2015 National Training Program Medicare Coverage of Diabetes Services and Supplies For Those Who Counsel People With Medicare July 2015
What is Diabetes? Chronic disease in which your body can’t make or effectively use it’s own insulin to regulate blood sugar Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes is the 7 th leading cause of death in the U.S. Approximately 29.1 million Americans have diabetes 26.9% are 65 and older Estimated 8.1 million are undiagnosed 1 in 3 people will develop diabetes in their lifetime 07/01/20152Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies
Generally, Medicare Part B covers Diabetes screenings Diabetes self-management training Medical nutrition therapy services Hemoglobin A1c tests Foot exams & treatment Therapeutic shoes or inserts Glaucoma testing Blood sugar self-testing equipment and supplies Insulin pumps and insulin used with them Generally Medicare Part D covers Insulin Anti-diabetic drugs Certain diabetes supplies Medicare Coverage of Diabetes Services and Supplies 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies3
Diabetes Screening Part B covers these screenings if your doctor determines you’re at risk for diabetes You may be eligible for up to 2 diabetes screenings each year You pay nothing for the test if your doctor or other qualified health care provider accepts assignment Assignment—an agreement by your doctor, provider, or supplier to be paid directly by Medicare, to accept the payment amount Medicare approves for the service, and not to bill you for any more than the Medicare deductible and coinsurance. 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies4
Diabetes Self-Management Training Part B covers diabetes outpatient self- management training to teach you to cope with and manage your diabetes May include tips for eating healthy, being active, monitoring blood sugar, taking medication, and reducing risks You must have diabetes and a written order from your doctor or other health care provider You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount, and the Part B deductible applies 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies5
Medical Nutrition Therapy Services Part B may cover medical nutrition therapy and certain related services if you have diabetes (or kidney disease) A registered dietician or nutrition professional who meets certain requirements can provide these services May include nutritional assessment, 1-on-1 counseling, and therapy services, either in person or through an interactive telecommunications system You pay nothing for these services if the doctor or other qualified health care provider accepts assignment 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies6
Hemoglobin A1c Test Is a blood test ordered by your doctor To measure your average blood sugar (also called glucose) over the past 2-3 months It helps your doctor gauge how well you’re managing your blood sugar It is ordered twice a year, but can be ordered quarterly, for people having trouble managing their blood sugar 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies7
Foot Exam Part B covers a foot exam every 6 months for people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and loss of protective sensation As long as you haven’t seen a foot care professional for another reason between visits You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount after the yearly Part B deductible 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies8
Therapeutic Shoes and Inserts Medicare will pay for one pair of therapeutic shoes and inserts per calendar year if your doctor certifies that you have diabetes and you Have at least one of these conditions in one or both feet Partial or complete foot amputation Past foot ulcers Calluses that could lead to foot ulcers Nerve damage because of diabetes with signs of problems with calluses Poor circulation A deformed foot Are being treated under a comprehensive diabetes care plan and need therapeutic shoes and/or inserts because of diabetes. Medicare also requires A podiatrist or other qualified doctor prescribes the shoes, and a doctor or other qualified individual fits and provides the shoes 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies9
Eye Exams for People With Diabetes Diabetes increases susceptibility to diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma Part B covers Yearly eye exam for diabetic retinopathy A glaucoma test once every 12 months for people at high risk for glaucoma These tests must be done or supervised by an eye doctor who's legally allowed to do this test in your state You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount and the Part B deductible applies In a hospital outpatient setting, you also pay a copayment 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies10
Blood Sugar Self-testing Equipment & Supplies Blood sugar (also called blood glucose) self- testing equipment and supplies are covered as durable medical equipment for all people with Medicare Part B who have diabetes, even if you don’t use insulin Self-testing supplies include: Blood sugar monitors Blood sugar test strips Lancet devices and lancets Glucose control solutions for checking the accuracy of testing equipment and test strips 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies11
Insulin Pumps and the Insulin Used in the Pumps Covered for people with Medicare Part B who have diabetes and meet certain conditions Medicare covers the cost of insulin pumps and the insulin used in the pumps when medically necessary Injectable insulin not associated with the use of an insulin infusion pump and inhaled insulin are covered under Medicare Part D drug plans 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies12
Part D Coverage for Insulin and Supplies Covered for all people with Medicare Part D Medical supplies include the following: Syringes, needles, alcohol swabs, gauze, and inhaled insulin devices Injectable insulin not associated with the use of an insulin infusion pump Anti-diabetic drugs Insulin Pen Insulin Vials & Syringe 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies13
What Do I Need From My Doctor to Get Supplies? Medicare will only cover your blood sugar self-testing equipment and supplies if you get a prescription from your doctor. The prescription should include Whether you have diabetes What kind of blood sugar monitor you need and why you need it If you need a special monitor because of vision problems, your doctor must provide an explanation Whether you use insulin How often you should test your blood sugar How many test strips and lancets you need for one month 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies14
Two Ways to Get Diabetic Testing Supplies If you have Original Medicare there are 2 ways to get diabetic testing supplies 1.Delivered directly to your home by a national mail-order contract supplier (mail-order) 2.Picked up in person from any Medicare-enrolled supplier of diabetic testing supplies (non-mail- order) which could be a pharmacy 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies15
Home Delivery of Diabetic Testing Supplies You can use the Medicare National Mail Order Program No matter where you live, you’ll need to use a Medicare national mail-order contract supplier for Medicare to pay for diabetic testing supplies that are delivered to your home The National Mail-Order Program doesn't require you to change your testing monitor. If you're happy with your current monitor, look for a mail-order contract supplier or local store that can provide the supplies you need 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies16
Medicare.gov Supplier Directory 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies17
Pharmacy Choice May Affect Cost Ask the supplier or pharmacy if they are enrolled in Medicare and if they accept Medicare assignment If yes to both, Medicare will pay the pharmacy or supplier directly People pay just their coinsurance amount when they get supplies from a pharmacy or supplier for assigned claims If the pharmacy or supplier doesn’t accept assignment, prescription costs may be higher People may have to pay the entire charge at the time of service, and wait for Medicare to send its share of the cost If there are no local suppliers or pharmacies enrolled in Medicare that accept assignment, you may want use the mail order option This may save you money 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies18
What’s Not Covered? Original Medicare and Medicare drug plans don’t cover everything. Diabetes supplies and services not covered include Continuous glucose monitors Eye exams for glasses (called refraction) Orthopedic shoes (shoes for people whose feet are impaired, but intact) Cosmetic surgery 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies19
What If I Have a Medicare Advantage Plan? If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO or PPO) or other Medicare health plan, your plan must give you at least the same coverage as Original Medicare, but it may have different rules Your costs, rights, protections, and choices for where you get your care might be different if you’re in one of these plans You might also get extra benefits Read your plan materials, or call your benefits administrator for more information about your benefits 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies20
Rights and Protections All Medicare beneficiaries including those covered by the Durable Medical Equipment Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program have certain rights and protections You can find more information about your rights and protections in the following: Supplier Quality Standards and Beneficiary Protections Fact Sheet [PDF, 327KB] Supplier Quality Standards and Beneficiary Protections Fact Sheet Your Guide to Medicare’s Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program [PDF, 720KB] Your Guide to Medicare’s Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies21
Problems With Service And Supplies If you have a problem getting needed DMEPOS items or services, or if you are concerned about the quality of the supplies and services you’re getting Contact your supplier Call MEDICARE ( ) to get help TTY users should call /01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies22
Competitive Acquisition Ombudsman (CAO) If you have contacted the supplier and MEDICARE, but still need help Ask the MEDICARE representative to submit your issue to the CAO The CAO Helps to ensure that DMEPOS issues are resolved Provides CMS with data that can be used to improve the Competitive Bidding Program Identifies systemic issues to help CMS ensure that people have access to high-quality DMEPOS 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies23
Diabetic Testing Supplies Fraud Schemes It may be a scam if The pharmacy bills diabetic supplies only, no medications You get unsolicited telemarketing calls from a pharmacy You’re asked to purchase products you didn’t order Your contacted and told to call your doctor for an order when you don’t need supplies Your physician is asked to sign orders he didn’t authorize You’re billed for supplies that you didn’t request or receive 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies24
Check Your Knowledge–Question 1 Which part of Medicare covers diabetic testing supplies? a. Part A b. Part B c. Part C d. Part D 07/01/2015 Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies25
Discussion Casework Discussion Scenario 1 Agnes was just diagnosed with diabetes. How would you explain her options for getting supplies? She has Medicare Parts A, B, and D. 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies 26
Casework Scenario 1—Question 1 What part of Medicare will cover her insulin? a.Part A b.Part B c.Part D d.Depends on whether she has an insulin pump 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies27
Casework Scenario 1—Question 2 Agnes received lancets and syringes in the mail that she didn’t order. What part of Medicare should pay for them? a.Medicare won’t pay for supplies she didn’t order and her doctor didn’t prescribe b.Part D c.Part B lancets and Part D syringes d.Part B 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies28
Casework Scenario 1—Question 3 All mail-order deliveries of diabetic supplies are fraudulent? a.True b.False 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies 29
Casework Scenario 1—Question 4 Agnes tells you she saw a large box of diabetic test strips for sale “cheap online” from a woman who found them in a closet at her late mother’s house. What would you say to Agnes? a.Great, you got a deal. b.This isn’t a good idea. c.Just be sure they match your meter. 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies30
