Main slide Black Pepper fruits. Names, description and origin. Constituents. Uses. Other Black Pepper fruits Names and constituents. Khella fruits. Names and description. Origin and constituents. Medical uses.
Black Pepper Family : Piperaceae Main slide
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Piper nigrum Family : Piperaceae Main slide
Piper nigrum Family : Piperaceae Main slide
Piper nigrum; Family : Piperaceae Main slide
Black Pepper fruits Piper nigrum Family : Piperaceae Perennial climbing vines . The fruits are globular in shape with characteristic (wrinkled) coat . The fruits color changed during drying from green or red then to dark brown or black . Odor :characteristic & spicy (irritant for mucous membranes). Taste : pungent , spicy (characteristic). Origin: India Main slide
Chemical constituents A- Alkaloid :piperidine group : 1- piperine 2- piperidine 3- piperitine B- volatile oil: 1-piperonal 2- pinene 3-caryophyllene C- Starch 65% D- Vitamins A,C,B1,B2 Main slide
Uses Condiment Stomachic Relaxed sore throat. Rubefacient in case of rheumatism . Main slide
Black Pepper fruits Solanum nigrum Solanaceae Contain : alkaloid (steroidal group )– Solasodine Used as primary substances in manufacturing steroidal hormones . Main slide
white flowers Visnaga Main slide
white flowers Main slide
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Visnaga fruits : Khella fruits Ammi visnaga Ammi majalis Family : Umbelliferae Annual herbaceous plant with white flowers The fruits are greenish brown with 5 yellow primary ridges . Odor : slightly characteristic. Taste : slightly bitter . Main slide
Nile Delta , Fayuom (Egypt) ,MSR Chemical constituents Origin: Nile Delta , Fayuom (Egypt) ,MSR Chemical constituents Bitter principles : organic natural compounds have very bitter taste & contain C,O,H and have not N atom . 1- Khellin 1% 2- Visnagin 0.1% Main slide
USES Khella used by Egyptians for treatment of kidney stones (smooth muscles relaxant (relaxing the muscles of the ureter ). Relief the renal colic's . Diuretic . Bronchodilator . Main slide
6. Treatment of arteriosclerosis . 5. Antispasmodic . 6. Treatment of arteriosclerosis . 7. Prophylactic of angina pectoris (act like calcium channels blocking agents ) 8. Anti psoriasis agent . 9. Stimulate the repigmentation of the skin . Main slide