Agen Prunes Bureau national Interprofessionnel du Pruneau (French Prune Board) Directorate for competition policy, consumer affairs and fraud control - DGCCRF Ministère de l’Economie des Finances et de l’Industrie – FRANCE – Marie-Isabelle TRIVES- CREMIEUX
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ France and the prune Annual production of 45,000 T (15,000 T exported) European market leader and in third place worldwide 1,400 prune growers (99% in growers’ organisations) representing 13,200 hectares, 32 processing firms
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ The prune down through the ages
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ Sales of French prunes (3-year average)
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ Agen prunes Agen prunes have been awarded a PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) quality label. The PGI zone of Agen prunes (96 % of French prune production) takes in the communes of two regions: Aquitaine (89%): Lot-et-Garonne, Dordogne, Gironde Midi-Pyrénées (11%): Lot, Gers, Tarn-et-Garonne
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ The prune industry A major boost: The industry’s inter-professional organisation The French Prune Board (BIP) was established in 1963 Its responsibilities: to represent the industry, to draw up and apply the inter-professional agreement, to standardise products, management and inspection, technical and technological development and to promote the prune.
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ The industry’s organisation (since 2009) AOPN: growers’ organisations Trade Association (Chambre Syndicale) private processing firms BIP FELCOOP: cooperative processing firms Principle of unanimity
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ Functioning: Management Committee Growers’ organisation Private processing firms The BIP’s MC Cooperative processing firms 8 members 1 vote Each college agrees before an inter-professional decision is taken. The 3 colleges must then agree unanimously.
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ A tense economic climate European Union financial support for the prune industry has been regularly scaled down with total disengagement scheduled for Production costs are constantly rising: drying (40% of expenses) in particular, takes the brunt of energy price hikes. Tough international competition, especially from countries with low production costs (Chile, Argentina). Lower consumption since the 2008 financial crisis coupled with lower sale prices.
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ The industry’s reactions Improving competitiveness by cutting production costs (orchards and drying). Better quality owing to the modernisation of production techniques and the awarding of the PGI. Protecting this high quality (work ongoing with the SCL – Labo33), together with an inter-professional communication strategy. Highlighting the nutritional values of Agen prunes. Diversifying markets by innovation.
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ A guarantee of authenticity, nutritional benefits Two spearheads of the industry’s protection and win-back plan: Ensuring traceability of the geographical origins of prunes to prevent any fraud on Agen prunes. Proving the beneficial effects of Agen prunes on certain chronic or metabolic diseases in line with major public health concerns.
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ Determination of geographical origin to guarantee authenticity Active collaboration since 1982 with the Inter-Regional Laboratory of the General Directorate for Competition Policy, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) Talence, followed by SCL – Labo33 Building a database containing analytical results on prunes with different origins: France, USA, Chile, Argentina. Searching for distinguishing features: organic acids, minerals, heavy metals, rare metals.The reliability of these traditional analytical techniques and statistical tools is thought to be 95%.
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ Determination of geographical origin to guarantee authenticity For the last 3 years, the SCL has been conducting new research based on cutting-edge techniques: Ultra-weak radioactivity measurement: joint study by the SCL- BIP-Université de Bordeaux-CENBG (PRISNA platform). Isotopic analysis by IRMS (Isotope-ratio mass spectrometry) together with the BIP. Analysis by NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectroscopy. The SCL’s and BIP’s own work, using these techniques, is currently ongoing and should soon allow for 100% detection reliability.
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ The prune’s nutritional benefits Prune composition
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ Prunes and health Monosaccharides (glucose and fructose) together with sorbitol and fibre A mid-range glycemic index (52) and slow carbohydrate absorption Prunes are very rich in minerals, in particular, in potassium (31% of RDI). Many vitamins, in particular, vitamin B1 (43% of RDI), B2, B5, B6 and beta-carotene
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ Prunes and health Distinguishing feature of prunes: high phenolic acid and polyphenol contents which have a antioxidant effect
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ Prun’Active © Projet The launch, in September 2008, of a new 49-month project called Prun’Active ©. The aim is to scientifically identify the impact of Agen Prunes on the prevention of metabolic diseases. The total cost of the project, backed by the State (Single Inter- Ministerial Fund – FUI) and the Aquitaine Region, is €3.3 million.
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/ PrunÔProtect Projet Preparation of a new 2-year project called PrunÔProtect Innovative formulations for Agen Prunes for the nutrition and health markets. The total cost of the project, supported by the Midi-Pyrénées and Aquitaine Regions, is €872,000.
DGCCRF - Marie-Isabelle TRIVES-CREMIEUX FRANCE –– Moldavie 11/10/2011 Thank you for your attention