iron(III) chloride FeCl3 ferric chloride mercury(II) iodide HgI2


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Presentation transcript:

iron(III) chloride FeCl3 ferric chloride mercury(II) iodide HgI2 mercuric iodide mercury(I) bromide Hg2Br2 mercurous bromide lead(IV) sulfide PbS2 plumbic sulfide lead(IV) oxide PbO2 plumbic oxide copper(II) phosphide Cu3P2 cupric phosphide chromium(II) iodide CrI2 chromous iodide manganese(III) nitride MnN manganic nitride lead(II) oxide PbO plumbous oxide tin(II) sulfide SnS stannous sulfide chromium(III) telluride Cr2Te3 chromic telluride colbalt(III) sulfide Co2S3 cobaltic sulfide copper(I) nitride Cu3N cuprous nitride chromium(III) oxide Cr2O3 chromic oxide iron(III) nitride FeN ferric nitride

manganese(III) selenide Mn2Se3 manganic selenide tin(II) phosphide Sn3P2 stannous phosphide mercury(I) fluoride Hg2F2 mercurous fluoride cobalt(III) fluoride CoF3 cobaltic fluoride tin(IV) oxide SnO2 stannic oxide copper(I) oxide Cu2O cuprous oxide manganese(II) phosphide Mn3P2 manganous phosphide cobalt(III) sulfide Co2S3 cobaltic sulfide iron(II) astatide FeAt2 ferrous astatide aluminum selenide Al2Se3 --------------------- mercury(I) oxide Hg2O mercurous oxide tin(IV) sulfide SnS2 stannic sulfide lead(IV) oxide PbO2 plumbic oxide copper(II) nitride Cu3N2 cupric nitride tin(II) oxide SnO stannous oxide cobalt(II) nitride Co3N2 cobaltous nitride copper(II) fluoride CuF2 cupric fluoride

TODAY: Polyatomic Ions Read pages 41-42 HW: Naming ionic compounds involving polyatomic ions HW: WS 6.4 Problems: chapter 2 problems 34, 36 and 38

POLYATOMIC IONS tightly bound groups of atoms that behave as a unit and carry a charge most end in –ite or –ate exceptions: NH4+ – ammonium CN– – cyanide OH– – hydroxide


–ATE vs. –ITE phosphate vs. phosphite PO43- PO33- –ate = one more oxygen than –ite charge is the same

Formula Name 1– H2PO4– dihydrogen phosphate 2– HPO42– hydrogen C2H3O2 – acetate phosphate HSO3– hydrogen sulfite C2O42– oxalate HSO4– hydrogen sulfate SO32– sulfite HCO3– hydrogen carbonate SO42– sulfate NO2– nitrite CO32– carbonate NO3– nitrate CrO42– chromate CN– cyanide Cr2O72– dichromate OH– hydroxide SiO32– silicate MnO4– permanganate 3– PO43– ClO– hypochlorite PO33– phosphite ClO2– chlorite ClO3– chlorate 1+ NH4+ ammonium ClO4– perchlorate

POLYATOMIC IONS when a polyatomic ion begins with H, it is H+ + another polyatomic ion: HCO3– is H+ and CO32– HPO42– is H+ and PO43–

TERNARY IONIC COMPOUNDS contain three different elements usually contain a polyatomic ion balance the charge like a binary compound – treat the polyatomic ion as single unit

TERNARY IONIC COMPOUNDS calcium carbonate lithium carbonate

TERNARY IONIC COMPOUNDS magnesium hydroxide sodium phosphite


TERNARY IONIC COMPOUNDS calcium oxalate potassium dichromate chromic sulfite lead (IV) acetate

POLYATOMIC IONS FROM NOW ON: know NO CO SO PO ions (–ates and –ites) know NH4+ know –ides: cyanide, hydroxide know chlorine containing ions