nd Management Meeting Project Overview & Progress EUN, Brussels, 30 September 2010 Caroline Kearney Knowledge-Building Team
- Linked Logo & Meaning 2 POLICY RESEARCH PRACTICE
LINKED Leveraging Innovation for a Network of Knowledge on Education 1 year project (Feb 2010 – Jan 2011) funded under the EC’s Lifelong Learning Programme to develop a dynamic online brokerage platform on digital skills & digital games for policy makers and practitioners -
ISSUES ADDRESSED 4 Digital skills Digital games in school TeachersLearners -
THE PARTNERS 5 University of Helsinki Finland Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education (NCIE) – University of Oslo, Norway Ministero dell’istruzione Italy Ministerio da Educaçao Portugal Tiger Leap Foundation, Estonia Centre for Information Technologies in Education (CITE/ITC), Lithuania POLICY RESEARCH PRACTICE European Schoolnet -
LINKED partners EUN - Coordinator (Leader of WPs 1,4 & 6) NCIE, NO (Leader of WP 2) Uni. of Helsinki, FI (Leader of WP 3) DGIDC, PT 6 ANSAS, IT (Leader of WP 5) Tiger Leap Foundation, EE CITE, LT
- Overview of work packages Work PackageOutputsDeliverablesDeadlines WP 1: MANAGEMENT Lead by EUN Minutes of meetings (x3)Management Report Kick-off meeting: March Mid-project meeting: 22 June Final meeting: 9-10 November 2010 WP2: TESTING BROKERAGE SYSTEMS & BLUEPRINT Lead by NCIE, NO Literature Review Validation reports Analysis of feedback Blueprint for knowledge brokerage platform End of April 2010 WP3: DEVELOPING & BROKERING CONTENT Lead by Uni. Helsinki, FI Questionnaire responses Literature reviews/digests Production of videos Report on structure and content of brokerage platform Mid-project meeting (22 June) End of August 2010 WP4: TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT OF BROKERAGE PLATFORM Lead by EUN Technical specifications Technical brokerage platform Report on technical features of platform End of September 2010 WP 5: DEBRIEFING & EVALUATION Lead by ANSAS, IT Quality plan Debriefing report Evaluation reportEnd of Dec. 2010/Jan WP 6: DISSEMINATION Lead by EUN Training workshop (at Eminent, Nov. 2010) Dissemination & sustainability plan End of Dec. 2010/Jan 2011
- WP 2: Testing & blueprint (NCIE, NO) 8 Blueprint for LINKED brokerage platform Literature Review (NCIE, NO) Task to test brokerage platforms (EUN) Feedback (all partners) Analysis of feedback (NCIE, NO)
- WP 3: Formulating questions 9 Formulation of Questions Collection of authentic questions (all partners) Analysis of questions through category mapping& partner consultation (Helsinki Uni.) Selection of 7 questions on digital skills & 7 on games (Helsinki Uni. & EUN) Translate them into ‘elaborate’ research questions, sub- questions & framing (Helsinki Uni. & EUN)
- WP 3: Category map for digital skills questions 10
- WP 3: Formulating answers 11 Formulation of Answers Use of EBSCO & ERIC search databases Selection of articles by consulting criteria & abstracts, monitoring search Formulation of long answers (including methodology & references) & short answers On this basis creating other user-friendly formats for both target groups (e.g. PowerPoints, videos and conceptual maps)
- WP 4: Technical development (EUN) Development of technical specifications based on input from WPs 2 & 3 (i.e. literature review, testing & feedback, user needs) Features of brokerage platform: - Search tool (by keywords, country, language, type of content etc.) - Document/resource library (upload/download relevant docs) - Videos (existing ones & new ones to be produced) - RSS aggregator (from national sources & brokerage systems) - Community of practice (link to Games in Schools NING: gamesinschools.ning.com) 12
- Linked brokerage platform 13
- WP 5: Debriefing & evaluation (ANSAS) 2 aspects to be evaluated: The quality of: - consortium management - brokerage mechanisms Through formative and summative peer assessment Quality plan was produced in April for internal project processes & outcomes Final evaluation report January
- WP 6: Dissemination & sustainability (EUN) Communication plan at European & national level: - EUN/national web portals (promote through news & events) - EUN/national newsletters to policy makers & teachers - Press releases - Reports - Videos Training workshop on platform for policy makers & teachers: a face to face brokerage event (Eminent November 2010) Final dissemination & sustainability plan January
- Next steps … First test of the question & answer process to take place with an audience of policy makers (PIC & Digital Skills Working Group) at end of September, to be followed up by the Eminent training workshop in November. Finalize development of brokerage platform & its content. Design a strategy for the platform’s sustainability beyond the lifetime of the project. Implement an ongoing evaluation process to ensure we are meeting the needs of our various end users. Long but interesting process (applying to the Commission for an extension) 16
- Next Steps Thank you for your attention. We look forward to linking up with you in the future on our Linked brokerage platform! 17 POLICYRESEARCHPRACTICE
- Discussion on platform: Homepage 18
- Discussion on platform: Policy page 19