Just type it. By: Saswat Nanda, Dasol Park
‘Tis a Search engine………
It has links to popular videos Links to news, sports news, celebrity news It is also associated with Facebook and Twitter It sorts the links on the page: Wiki results, news results, video results, image results, web results, twitter results, and blog results
Can connect with Facebook Has homepage links for categorical searches: Home, Real Time, Web, Videos, Images, News, Blogs, and Shopping Its easy to make it your homepage.
when I searched just ‘jaguar’ I got back results primarily about the animal However, in the image results section, there were some pictures of the car, though pictures of the animal were also present the preferable search would be “Jaguar Car” This search brings back results solely about the car
When I searched Tiger, I got results for the animal, though some links referred to the golfer. I found that “Tiger Golfer” is the best search to find Tiger Woods
1.Jaguar 2.“Tiger Golfer”
One can customize the site once it is their homepage One can create a free account, which allows one to add widgets, make searches smoother, and allows one to use other features Leapfish searches the traditional multimedia and social web and provides results from all over the web. Can create social profile on Leapfish which is connected to twitter or facebook
Leapfish offers a variety of categories when something is searched on it, and it is very organized Google also offers many categories though they have their individual searches Google’s system is better for a wider range of results, though leapfish has a quicker process because the links are divided into categories in the basic search Google has an advanced search whereas leapfish does not The homepage of Leapfish is a bit cluttered and is slightly confusing, whereas Google is straightforward and provides a wider range of links There were a few links more than two years old on Leapfish whereas Google had none. (Tiger Golfer) search.
Leapfish is okay for a quick non specific search, but Google is still the king of search engines because of its advanced features and boolean system
"Google." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May News, Yahoo. " LeapFish – Living the Web." LeapFish – Living the Web. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May