7 habits of highly effective teens or The 7 characteristics that happy and successful teens all over the world have in common
Be Proactive Take responsibility for your life
Begin with the end in Mind Define your mission and goals in life
Put First things First Prioritize, and do the most important things first
Think Win-Win Have everyone-can-win attitude
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Listen to people sincerely
Synergize Work together to achieve more
Sharpen the Saw Renew yourself regularly
# 1- React Blame game #2- Begin with No End in Mind No plan #3- Put First Things Last #4- Think Win-Lose Everything is a competition #5- Seek First to Talk, Then to Pretend to Listen #6- Don’t Cooperate #7- Wear Yourself Out
Habit- things we do repeatedly Some are good: Exercising Some are bad Blaming others How can they help: Get control of your life Improve relationships Overcome addiction GET MORE DONE IN LESS TIME!!!