk Factors Type 2 D Overweight (Abdominal) Over 45 years old Sedentary Lifestyle Non-White Race Family History of DB Family History of High BP History of High BP (self) High Cholesterol History of Gestational DB Delivered a baby > 9 lbs. Goals: Women < 35 Men < 40
Signs/Symptoms Type 2D Frequent Urination Thirst Appetite Changes Blurred Vision Tiredness; Sleepiness Weight Changes Headaches Skin Infections Slow Healing Yeast Infections Urinary Infections Dry Skin; Itching Numbness; Tingling Feeling / Acting “Evil” High Blood Pressure Cholesterol Problems
Estimated prevalence: Nearly 24 million Nearly 8% of the U.S. population Almost 25% of persons over age % have type 2 25% do not know they have it! 57 million have pre-diabetes 24% have Metabolic Syndrome Projected 44-68% increase in diabetes by % per year Diabetes in the United States
Obesity and Diabetes 1:3 Americans are obese 1:5 Americans are morbidly obese 80% of all Type 2 diabetics are overweight Obesity in children has doubled in 20 years Type 2 diabetes in children has tripled in the last 5 years
Children and Type 2 Diabetes Mean age: years old Girls > Boys Overweight 94% are in minority groups % have a strong family history
Overweight Kids Become Overweight Adults 50% of overweight children become overweight adults 26-41% overweight preschool children will become overweight adults
Saturday Morning Influence 61% of all commercials are for FOOD 90% are for sugared cereals, candy bars, fast food, and chips
Diabetes… … we have pills and insulin to control it, so what is the big deal?
Costs of Diabetes in the U.S. $174 billion each year $116 billion in direct medical costs $58 billion in indirect costs Missed work Lost productivity 1 in 10 healthcare dollars spend on diabetes/complications Human costs 7th leading cause of death
Health Impact of Diabetes in the United States Diabetes National Diabetes Fact Sheet, United States, November Available at 6 th leading cause of death 73% of adults have HTN and/or take meds Heart disease is the leading cause of death Leading cause of kidney failure Leading cause of adult blindness Neuropathy in 60-70% of patients contributes to high incidence of lower-limb amputation
Percent of deaths Geiss LS, et al. In: Diabetes in America. National Institutes of Health;1995. Causes of Death in Diabetes Ischemic heart disease Other heart disease Diabetes Cancer Stroke Pneumonia/ influenza All other
Preventing Diabetes --or Living Healthy with It! Lifestyle Changes Healthy Eating Regular Exercise Healthy Weight Weight Loss (7% of weight) Medications Weight Loss Surgery
Healthy Eating
Reading Food Labels
Plate Method Fill ½ of the plate with non-starchy vegetables Add a serving of a protein food Choose a carb serving Don’t forget the dairy! Finish with a fruit
The Supersizing Phenomenon Portion Control - It Does Matter! 77G 68G 57G 26 Grams Carbs 10G Fat 22G 26G 29G
Activity and Exercise 30 minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week This does NOT Count!
Inactivity and Diabetes What’s wrong with this picture?
Medications Controlling Diabetes Pills, Insulin, and other Injectables Weight Loss Orlistat (Alli- OTC) Meridia Others
Treatment Pumps, Inhaler, Jet Injectors, Insulin pens, I-Port Injector Port
”The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult.”
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