CORS 456, FirstName LastName, About Me, ThisSemester ThisYear YourFirstName YourLastName About Me [A] My Favorite Educational Theorist [B] My Favorite Educational Website [C] My Selected Lesson Topic [D] Your cropped photo. [Delete this box.] YourFirstName YourLastName An Academic Abstract [E] Add an image or clipart here in this blank area. Use anything you like. (Delete this text box.) Use this template file to describe yourself interactively. Save this file to your computer using your name in the file name. Press the F5 key on your keyboard to view this as a slide show. To return to the “edit view”, press the “Esc” key on your keyboard. Notice that the yellow arrow links allow you to move from slide to slide; however, the links only work in “slide show view”! Now, edit this slide: Use your name as the title of this slide. Edit the text in the “menu options”. Insert your photo. Edit the caption under your photo. Delete any extra text like “[A], [B], [C], [D], [E]”. Delete any brackets you see. Edit the “footer” using the course name and number. In Office 2003, do this: View > Header and Footer Version /mb (Delete this text box by clicking on the border and then pressing the delete key.)
CORS 456, FirstName LastName, About Me, ThisSemester ThisYear [Type First Menu Option “A”] Edit: Make the title of this slide the same as the first “menu option” on the first slide. Describe something about yourself. Don’t get too personal. Add an appropriate image or images. (Delete this later.) Your text …
CORS 456, FirstName LastName, About Me, ThisSemester ThisYear Edit: Make the title of this slide the same as the second “menu option” on the first slide. Describe something about this topic of your choice. Add an appropriate image or images. (Delete this later.) [Type Second Menu Option “B”] Your text …
CORS 456, FirstName LastName, About Me, ThisSemester ThisYear […] is an excellent educational website. This site can enhance a lesson by […]. Click on the red circle below to visit this website: Edit: Make the title of this slide the same as the third “menu option” on the first slide. Describe an educational website of your choice that can enhance a lesson of your choice. Delete all brackets and replace with your own text. Add an appropriate captured image of the website. Replace the Internet address (URL) below and link to your choice of website: Select the circle => Right-click => Edit Hyperlink Use the CTRL and V keys to paste the new “URL” into the Address bar. (Delete this later.) [Type Third Menu Option “C”]
CORS 456, FirstName LastName, About Me, ThisSemester ThisYear My lesson is called “…”. It’s about … [brief description]. This instruction is designed for the … grade level for …[subject area]. [Type Fourth Menu Option “D”] Edit: Make the title of this slide the same as the fourth “menu option” on the first slide. Very briefly describe a lesson with the subject area, grade level, and name of your lesson. Add an appropriate image or images. (Delete this later.)
CORS 456, FirstName LastName, About Me, ThisSemester ThisYear Article [Type in the name of an academic article that deals with “Universal Design”, assistive technology, or the application of technology for special needs here. Make sure the article you use is peer-reviewed and that full text is available. Provide information anyone would need to find the article.] Abstract [Paste the “abstract” or summary of the academic article here.] Availability [State whether the complete article of this peer-reviewed publication is available online.] Link [Provide the link to the article here.] Edit: Make the title of this slide the same as the fifth “menu option” on the first slide. Provide information about a peer-reviewed academic article about “Universal Design” or assistive technology. Copy and paste the abstract on this page. Make sure that the full text of this article is available online. Add an image of your choice on this page. Edit or delete any text inside of [brackets]. Your instructor will provide information for gaining access to the online databases from the ULM Library website. To access resource from off-campus, you may need a special code. (Delete this text box later.) [Type Fifth Menu Option “E”]
CORS 456, FirstName LastName, About Me, ThisSemester ThisYear Summary Edit this interactive Powerpoint presentation using a total of 6 slides. We will use “kiosk mode” to use “hyperlinks” to control this presentation. Hyperlinks can be used to: link from one slide to another slide (from slide 1 to slide 5, for example) link from one slide to another file (like a Word, Powerpoint, or Excel file) link from one slide to any online resource (like a webpage or an online file) The first slide acts as a “menu” page. Edit the slides appropriately, using the directions on each slide. Edit The First 6 Slides Edit the first slide, the menu slide. Whatever you type in as choices on the menu should be identical to the titles of the slides they link to. Edit the other 5 slides. Then, delete this last slide. Your presentation should include a total of 6 slides. Kiosk Mode You should know that this presentation is set up as a “kiosk”. Only hyperlinks work when this setting is used. In Office 2003, this is how to set up a Powerpoint presentation in “kiosk” mode: Slide Show => Set Up Show => Select “Browsed at a kiosk (full screen)” Notes 1.Any links you create will only work when you view the presentation in “Slide Show” view. 2.In “kiosk” view, only hyperlinks work. 3.To view this file in “Slide Show” view, press the F5 key now. 4.To return to “Edit” view, click on the Esc key. A Reference Delete this slide later. This slide provides some additional information about this assignment. (Delete this text box.)