Fluid and Fuel during long distance races
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The Components Fuel: Carbohydrates, fat, protein Water Electrolytes: sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium etc
What happens during exercise Oxygen, water, carbohydrate (as glycogen/glucose), fat, and protein (a little) create a fuel mix to keep you going. Your body pulls this from stores in your muscle cells, fat cells and liver Water is spread over the body to cool it (as sweat) and contains electrolytes Initially this reaches a balance called homeostasis
Then what The nice balance of homeostasis becomes unbalanced as your stores of glycogen get depleted and your body tries to switch fuel mix, which slows you down. You push a little harder and The body also heats up requiring fluid to leave the blood and become sweat Electrolytes leave with the sweat and more are pulled into the blood from the cells Homeostasis becomes more difficult
What do you do? Hopefully you start to drink water; however, this thins the blood and pulls even more electrolytes from the cells You eat and this helps to spare the stored glycogen, but it is a careful balance You take in electrolytes, but how much?
Some case studies http://www.slowtwitch.com/Training/General_Physiology/The_Math_of_salt_ loss_1093.html
So how much Broad numbers 1-1.5 l of fluid per hour 30-60 gms of cho 500-1000 mg sodium per hour
Customize for size Per Kg/hr 55 kg person (app 120 lbs) Calories 3-4 kcal 165-220 225-300 Water 10-12 mls 550-600 750-900 Sodium Varies 500-1000mg 750-1250 mg
All Carbohydrates are not the same The simple carbs usual end with “ose”: glucose, sucrose, fructose, dextrose The complex carbs with “ine” multidextrine The pathways for digestion are specific and limited to about 60 gms per hour For most of you that won’t be enough, you will need to mix your carbohydrates Fructose and glucose have different pathways Multidextrin has a different pathway Mixing allows upwards of 90-110 gms per hour to be processed
On course Bike: IRONMAN® Perform Water Bananas Bonk Breaker Bars Run: IRONMAN® Perform Water Cola Chicken Broth (after dark) Bonk Breaker Bars GU Original Energy Gels Roctane Ultra Endurance Gels GU Chomps Pretzels Fruit Bike: IRONMAN® Perform Water Bananas Bonk Breaker Bars GU Original Energy Gels Roctane Ultra Endurance Gels GU Chomps
Simple plan 200-300 kcals per hour (about 3 gels, or chomps) 500-1500 mls of fluid (water and/or perform) note: 1 bottle of perform can replace a gel or chomp serving 2-4 salt stick capsules per hour if it is hot 1-2 if not note: 1 bottle of perform can replace a salt stick capsule A banana, other fruit, pretzels, can replace or supplement gu or chomps Bonk breaker replaces two gus or chomps