Case Based Decision Making: A Critical Review of Interventions Eckhard Alt, M.D. Robert Smith, M.D. Cardiac Catheterization Conference March 30, 2004
Case Presentation LC is a 94 yo white male with PMHx significant for HTN, DM who presented on 2/18/04 with c/o severe retrosternal chest pain. He reported that the chest pain began approximately 4 hours prior to presentation to the ER and awakened him from sleep. The chest pain was initially mild but gradually increased in severity over time, prompting him to call EMS for transport to the emergency room. He described the chest pain as “crushing” and with radiation to the left arm. He reported associated SOB, diaphoresis, and nausea.
Past Medical History HTN DM CRI (1.4 – 1.6) Remote h/o colon cancer s/p resection BPH
Medications ASA 81mg Protonix 40mg Diltiazem 120mg Lisinopril 5mg 70/30 insulin
Physical Exam 154/ NAD No JVD Normal S1S2, no murmurs Few basilar crackles Benign Abdomen No edema
Labs Na 133 K 4.6 Cl 101 CO 2 24 BUN 23 Cr 1.8 TP 5.9 ALB 2.9 AST 28 ALT 30 Troponin 0.13 WBC 7.8 HGB 12.4 HCT 38.2 PLT 249
Case Presentation KD is a 62 yo male with PMHx significant for HTN and hyperlipidemia who presented to his primary care physician in February of 2004 with c/o chest discomfort. He described the chest discomfort as retrosternal, pressure like, and without radiation or other associated symptoms. He reported that the discomfort had been occurring approximately once every 2 weeks for the last 3 months and that it was not related to exertion. Subsequently, he had an adenosine cardiolyte stress test which showed an inferolateral reversible defect. Because of this, he was referred for elective LHC.
Past Medical History HTN Hyperlipidemia
Medications ASA 81mg Lopressor 25mg BID HCTZ 25mg Lisinopril 10mg Simvastatin 40mg
Physical Exam 142/ NAD No JVD Normal S1S2, no murmurs Chest clear Abdomen benign No edema
Labs Na 138 K 3.9 Cl 105 CO 2 28 BUN 18 Cr 0.8 Glu 96 Mg 2.4 Troponin <0.01 WBC 4.9 HGB 11.3 HCT 34.0 PLT 299
Case Presentation WL is a 72 yo male with PMHx significant for CAD s/p CABG several years previously who presented to his primary care physician with c/o chest pain. Pt. Reported that the chest pain had begun 4-5 months prior to presentation and had been increasing in frequency since onset. He reported that the chest pain was squeezing in nature and with radiation to his left arm. He reported that it was unrelated to exertion and was not relieved with SL NTG. He reportedly had some type of stress test which was positive (details not available) and was referred to the VAMC for elective LHC.
Past Medical History CAD s/p 2V CABG in the early 1990’s HTN Hyperlipidemia S/P right CEA
Medications Diltiazem 120mg Simvastatin 40mg
Physical Exam 170/ NAD No JVD Normal S1S2, 2/6 SEM LUSB Chest clear Abdomen Benign No edema
Labs Na 142 K 3.9 Cl 111 CO 2 25 BUN 15 Cr 1.2 Glu 107 Alb 4.0 TP 7.9 AST 13 ALT 38 Troponin <0.03 WBC 6.4 HGB 13.2 HCT 40.2 PLT 247
Case Presentation RT is a 57 yo male with PMHx significant for HTN, Hyperlipidemia, tobacco abuse who presented in February of 2004 with c/o chest pain. He reported that the chest pain had begun 5 days prior to presentation and had been progressive in frequency and severity since onset. He described the chest pain as “burning” in nature with associated “tingling” in his left arm. He reported that it occurred with exertion and at rest and was often associated with nausea. He had tried antacids without relief of his symptoms. On the day of his presentation, he experienced approximately 2 hours of chest pain prior to coming to the ER. In the ER, the chest pain was relieved with SL NTG.
Past Medical History HTN Hyperlipidemia Lower Back Pain
Medications Atorvastatin 40mg ASA 325mg Atenolol 50mg
Physical Exam 112/ NAD No JVD, no bruits Normal S1S2, no murmurs Chest clear Abdomen benign No edema
Labs Na 140 K 5.1 Cl 104 CO 2 30 Glu 156 BUN 16 Cr 0.9 Alb 4.4 TP 7.7 AST 26 ALT 33 Troponin 0.23 WBC 7.1 HGB 16.4 HCT 48.7 PLT 219
Case Presentation JL is a 54 yo AAM with PMHx significant for DM, HTN who presented to his primary care doctor in January, 2004 with c/o chest discomfort. He described the discomfort as pressure like and with radiation to his left arm. He reported associated SOB. He reported that the discomfort did not occur at rest but was reliably reproduced with walking approximately 1 block. He was referred for exercise stress test, during which he developed severe retrosternal chest pain with 3mm ST segment depressions inferiorly and 2mm ST segment elevations in V1-V3. ECG returned to baseline with rest and SL NTG. Pt was sent upstairs for LHC.
Past Medical History Poorly controlled DM HTN
Medications HCTZ 50mg 70/30 insulin Metformin 1000mg BID Ramipril 10mg
Physical Exam 156/ NAD No JVD, n o bruits Normal S1S2, no murmurs Chest clear Abdomen benign No edema
Labs Na 137 K 4.0 Cl 101 CO2 27 Glu 146 BUN 13 Cr 0.9 WBC 16.8 HGB 15.5 HCT 46.2 PLT 293