Wellness Seminar Effective Time Management Julie Johnson, LPC, CEAP
2 Time Management Quiz Which of the following statements are TRUE? 1.Most of our problems could be resolved if we only had more time. 2.Our lives are largely controlled by time. 3.We can squeeze more activities into our schedule if we really want to. 4.People are naturally disorganized and, as a result, will always experience time-related stress.
3 Seminar Goals Identify barriers to effective time management Learn to prioritize your time to achieve your goals, both personally and professionally Learn techniques to help you manage time more effectively Know the benefits of your EAP
4 What’s Stopping You? 1.Not deciding what deserves your time 2.Not letting go of unnecessary control 3.Not being assertive about your time 4.Being a perfectionist Adapted from “Managing Your Time”, University College and Extension Services, California State University, Long Beach
5 Where Does the Time Go? Adapted from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey URGENTNOT URGENT IMPORTANT I ACTIVITIES: Crises, pressing problems, deadline- driven projects II ACTIVITIES: Exercise, long-range planning, preparation, preventive maintenance, relationship building, personal growth activities, some leisure NOT IMPORTANT III ACTIVITIES: Interruptions, some calls, some mail, some reports, some meetings IV ACTIVITIES: Trivia, busy work, some mail, some calls, time wasters, some pleasant activities
6 Decide What Deserves Your Time Identify Your Roles Select Your Goals Schedule Daily Adapting
7 Let Go of Unnecessary Control Delegation –Gofer delegation –Stewardship delegation Desired results Guidelines Resources Accountability Consequences Adapted from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey
8 Be Assertive About Your Time What will I gain from this? Will the time spent on it be worth it? Will I be resentful/angry if I say “yes”? Can someone else do it?
9 Saying “No” Make eye contact Use a firm tone of voice Less said, best said No excuses necessary
10 Learn To Not Be Perfect Set realistic expectations Deal with your fear of failure Let go Look at the big picture
11 Keep a Time Log Track your time for 3-7 days Decide if the activities were worth the time spent on them Pinpoint consistent distractions/interruptions Look at transition times—how efficiently do you spend that time? Adapted from Time-Management-Guide.com
12 Analyzing Time Wasters Internal Procrastination Failure to delegate Failure to set priorities Failure to plan Poor scheduling Lack of self- discipline Attempting to do too much at once External Interruptions Meetings Visitors Socializing Poor communication Red tape Excessive paperwork
13 Managing Your inbox is not necessarily your “to-do” list Remove your name from unnecessary distribution lists Check your only when you have enough time allocated to respond to them Disable any audio or visual signals that alert you to new s Avoid “shuffling” s Learn to prioritize Adapted from Dr. Donald Wetmore Productivity Institute
14 General Time Management Techniques Use a calendar, date book, PDA or computer software Make a daily task list Rank activities Plan ahead Schedule yourself first
15 General Time Management Techniques, cont’d Break big jobs into smaller tasks Use your prime working times Be flexible Manage interruptions Reward yourself!
16 Benefits of the EAP Confidential Prepaid Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Appointment offered within 2 business days Telephonic consultation available Household benefit Child care, elder care, and legal concerns