ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 1 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Engineering 43 Boolean Logic Systems
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 2 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Analog vs Digital Up to know we have examined ANALOG systems In Analog systems the Quantity of Interest (I or V usually) Varies continuously with time → U = f(t) In the Analog case U plots as a smooth curve vs t Digital signals are discontinuous in time; ocassionally dU/dt → ∞ (in theory)
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 3 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Analog vs Digital Analog Digital Smoothly Varying Curve Vertical Rises & Falls, Flat Tops & Bottoms
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 4 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Binary vs MultiLevel Digital U t 1 U t 1 −1 BInary → TWO Level (0/1, Lo/Hi, N/Y) with “Bits” (Binary Digits): TRInary → THREE Level (−1/0/1, Lo/Med/Hi) with “TRITS”: Zero Levels are Significant
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 5 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Binary Logic Virtually ALL Electronic-Computer Logic is BINARY. But the Signals are not always “Clean” A Margin for Error to account for Noisy Signals is called the “Noise Margin” A Good “NM” allows a weak INput to make a strong Output
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 6 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Binary Logic Noise Margains The NOISE MARGIN is parameter that determines the maximum noise voltage on the input of a gate that allows the output to remain stable. Two parameters, Low noise margin (NM L ) and High noise margin (NM H ).
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 7 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Binary Noise Margins By the Diagram Above Inputs in the range V IHmin <V in <V ILmax Produce Unpredictable Results
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 8 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Numbering Systems Numbering Systems (bases) used in Electronic Systems Binary, Base-2 Octal, Base-8 Decimal, Base-10 (Human Base) Hexadecimal, Base-16 (Digit “F 16 ” = ) Examples in Decimal →
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 9 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Numbering Systems 10^410^310^210^110^0Decimal 10,0001, ^416^316^216^116^0Decimal 65,5364, A298 2^72^62^52^42^32^22^12^0Decimal Base 10 Base 16 Base 2
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 10 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Counting: Decimal vs Binary NOTE that = DecimalBinaryDecimalBinary
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 11 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Decimal to Binary Conversion Method-A Sucesive Divisions Convert the decimal number 192 into a binary number. 192/2=96with a remainder of0 96/2=48with a remainder of0 48/2=24with a remainder of0 24/2=12with a remainder of0 12/2=6with a remainder of0 6/2=3with a remainder of0 3/2=1with a remainder of1 1/2=0with a remainder of1 Write down all the REMAINDERS, backwards, and you have the binary number
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 12 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Decimal to Binary Conversion Method-B Successive Subtractions Convert the decimal number 192 into a binary number. First find the largest number that is a power of 2 that you can subtract from the original number. Repeat the process until there is nothing left to subtract. 192−128 =64128’s (2 7 ) used1 64 − 64 =064’s (2 6 ) used1 0 − 0 =0 32’s (2 6 ) used0 0 − 0 =0 16’s (2 4 ) used0 0 − 0 =0 8’s (2 3 ) used0 0 − 0 =0 4’s (2 2 ) used0 0 − 0 =0 2’s (2 1 ) used0 0 − 0 =0 1’s (2 0 ) used0 Write down the 0s & 1s from top to bottom, and you have the binary number
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 13 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Example: Successive Subtracts Successive subtraction is more intuitive Convert the decimal number 213 into a binary number. First find the largest number that is a power of 2 that you can subtract from the original number. Repeat the process until there is nothing left to subtract = 85128’s (2 7 ) used =21 64’s (2 6 ) used1 *(32 cannot be subtracted from 21) 32’s (2 5 ) used = 5 16’s (2 4 ) used1 *(8 cannot be subtracted from 5) 8’s (2 3 ) used0 5-4=1 4’s (2 2 ) used1 *(2 cannot be subtracted from 1) 2’s (2 1 ) used0 1-1 = 0 1’s (2 0 ) used1 Write down the 0s & 1s from top to bottom, and you have the binary number
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 14 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Binary to Decimal Conversion Method-B Sucessive Additions Make a “Power of 2” table. From right to left, write the values of the power of 2 above each binary number. Then add up the values where a 1 exists. Ex: = 181
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 15 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Fractional Binary to Decimal Method-B Successive Additions Treat Factions the Same way as Integers using successive Additions. Ex: −1 2 −2 2 −3 2 −4 2 −5 2 −6 2 −7 2 −8 1/21/41/81/161/321/641/1281/ =
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 16 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Fractional Decimal to Binary to N 2 by Successive Subtract Thus after getting to the High-Precision of 7 Sig-Figs Find Luckily Fractional Conversions are not often need
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 17 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Base-16 The Numbers in Base-16 run 0→15 in Decimal How do we WRITE in Base-16 (ONE Symbol) when we’re used to 0→9? Answer: use LETTERS to represent 10→15
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 18 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Hexadecimal to Decimal Convert 12B 16 to Decimal Base16 Table 16^416^316^216^116^0Decimal 65,5364, B299 Each number-place represents a power of 16 Given the hexadecimal number 12B 1 X 256 = X 16 = +32 B X 1 = +11 (B = 11 in hex) 299
