The Government’s Purpose To focus Government and public services on creating a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth.
“Poor measurement and a lack of transparency have contributed to … governments being unable to tackle inequalities. The data available on inequality are utterly inadequate in many ways…... And even where data do exist, they are not consistently used well or published in a way that makes sense.” Fairness and Freedom, The Final Report of the Equalities Review, February 2007
Summary of National Performance Framework
National Performance Framework
Equalities and the National Performance Framework National outcome specifically on tackling significant inequalities Many of the strategic objectives are critical to equalities domains – eg longevity Equalities critical to delivery of Strategic Objectives – eg solidarity
Of the 45 national indicators and targets, 29 relate to ‘people’ and in theory could be analysed by equality and poverty: 23 can be analysed by gender 0 can be analysed by ethnicity 5 can be analysed by disability 22 can be analysed by age 0 can be analysed by sexual orientation 0 can be analysed by religion 3 can be analysed by household poverty
Poverty is not evenly spread: 17% of all individuals in Scotland are poor 17% of White people are poor 32% of Asian people are poor 30% of remaining groups are poor 20% of all individuals in Scotland have a long term illness or disability. 28% of poor individuals do.
Equalities and Income data: Problems Small numbers Partial data sets Incompatible data sets
Equalities and Income Data: Solutions Harmonisation of categories and questions Guidance on collecting and using equality data Combining datasets, e.g. across years Equalities data from the Census Work is underway to allow Census respondents to be used as a sampling frame Focus on using data we have better Importance of Scotstat
Equality and Human Rights Commission: Equality Measurement Framework: What is it for? Monitoring inequality and human rights in Britain EHRC triennial report GEO baseline evidence and possible annual report on equality To support analysis of causes of inequality and evaluation of interventions Where does it come from? Theoretical grounding in the capability approach (Amartya Sen) Equalities Review (2007) Steering Group on Measurement Developed subsequently by EHRC and GEO
3-5 ‘spotlight indicators’ to cover 10 domains SELECTION OF EHRC GB INDICATORS 3-5 ‘spotlight indicators’ to cover 10 domains Web consultation on GB spotlight indicators Scottish consultation event on 29 October Development of EHRC Equality Performance Framework EHRC reports every 3 years, possibly GEO report
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