By: Yudai Koyama And Moonsu Kim Jeopardy! Volcanoes START!!
100 200 300 400 500 Vocabulary Explosive Eruption Effusive Eruptions Volcano Characteristics Magma Composition at Volcanoes Explosive Eruption Effusive Eruptions Types of Volcanoes Super volcanoes Volcanoes at Hotspots Predicting Volcanic Eruptions 100 200 300 400 500
100-Vocabulary Define volcano. Answer
ANSWER 100-Vocabulary A vent from which the material from a magma chamber escapes. Home
200-Vocabulary Define viscosity. Viscosity! Answer
ANSWER 200-Vocabulary A liquids resistance to flow Home
300-Vocabulary Define pyroclastic material. Answer
ANSWER 300-Vocabulary The combination of all materials ejected during a volcanic eruption. Home
400-Vocabulary Define caldera. Answer
ANSWER 400-Vocabulary A large volcanic crater, typically one formed by a major eruption leading to the collapse of the mouth of the volcano. Home
500-Vocabulary Define tephra Answer
ANSWER 500-Vocabulary Rock material ejected from the vent during a volcanic eruption. Home
100-Volcano Characteristics Magma Composition at Volcanoes Where can a volcano form? Answer
ANSWER 100-Volcano Characteristics Magma Composition at Volcanoes Along plate boundaries. Anywhere magma can form. Home
200-Volcano Characteristics Magma Composition at Volcanoes Volcanoes erupt because mantle rocks melts and becomes magma. What are the three conditions mantle rocks can melt? Answer
ANSWER 200-Volcano Characteristics Magma Composition at Volcanoes If temperature rises, if pressure lowers, and if water is added. Home
300-Volcano Characteristics Magma Composition at Volcanoes Name and explain the three stages of a volcano. Answer
ANSWER 300-Volcano Characteristics Magma Composition at Volcanoes Active: Currently erupting or showing signs of eruption. Dormant: No currently activity, but has erupted recently. Extinct: no activity for some time, probably will never erupt again. Home
400-Volcano Characteristics Magma Composition at Volcanoes Explain mafic magma and felsic magma. Answer
ANSWER 400-Volcano Characteristics Magma Composition at Volcanoes Mafic: low in silica. Contain dark magnesium and iron-rich minerals Felsic: high in silica. Contain light minerals, commonly quartz. Home
500-Volcano Characteristics Magma Composition at Volcanoes What are three things magma composition determine? Answer
ANSWER 500-Volcano Characteristics Magma Composition at Volcanoes Eruption style, the type of volcanic cone that forms, and the composition of rocks found at the volcano. Home
100- Explosive Eruption Effusive Eruptions Fill in blank. Large, explosive eruptions contain more energy than an _______________. Answer
ANSWER 100- Explosive Eruption Effusive Eruptions Atomic bomb Home
200- Explosive Eruption Effusive Eruptions What is a pyroclastic flow? Answer
ANSWER 200- Explosive Eruption Effusive Eruptions The combination of tephra, ash, and gas that reach unreal speeds down a slope. Home
300- Explosive Eruption Effusive Eruptions Why is effusive much less deadly? Answer
ANSWER 300- Explosive Eruption Effusive Eruptions Slower, so people can evacuate. Home
400- Explosive Eruption Effusive Eruptions What are the three type of lava flow? Answer
ANSWER 400- Explosive Eruption Effusive Eruptions Aa Pahoehoe Pillow Lava Home
500- Explosive Eruption Effusive Eruptions Explain the three types of lava flows. Answer
ANSWER 500- Explosive Eruption Effusive Eruptions Aa: slightly viscous forms rough jagged layers of lava. Pahoehoe: Not viscous forms ropy, smooth layers of lava Pillow Lava: under water lava flows cool quickly into spherical rocks, common at mid-ocean ridges. Home
100-Types of Volcanoes Super volcanoes True or False A super volcano is a very rare event in Earth's history? Answer
ANSWER 100-Types of Volcanoes Super volcanoes True Home
200-Types of Volcanoes Super volcanoes What is the shape of the volcano directly related to? Answer
ANSWER 200-Types of Volcanoes Super volcanoes Magma composition Home
300-Types of Volcanoes Super volcanoes Name the three shapes of a volcano. Answer
ANSWER 300-Types of Volcanoes Super volcanoes composite cone shield cone cinder cone Home
400-Types of Volcanoes Super volcanoes Explain the shape of the three types of volcanoes. Answer
ANSWER 400-Types of Volcanoes Super volcanoes Composite cone: Built in layers Shield cone: Large, gently sloping volcano Cinder cone: Distinct cone shape Home
500-Types of Volcanoes Super volcanoes Name a place that is considered as a super volcano. Answer
ANSWER 500-Types of Volcanoes Super volcanoes Yellowstone park Home
100-Volcanoes at Hotspots Predicting Volcanic Eruptions Is predicting volcanic eruptions harder to predict or is earthquakes harder to predict? Answer
ANSWER 100-Volcanoes at Hotspots Predicting Volcanic Eruptions Earthquakes are harder to predict. Home
200-Volcanoes at Hotspots Predicting Volcanic Eruptions What is interplate volcanism? Answer
ANSWER 200-Volcanoes at Hotspots Predicting Volcanic Eruptions When a volcano occurs in the middle of plates. Home
300-Volcanoes at Hotspots Predicting Volcanic Eruptions Define mantle plume Answer
ANSWER 300-Volcanoes at Hotspots Predicting Volcanic Eruptions Mantle plume: An upwelling of upwelling of unusually hot mantle plume Home
400-Volcanoes at Hotspots Predicting Volcanic Eruptions Define hotspots. Answer
ANSWER 400-Volcanoes at Hotspots Predicting Volcanic Eruptions Hotspots: a magma chamber developed above the mantle plume Home
500-Volcanoes at Hotspots Predicting Volcanic Eruptions How do scientists predict volcanic eruptions? Name three factors that can be taken into account. Answer
ANSWER 500-Volcanoes at Hotspots Predicting Volcanic Eruptions history of activity earthquakes slope deformation gas emission Home