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 19 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis HexaDecimal Numbering Hexadecimal is the numbering system that is used to represent MAC (Media Access Control) for Internet addresses for example Another Conversion Example: Express 2F5A 16 as a decimal number F5A (2 x 4096) + ([F]15 x 256) + (5 x 16) + ([A]10 x 1) = 12122
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 20 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis HexaDecimal Numbering One hexadecimal character can represent any decimal number between 0 and 15. In binary, F (15 decimal) is 1111 and A (10 decimal) is It follows that 4 bits are required to represent a single hexadecimal value in binary. A MAC address is 48 bits long (6 bytes), which translates to (48/4 = ) 12 hexadecimal characters required to express a MAC address. You can check YOUR MAC-ID by typing cmd.exe in Windows-7, and then type in the BlackBox ipconfig/all
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 21 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis MAC ID Example After typing in the Windows “Start Box”: cmd.exe ipconfig/all
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 22 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis HexaDecimal Numbering The smallest decimal value that can be represented by four hexadecimal characters (0000) is 0. The largest decimal value that can be represented by four hexadecimal characters (FFFF) is 65,535. It follows that the range of decimal numbers that can be represented by four hexadecimal characters (16 bits) is 0 to 65,535, a total of 65,536 or 2 16 possible values.
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 23 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Combinatorial Logic Circuits The Foundation of Algebra, apart from number themselves, depends on only THREE Operations 1.Negation 2.Addition (OR-ing) 3.Multiplication (AND-ing) Electronic Circuits can easily implement Inversion OR operations AND operations
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 24 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis The Five Base Logic Gates The Operation of Logic Gates is Described in TRUTH TABLES Truth Tables Show the OutPut of a Gate as function ONLY of its Inputs For Example: Inversion or “NOT-ing” Notice the Logic Gate SYMBOL for an Inverter The Triangle with the Bubble
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 25 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis The Five Base Logic Gates Inverters performs Negation AND gates perform Multiplication OR Gates Implement the ADDITION operation
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 26 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis The Five Basic Logic Gates The INVERTED form of an AND is called a Not-AND or NAND. The Truth Table: The INVERTED form of an OR is called a Not-OR or NOR. The Truth Table:
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 27 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis PSPICE Gates PSPICE-Student has 4 of the 5 Base- Gates as Built-In Parts NAND → 7400 NOR → 7402 INVERT → 7404 AND → 7408
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 28 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis The Inversion “Bubble” The presence of a “Bubble” implies Inversion For example, a bubble turns a BUFFER into an INVERTER The Bubble Inverts INPUTS as well as Outputs
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 29 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis The EXCLUSIVE GATES The OR gate produces a “1” for one or two high inputs The Exclusive-OR allows only one High The NOR OR gate produces a “0” for one to two low inputs The Exclusive-NOR allows only one LOW
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 30 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis NANDs (or NORs) are Enough To Build a Functioning logic System Need only: IVERSION, AND, OR (alternatively inversion, nand, nor) NANDs and NORs are MUCH easier to make than ANDs and NORs. Thus make Invertors ANDs & ORs from NANDS or NORs NANDS preferred
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 31 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis The Logic Gates Summarized
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 32 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis WhiteBoard Work Determine the TRUTH TABLE for Need 2 4 (16) entries on the Truth Table Next time Write an Equation for the TT
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 33 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis All Done for Today Media Access Control A Hexadecimal Number (Note the “E”)
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 34 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Engineering 43 Appendix NAND
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 35 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 36 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Solution
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 37 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Solution by MATLAB % Bruce Mayer, PE % ENGR43 * 25Mar12 % Lec-7a * TruthTable WhiteBoard Problem % file = Truth_Table_Lec7a_1203.m % k = 0; % initialize Vector Counter for A = 0:1; for B = 0:1; for C = 0:1; for D = 0:1; k = k+1; Ai(k) = A; Bi(k) = B; Ci(k) = C; Di(k) = D; Out(k) = ~C&~D | C&D | A&B&D; end % Truth_tbl =[Ai',Bi',Ci',Di',Out']; % disp(' A B C D Out') disp('==================================') disp(Truth_tbl) OutVert = Out'; %debug command A B C D Out ================================
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 38 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Truth Tables
ENGR-43_Lec-06a_Fourier_XferFcn.pptx 39 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis