Getting Ready for edTPA TM Jennie Whitcomb University of Colorado at Boulder 1 The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Use of the edTPA trademarks is permitted only pursuant to the terms of a written license agreement.
Disclaimers: This resource powerpoint slide presentation was revised for Some slides may not match the video associated with this resource exactly. This resource is provided for informational and support purposes only. There is no requirement that it be used as-is or as a template by a program implementing edTPA. It can be used or modified by any participating institution or it can be used as a springboard for institutions to create their own support materials that address their contexts and needs. Please use © SCALE 2013 on any slides containing text or images pulled directly from edTPA Handbooks. 2
Menu of Webinars: Getting Ready for edTPA TM Series 3 Webinar FocusAudience ① Seeing the Big Picture Teacher Candidate School Partners University Supervisor ② Using edTPA Handbook as a Resource Teacher Candidate University Supervisor ③ Organizing for Success & Providing Guidance & Support: The Cooperating Teacher’s Role Teacher Candidate School Partners University Supervisor
4 Copyright © 2012 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved. edTPA handbooks are authored by the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE) with editorial and design assistance from Pearson.
What role does edTPA play in licensure? 5 Summative assessment Multiple measure system Institution and/or state policy sets passing score expectations consequences for not passing
Organizing for Success Getting Ready for edTPA PART 3
Time on your side 7 Make time to… Understand the tasks Work on each task Take breaks Celebrate
Planning with your CT 8 Watch Getting Ready for edTPA webinars together Decide class for edTPA Discuss curriculum & activities Map when you will teach Identify technology resources in your building Seek advice on parent permission forms
Identifying Resources Technology & Curriculum Allies 9 Video camera Scanner Computer set up to download & upload video Curriculum materials Tech savvy allies on campus, on school staff, or among family & friends Advisor or supervisor who is knowledgeable about edTPA tasks Supportive family, friends or colleagues who boost your spirits
In sum, to organize for success Manage time Confer and plan with the cooperating teacher Identify resources 10
Providing Guidance & Support: The Cooperating Teacher’s Role 11
What is my role as a cooperating teacher? 12 ① Identify focal class ② Guide understanding of curriculum organization in your classroom/school/district ③ Secure video permission ④ Record video ⑤ Support in making time to work on edTPA ⑥ Offer emotional support
When do teacher candidates do edTPA? 13 Institutions set expectations and timelines
Task 1: Planning Instruction & Assessment Purpose/Key Features CT’s Support Role 14 Know students and plan for them, not generically Develop 3-5 lessons built around a central focus Plan instruction & assessment with student’s prior learning in mind Take into account knowledge of students’ development, backgrounds, assets, interests, and learning levels Set clear criteria for student learning that are tied to the learning objectives Secondary: Guide your TC to select focal course/period Assist TC to access relevant information to complete Context section Confer with your TC as s/he selects a central focus, content standards, and learning objectives for edTPA Explain the general design of curriculum & assessments in use in your school/district Offer emotional support
Task 2: Instructing & Engaging Students in Learning Purpose/Key Features CT’s Support Role 15 Document on video the ability to engage students and to guide students in deepening their understanding of the learning segment’s central focus Assist your TC in securing video permission forms Assist your TC in accessing video recording equipment in your school (if available) Video record during the 3-5 days of learning segment Provide emotional support
Task 3: Assessing Student Learning Purpose/Key Features CT’s Support Role 16 Analyze student thinking and learning Analyze student strengths and needs Use analysis of student performance to inform instruction Assist your teacher candidate to understand assessment strategies Assist your teacher candidate to access scanning technology in your building Provide emotional support and guide time management
Acceptable Levels of Support 17 Explain general design of curriculum materials or instructional and assessment strategies Use rubric constructs or rubric language to provide teacher candidates with guidance on how their performance will be evaluated formally once submitted
Unacceptable Support 18 Co-teaching or stepping in to clarify or re-teach during the 3-5 day learning segment Using edTPA rubrics to provide formal feedback or scores on drafts of edTPA tasks prior to submission Making choices of curriculum materials or instructional strategies for the candidate (other than pointing out those required by school/district) Providing your own analysis of k-12 pupil’s work or offering alternative responses to commentary prompts Providing coaching for teacher candidates perceived to be weak that is aimed at helping them pass edTPA Editing edTPA drafts
Once edTPA is done 19
What are my resources? 20 edTPA Handbook & Templates Your Institution’s Handbooks or website edTPA website: Making Good Choices Video permission forms in English (and other languages as appropriate)
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