HOW WIDE IS OUR UNIVERSE? 210,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles (22 zeros) This number is written in decimal notation. When numbers get this large, it is easier to write them in scientific notation.
7.3 SCIENTIFIC NOTATION A number written in scientific notation is always in the form: where 1 ≤ a < 10 and n is an integer
Standard Form to Scientific Notation: 1)Move decimal point to the right of first digit. 2)Number of spaces moved will be “ n ” If decimal is > 10, then If decimal is < 1, then
EX 1: Convert to Sci Not a)4,062,000,000,000 b)
Scientific Notation to Standard Form: 1)If n > 0, move decimal point n spaces to the right, fill in with zeros. 2)If n < 0, move decimal point n spaces to the left, fill in with zeros.
EX 2: Convert to Standard Form a)6.49 × 10 5 b)1.8 × 10 −3
EX 3: Find the Product. Write answer in BOTH forms. (5 × 10 −6 )(2.3 × )
EX 4: Find the Quotient. Write answer in BOTH forms.
HOW WIDE IS OUR UNIVERSE? 210,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles (22 zeros) This number is written in decimal notation. When numbers get this large, it is easier to write them in scientific notation.
7.3 HW PG. 419 #1 – 19 ODDS (10 PROBLEMS)
WHAT’S THE NUMBER? P-12 30,000 × 10 −1 3 × × 10 4
SCIENTIFIC NOTATION OR NOT? P-13 30,000 × 10 −1 3 × × 10 4
WHICH IS GREATER? P-14 8 × 10 −3 4 × 10 −1
MATCHING CARD SET A 1. Take turns to match a card in scientific notation with a card in decimal notation. 2. Each time you match a pair of cards explain your thinking clearly and carefully. Place your cards side by side on your desk, not on top of one another, so that everyone can see them. 3. Partners should either agree with the explanation, or challenge it if it is not clear or not complete. 4. It is important that everyone in the group understands the matching of each card. 5. You should find that two cards do not have a match. Write the alternative notation for these measurements on the blank cards to produce a pair. P-15