Casework Scenario 2 Sandy is enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B She has insulin dependent diabetes and tests 3 times daily Recently, Sandy’s doctor determined it was medically necessary for Sandy to test more frequently 07/01/2015 Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies31
Casework Scenario 2—Question1 Sandy’s supplier said Medicare won’t pay for additional testing supplies even if it’s medically necessary. a.True b.False 07/01/2015 Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies32
Casework Scenario 3 Anton has insulin dependent diabetes and has some nerve related symptoms in his feet. He asks you for information about what Medicare might cover. He has Medicare Parts A, B, and D. 07/01/2015 Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies33
Casework Scenario 3—Question 1 Anton may be eligible for a.Part B diabetes self- management training b.Part B foot exams and treatment c.Therapeutic shoes and inserts d.All of the above 07/01/2015 Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies 34
Casework Scenario 4 Bill has Medicare Parts A, B and D. He uses an insulin pump. His doctor has just prescribed an insulin pen with long-acting insulin for Bill to use when he’s off his pump for an extended time. 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies35
Casework Scenario 4—Question 1 Which part(s) of Medicare will cover Bill’s insulin? a.Part B covers the insulin used in the insulin pump and in the insulin pen b.Part D covers the insulin used in the insulin pump and in the insulin pen c.Part D covers the insulin used in the insulin pump and Part B covers the insulin in the insulin pen d.Part B covers the insulin used in the insulin pump, and Part D covers the insulin in the insulin pen 07/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies36
Resources American Diabetes Association diabetes.org/diabetes.org/ MedlinePlus nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ Call MEDICARE ( ). TTY users should call State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIPs) Medicare.gov/contacts/Medicare.gov/contacts/ If you live in a rural area contact a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), visit CMS.hhs.gov/center/fqhc.asp CMS.hhs.gov/center/fqhc.asp 07/01/201537Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies
Publication Resource Medicare’s Coverage of Diabetes Supplies & Services CMS Product No /01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies38
CMS National Training Program To view all available NTP training materials, or to subscribe to our list, visit CMS.gov/Outreach-and-Education/Training/ CMSNationalTrainingProgram/index.html For questions about training products
Appendix 1 Supply/serviceWhat’s coveredWhat you pay Anti-diabetic drugsPart D covers anti-diabetic drugs for maintaining blood sugar (glucose). Coinsurance or copayment; Part D deductible may also apply Diabetes screenings Hemoglobin A1c Tests Part B covers these screenings if your doctor determines you’re at risk for diabetes. You may be eligible for up to 2 diabetes screenings each year. No coinsurance, copayment, or Part B deductible; Generally, 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for the doctor’s visit Diabetes self-management training Part B covers outpatient training for people at risk for complications from diabetes or recently diagnosed with diabetes to teach them to manage their diabetes, with a written order to a certified diabetes self-management education program. 20% of the Medicare- approved amount after the yearly Part B deductible Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies 40 07/01/2015
Appendix 1.2 Supply/serviceWhat’s coveredWhat you pay Diabetes equipment & supplies Uses insulin, they may be able to get up to 300 test strips and lancets every month, and 1 lancet device every 6 months. Doesn’t use insulin, they may be able to get 100 test strips and lancets every 3 months, and 1 lancet device every 6 months. Blood glucose self-testing equipment and supplies are covered for all people with Medicare Part B who have diabetes. These supplies include: Blood glucose monitors; Blood glucose test strips; Lancet devices and lancets; Glucose control solutions for checking the accuracy of testing equipment and test strips. 20% of the Medicare- approved amount after the yearly Part B deductible If your doctor says it’s medically necessary, Medicare will allow you to get additional test strips and lancets. Diabetes suppliesPart D covers certain medical supplies for administration of insulin (like syringes, needles, alcohol swabs, gauze, and inhaled insulin devices). Coinsurance or copayment Part D deductible may also apply 07/01/ Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies
Appendix 1.3 Supply/serviceWhat’s coveredWhat you pay Foot exams & treatmentPart B covers a foot exam every 6 months for people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and loss of protective sensation, as long as they haven’t seen a foot care professional for another reason between visits. 20% of the Medicare- approved amount after the yearly Part B deductible Therapeutic shoes or insertsPart B covers therapeutic shoes or inserts for people with diabetes who have severe diabetic foot disease. The doctor must certify your need for therapeutic shoes or inserts. The shoes and inserts must be prescribed and provided by a qualified doctor. 20% of the Medicare- approved amount after the yearly Part B deductible 07/01/ Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies
Appendix 1.4 Supply/serviceWhat’s coveredWhat you pay InsulinMedicare Part D covers insulin that isn’t administered with an insulin pump. Coinsurance or copayment Part D deductible may also apply Insulin pumpsMedicare Part B covers external insulin pumps and the insulin that the device uses under durable medical equipment for people who meet certain conditions. 20% of the Medicare- approved amount after the yearly Part B deductible Medical Nutrition TherapyPart B may cover medical nutrition therapy and certain related services if you have diabetes or kidney disease, and your doctor refers you for the service. No copayment, coinsurance, or Part B deductible if your doctor or health care provider accepts assignment 4307/01/2015Medicare Diabetic Services and Supplies