converting and Comparing Fractions, Decimals, and %’s Today’s lesson . . . What: converting and Comparing Fractions, Decimals, and %’s Why: To convert between fractions and decimals; and to compare fractions, decimals, and percentages.
Think about decimal language! Converting Decimals to Fractions: Think about decimal language! Read it, Write it, Reduce it! Convert the following decimal #’s into fractions. Remember, if you can say the decimal #’s in your head (using decimal language)– you can write the decimal as a fraction! READ IT, WRITE IT, REDUCE IT! 1. 0.05 2. 0.4 3. 0.020
Read it, Write it, Reduce it! Continued: Read it, Write it, Reduce it! 4. 4.03 5. 0.002 6. 5.005 How do you change a fraction into a decimal?? Video
“Take the top #, divide by the bottom #!” Converting Fractions to Decimals: 5 8 GuIDED PRACTICE: 1. 1/8 2. 1/3
“Take the top #, divide by the bottom #!” Your turn: 1. 5/6 2. 3/5
Decimal Fraction Percent Your TURN: Decimal Fraction Percent .8 2. 1/5 3. 9.06 4. 0.2%
STRATEGY: Convert everything into decimals first! Comparing Fractions, Decimals, and %’s: STRATEGY: Convert everything into decimals first! Let’s practice COMPARING a MIXTURE of fractions, decimals, and %’s at the same time. Remember, CONVERT TO DECIMALS FIRST!!!! Guided practice: Place a “greater-than” (>), “less-than” (<), or “equal” (=) sign in the blanks: 0.023 _____ 0.6 2) 35% _____ 3.5 3) 2/5 _____ 40% 4) 2.5% _____ ¼ 5) 0.5 _____ 5% 6) 0.75% _____ 0.75
Your turn: Place a “greater-than” (>),“less-than” (<), or “equal” (=) sign in the blanks: 4.5 _____ 45% 2) 15% _____ 0.092 3) 3/8 _____ 0.4 4) 6.8% _____ 0.68 5) 20% _____ 1/5 6) 5.09 _____ 450%
END OF LESSON Next slides are student copies of the notes for this lesson. These notes were handed out in class and filled-in as the lesson progressed. NOTE: The last slides in any lesson slideshow (entitled “Practice Work”) represent the homework assigned for that day.
Think about decimal language! NOTES DATE: ______/_______/_______ What: converting and Comparing Fractions, Decimals, and %’s Why: To convert between fractions and decimals, and to compare fractions, decimals, and percentages. NAME: Converting Decimals to Fractions: Think about decimal language! Read it, Write it, Reduce it! EXAMPLES: Convert the following decimal #’s into fractions. Remember, if you can say the decimal #’s in your head (using decimal language)– you can write the decimal as a fraction! READ IT, WRITE IT, REDUCE IT! 1. 0.05 2. 0.4 3. 0.020 4. 4.03 5. 0.002 6. 5.005
“Take the top #, divide by the bottom #!” Converting Fractions to Decimals: 5 8 GuIDED PRACTICE: Convert the following fractions into decimals. 1. 1/8 2. 1/3 Your Turn: 1. 5/6 2. 3/5
Decimal Fraction Percent Your TURN: Decimal Fraction Percent .8 2. 1/5 3. 9.06 4. 0.2%
STRATEGY: Convert everything into decimals first! Comparing Fractions, Decimals, and %’s: STRATEGY: Convert everything into decimals first! Let’s practice COMPARING a MIXTURE of fractions, decimals, and %’s at the same time. Remember, CONVERT TO DECIMALS FIRST!!!! Guided practice: Place a “greater-than” (>), “less-than” (<), or “equal” (=) sign in the blanks: 0.023 _____ 0.6 2) 35% _____ 3.5 3) 2/5 _____ 40% 4) 2.5% _____ ¼ 5) 0.5 _____ 5% 6) 0.75% _____ 0.75 Your turn: Place a “greater-than” (>),“less-than” (<), or “equal” (=) sign in the blanks: 4.5 _____ 45% 2) 15% _____ 0.092 3) 3/8 _____ 0.4 4) 6.8% _____ 0.68 5) 20% _____ 1/5 6) 5.09 _____ 450%
PRACTICE WORK Decimal Fraction Percent DATE: ______/_______/_______ NAME:__________________________ “Converting fractions, decimals, & percentages” Fill in the missing parts of the below table: Decimal Fraction Percent 1. 0.3 2. 7/8 45% 4. 0.20 5. 2/3 6 . 525% 3/7 8. 6% 0.002 10. 2.5%
PRACTICE WORK “Comparing and Ordering rational numbers” DATE: ______/_______/_______ NAME:__________________________ “Comparing and Ordering rational numbers” Place a “greater-than” (>), “less-than” (<), or “equal” (=) sign in the blanks: 0.8 _____ 0.092 2) 2% _____ 0.3% 3) 3/4 _____ 7.5% 12% _____ 0.012 5) 52% _____ 5/10 6) 1.25% _____ 1/8 Multiple Choice: 7) Which of the following is equal to 3/8 ? A) 3.8 B) 3.75 C) 37.5% D) 3.75% 8) Which of the following is equal to 50%? A) 0.05 B) 7/14 C) 1/5 D) 50