Double Jeopardy Vietnam EventsCountries1960s People1960s CultureJFK Compliments of the James Madison Center, JMU
Vietnam Events – 200 points This kind of warfare involves secret hit and run tactics. What is guerilla warfare?
Vietnam Events – 400 points This act, passed by Johnson, allowed the U.S. to officially enter the Vietnam War. What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
Vietnam Events – 600 points This battle was the turning point of the Vietnam War. What is Tet?
Vietnam Events – 800 points The U.S. policy of giving South Vietnam responsibility for carrying out the war while removing U.S. troops was called this. What is Vietnamization?
Vietnam Events – 1000 points This village was attacked by U.S. troops and all men, women, and children were massacred. What is My Lai?
Countries – 200 points This part of Vietnam supported democracy and fought against communism. What is South Vietnam?
Countries – 400 points This part of Vietnam was communist. What is North Vietnam?
Countries – 600 points This country had control of Vietnam during the 1940s. What is France?
Countries – 800 points This was the supply route that went through Cambodia and Laos that the Viet Cong used. What was the Ho Chi Minh Trail?
Countries – 1000 points This country was suspected of hiding weapons and armies so the U.S. bombed them during the Nixon administration. What is Cambodia?
1960s People – 200 points This president brought us into the Vietnam war and did not run for a second term of office. Who was Johnson?
1960s People – 400 points This man was president of the United States at the end of American involvement in the Vietnam war. Who was Ford?
1960s People – 600 points This person was the leader of North Vietnam. Who was Ho Chi Minh?
1960s People – 800 points Who was the chief architect of the Vietnam War for America. Who was Robert McNamara?
1960s People – 1000 points This man was the leader of South Vietnam and was later executed. Who was Diem?
1960s Culture – 200 points Name a popular singer or music group of the 60s. Who are the Beatles, Aretha Franklin, the Rolling Stones, etc.
1960s Culture – 400 points Name the location of the large musical festival during the counterculture. What was Woodstock
1960s Culture – 600 points Another name for people that belonged to the counterculture. What are hippies?
1960s Culture – 800 points The location (city) where JFK was assassinated. Where was Dallas, Texas?
1960s Culture – 1000 points The name of Johnson’s programs designed to decrease poverty in the United States. What was the Great Society?
JFK – 200 points This was the place where U.S. spy planes found nuclear missiles. What is Cuba?
JFK – 400 points This country supported Cuba’s communist government. Who was the Soviet Union?
JFK – 600 points This man was and still is the communist leader of Cuba. Who is Fidel Castro?
JFK – 800 points Kennedy decided to form this around Cuba in order to threaten the Soviets. What is a blockade?
JFK – 1000 points This man was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Who was Nikita Khrushchev?