Free Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Free Powerpoint Templates Push and Pull Technology by Chen Yin Wang
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 2 Introduction: Pull technology: browsers on client computers pull information from server machines. Browser request information Push technology: information is automatically delivered to the client Computer. You subscribe to a service such as newsfeed so that the server delivers the subscribed information. ex: RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
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Free Powerpoint Templates Page 5 Podcast: Podcasting: information contains audio file. Ex- iTunes
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 6 Advantages/ Disadvantages for users: Advantages Users have control over the flow of information No need to answer questions when unsubscribing Spam free Saves time Notices & updates Disadvantages No photos or pictures Too much information: traffic Not all delivered information is wanted (Pull technology preferred) Equality of access: need Internet connection for subscriptions
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 7 Effects on Business: Opportunities for advertisement and service Attract more customers Better chance of getting information on new products (ex: Amazon) Separation from attachments filtered as spam updates and notices are not received Podcast marketers such as Audi and Warner Brothers to promote work with audio files Ex: The movie, House of Wax Time-sensitive information such as appointment notices and travel packages ex: Continental and Delta airlines use RSS Jets International: available flights and customer requests Companies don’t know reasons for unsubscribing Important in improving service and advertising method
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 8 Social and ethical issues: Security: possibility of spyware and malware spread via RSS Richard Stiennon (director of WebrootGartner): “Spyware will latch onto RSS (Real Simple Syndication) as a way to distribute ad- and spy-style software" with further possibility of turning RSS newsfeeds into key loggers and ad spawners.“ Malware would be spread to all subscribers Privacy: Personal information extracted Companies: bad image, reputation customers lose trust rival company clients and money
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 9 Effects on Education: School notices and search feeds school daily notices and schedule monitor research during projects using keywords search feeds- keywords more access to data Daily questions Ex: SAT ‘question of the day’ More likely to answer daily questions No need to visit the websites Share resources Ex: (social bookmarking website) Using ‘tag,’ keyword is related to the content RSS feed: receive content with same tags Class blog RSS updates/class discussion Equality of Access no Internet connection: catch up with discussion or updates
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 10 Sources: syndication/ m