APEC Communications & Public Affairs 15 th ATCWG Meeting 3 March 2011 APEC Secretariat
Focus on fora communications Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) Success stories from fora SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) FotC on Sub-fora Accountability and Communications Updating Chair/Lead Shepherd Guidelines Budget and Management Committee (BMC) Project Overseers provide project outcomes within 4 weeks for better internal information and publication on fora webpage
Promoting APEC
Communications services Draft/distribute news releases Organise interviews Feature work on APEC website and APEC Bulletin Develop feature stories on events Design and publish informational booklets Offer Website templates and hosting
Case study: Policy Support Unit
250 news service providers globally 1 million households in the region 280 million households worldwide The Results
“APEC as good as a free trade area”
APEC Products Symbol of specialised knowledge Springboard for marketing opportunities Tangible product for stakeholders
APEC Products Become a spokesperson for the ECSG Write and publish in journals / newspapers / magazines Gain greater media attention
Communications Strategy Planning an effective communications strategy Review current situation Identify Objectives Who is our Audience? What is our Message? How to fund? Resources (Human/Capital) Identify Mediums (Internet/Publication) Brand our product Develop Timeline Monitor progress
APEC iPhone App
For more information, contact: Thanawat Sirikul Program Director Michael Chapnick Director (Communications and Public Affairs)
Project Management Update SOM2 & related meetings, May 2011 Prepared by APEC Project Management Unit
52 Concept Notes submitted, requesting over US$7.5 million 42 projects & concept notes approved to the value of US$3,947,643: - OA: 6 projects valued at US$573,190 - TILF: 16 projects valued at US$1,285,127 - ASF: 20 projects valued at US$2,089,326 Deadlines for proposals: -June 3 (approval notification: June 16); or -June 17 (approval notification: July 7) Approval Session 2, 2011
Deadlines: Session 3 Concept Note: 29 September - midnight Singapore time (GMT +8) By this time, you must have: – Forum endorsement & ranking – Sufficient co-sponsors Submit Concept Notes to Program Directors via . Program Directors send Concept Notes to PMU. Approval Session 3, 2011
What funds are available? *Figures are correct as of 1 May 2011 ** All figures are USD Fund Funds Available for Session 2 Funds Available for Session 3 OA607,439 TILF1,632,205 ASF – General 1,832,3211,832,322 ASF - Human Security 166,195166,194 ASF - Avian Influenza 1,036,9951,036,996 ASF - TFAP II 143,712143,713 ASF – Technology 31,40831,407 ASF- Energy Efficiency 2,115,942 Sub-total for ASF 5,326,5735,326,574 Total for OA, TILF, ASF7,566,2177,566,218
Approval process Group endorses concept notes Committees and SFOM use the 2011 Funding Criteria to rank & prioritise notes Highest priority notes that can be funded are expanded into full proposals Satisfactory quality proposals recommended to BMC for approval
Project Implementation Phase Projects completed within two financial years Projects must be implemented in line with the Guidebook on APEC Projects Monitoring reports (mandatory) submitted at 6 month intervals within a calendar year: –1 February –1 August next due 1 August 2011 Completion report (mandatory) submitted within 2 months of project completion
Procedural Updates – BMC 2 Concept Note Cap: The amount requested in a Concept Note is to be considered the ceiling. Full proposals cannot exceed the in-principle approved amount. Two Strike Rule: A ‘two strike rule’ will apply for proposals that fail to meet quality standard at the full proposal stage for the second time. Such projects will be unable to have a future CN considered for the same project in future rounds.
Multi-year projects Pilot initiative, starting Session Phased capacity building initiatives in line with strategic priorities of SOMs/Committees/SFOM Maximum of $500,000 over 3-5 years Minimum co-funding & co-sponsoring needed Must have involvement of 2 APEC fora & external stakeholders, and put forward at committee level Full criteria, procedures & forms are available through your Program Director or from the Projects page on the APEC website
Where can I get more help? Further assistance on projects can be found: Through the APEC Secretariat: your Program Director or the PMU In the Guidebook on APEC Projects and Proposal Development Materials On the AIMP Project Database site: Through your BMC delegate